Vocab CH 2 Flashcards
Knowledge-deficit model of behavior change
social programs (ie. Public transportation) are underutilized because individuals lack knowledge about the program or the behavior
Action research model
the cycle begins again with the researcher
Organized set of principles that describes, explains and predictions observed events
describe a specific process and they are often integrated into theories
Compatibility principle
an information system concept that suggests the accounting system of any company should adapt to their operations, employees, and business structure.
testable prediction derived from a theory
framework that integrates theories and principles
the inferred affective, cognitive or motivational aspects of human behavior
They are inferred from people’s stated preference or actions. Person’s favorable or unfavorable evaluation of an object (or person or idea)
Rational choice theory
individuals are motivated to promote their self-interests
Social cognition
how people process, store, and apply information about other people and social situations. It focuses on the role that cognitive processes play in our social interactions.
Attribution theory
people explain behavior- both their own and other people’s
Fundamental attribution error
also known as correspondence bias or attribution effect, is the concept that, in contrast to interpretations of their own behavior, people tend to emphasize the agent’s internal characteristics, rather than external factors, in explaining other people’s behavior
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
It is psychologically uncomfortable when people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behavior about themselves or their surroundings are not congruent.
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
attempts to clarify the generally weak relationship between attitudes and behaviors