Vocab CAPVT XXI Flashcards
cása, cásae, f.,
house, cottage, hut
caúsa, caúsae, f.,
cause, reason; case, situation;
caúsā, abl with a preceding gen.
for the sake of, on account of
fenéstra, fenéstrae, f.,
finis, finis, m.
end, limit, boundary, purpose
fines, finium
boundaries, territory
gens, gentis
clan, race, nation, people
múndus, múndī, m.,
world, universe
navis, navis, f.
ship, boat
sálūs, salutis, f
health, safety; greeting
Troia, Troiae, f.
vīcinus, vīcinī, m., and vīcina, vīcinae, f.
vúlgus, vúlgī, n.
the common people, mob, rabble
ásper, áspera, ásperum,
rough, harsh
átque or ac
and, also, and even, and in fact
íterum, adv.,
again, a second time
contíneō, continere, contínuī, conténtum,
to hold together, contain, keep, enclose, restrain
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum
to bid, order, command
laboro, laborare, loboravi, laboratum
to labor, be in distress
rápiō, rápere, rápuī, ráptum,
to seize, snatch, carry away
relínquō, relínquere, reliquī, relíctum,
to leave behind, leave, abandon, desert
scíō, scire, scivī, scitum,
to know
scientia, nescīre,
to now know, to be ignorant of
tángō, tángere, tétigī, tactum,
to touch