Vocab CAPVT XVI Flashcards
aetas, aetatis, f.
Period of life, age, an age, time
auditor, auditoris, m.
hearer, listener, member of an audience
clementia, clementiae, f.
mindless, gentleness, mercy
mens, mentis, f.
mind, thought, intention
satura, saturae, f.
acer, acris, acre
shaper, keen, eager, severe, fierce
brevis, breve
short, small, brief
celer, celeris, celere
swift, quick, rapid
difficilis, difficile
hard, difficult, troublesome
dulcis, duice
sweet, pleasant, agreeable
facilis, facile
easy, agreeable
fortis, forte
strong, brave
ingens, gen. ingentis
iucundus, iucunda, iucundum
pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing
longus, longa, longum
omnis, omne
every, all
potens, gen potentis
able, powerful, mighty, strong
senex, gen, senis
old aged, old man
rego, regere, rexi, rectum
to rule, guide, direct