Vocab - Baroque-Beethoven Flashcards
“To sing alone”
The shift in Baroque era to solo madrigals, arias, and recitatives to more effectively communicate raw human emotions.
basso continuo
“Thorough bass”
A bass line that provides a continuous bass for the melody above.
The text that conveys the story of an opera.
Stile rappresentativo
Dramatic style or theater style
cori spezzatti
“broken choir”
Used in St. Marks in Venice. Music for multiple choirs placed in different parts of a building.
Stile concertato
“Concerted style”. A broadly used term to identify Baroque music marked by grand scale and strong contrast. Used separate units of voices and instruments.
Concerto derives from the same word, means “to act together” or “to perform together”.
“Something sung”. Primary genre of vocal chamber music in the Baroque era.
ground bass/basso ostinato
A bass line that repeats note for note.
Spanish origin, originally separate and distinct bass melodies. Became interchangable.
“Something sounded” Genre of music that developed in the Baroque era.