Vocab 81-100 Flashcards
Secret cooperation, often in order to cheat or deceive
coLLUsion (verb)
Corresponding in size or degree
CoMMENsurate (adj)
Smug and overly satisfied with self achievements
comPLAcency (noun)
Peace making, resolving through goodwill
ConCILiatory (adj)
To overlook, excuse
conDONE (verb)
Leading to a result, contributing
conDUcive (adj )
Friendly, pleasant, agreeable
conGEnial (adj)
Innate, something you are born with
conGENital (adj)
Inference, guess
conJECture (noun)
To bring into being or make magically
CONjure (verb)
An expert, particularly in matters of art
connoiSSEURE (noun)
To make, to declare , holy
CONsecrate (verb)
conTENtious (adj)
The condition of being dependent on something else, a possibility
conTINgency (noun)
Feeling bad about wrongdoing, having remorse
ConTRITE (adj)