Vocab 201-220 Flashcards
Indeterminate (adj)
Not having a fixed length of time, vague
Indigenous (adj)
Native to, originating in a particular area.
Indigent (adj)
In need, poor, impoverished
Inept (adj)
Clumsy, unskilled
Infer (verb)
To draw a conclusion from facts or premises
Injunction (noun)
Obligatory directive, especially from the court.
Inordinate (adj)
Way out of line, excessive, unreasonable
Insatiable (adj)
Impossible to satisfy
Insidious (adj)
Seductively harmful, treacherous, having a subtle effect.
Insurgent (adj)
Inter (verb)
To put into the earth, to bury
Intercede (verb)
To step into (intervene), usually to mediate
Inundate (verb)
To flood, to overwhelm
Ipso facto (adv)
By the fact itself, by the nature of the case
Iridescence (noun)
Brilliant play of color