Vocab 5 Flashcards
Potential to do somethings
the process of ensuring appropriate, meaningful, and practicable outcomes in education to support improvement in learning, teaching, and educational administration.
resources that are sufficient to achieve some educational result
a process of accountability that all charter schools must undertake with an authorizer
Board of trustees
Represent their constituents’ diverse opinions and values, and they are residents of the school district they serve
a district’s plan for the upcoming year as related to anticipated revenues and expenditures
Chain of command
provide stakeholders at all levels with a person they may ask questions or report complaints
Chief Academic Officer (CAO)
a member of the Frameworks’ leadership team
Chief State School Officer (CSSO)
in charge of the supervision of the state’s public education system and is the head of the state’s department of education.
a program or policy in which students are given the choice to attend a school other than their district’s public school
a group of individuals and/or organizations with a common interest who agree to work together toward a common goal.
Compulsory attendance
Any person having custody or control of a child who is below the age of 6 years or is 17 years of age or above and who is enrolled in any of grades kindergarten through 12 in the public school shall cause the child to attend the public school in the district wherein he or she resides when it is in session
Consensus oriented
Consensus is a form of decision-making that concludes only when all participants reach agreement. It doesn’t mean that everyone in the group loves the idea; it only means that everyone agrees to live with the decision and help implement it.
Continuing resolution
A continuing resolution continues the pre-existing appropriations at the same levels as the previous fiscal year for a set amount of time. Continuing resolutions typically provide funding at a rate or formula based on the previous year’s funding.
Corporate income tax
levied by federal and state governments on business profits
Current expenditures
a percentage of direct expenditure in public educational institutions of the specified level of education
Education Management Organization
for-profit firms that provide “whole-school operation” services to public school agencies.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
authorizes federal aid for the education of disadvantaged students.
Empowering policies
the process of enabling students to have more agency over their learning experiences, develop critical thinking skills, and become more independent learners
each child receives what they need to develop to their full academic and social potential
different levels of government work
the system of policies, regulations, and decision-making structures that guide the operation of schools and other educational institutions
Home school
to teach school subjects to one’s children at home
Horizontal communication
workplace communications among people, departments or teams at the same level in an organization.
Human Resources (HR)
recruiting, retaining, and developing talent,
Human Resources
the process of teaching and engaging students with content
Intermediate teachers
lead students in fifth through eighth grade classrooms.
Interest group
an association of people who hold similar views or goals.
Intermediate units
provide educational services as needed by the educational community.
Line relationships
a statistical term used to describe a straight-line relationship between two variable