Vocab 4 Flashcards
n: the point at which something orbiting the earth is farthest from the earth; the farthest or highest point
Apogee (AP-ə-jee)
v: to remove from the earth, specifically from a grave or tomb; to receive or bring to light again
Disinter (dis-in-TUR)
a: earth-centered; related to the notion that the earth is the center of the universe
Geocentric (jee-ow-SEN-trik)
n: the study of geography and politics in combination, particularly how various factors of geography influence governmental policies; the interrelationship of geography and politics; geopolitical (jee-ow-pə-LIT-i- kəl), a: having to do with geopolitics
Geopolitics (jee-ow-PAHL-ə-tiks)
n: the point at which something orbiting the earth is nearest to the earth; the lowest or nearest point
Perigee (PER-ə-jee)
n: an advance feeling that something is going to happen; a premonition of foreboding
Presentiment (pri-ZEN-tə-mənt)
a: related to feeling or experiencing things through the senses
Sensory (SEN-sər-ee)
a: beneath the surface of the earth; hidden or
secret; n, a creature living underground
Subterranean (sub-tə-RAY-nee-ən)
n: an enclosure of glass or plastic containing a garden of
small plants and sometimes animals
Terrarium (tə-RER-ee-əm)
a: of the earth, as opposed to the heavens; wordly or common; land-dwelling rather than aquatic or water-dwelling; n, an inhabitant of the earth
Terrestrial (tə-RES-tree-əl)
n: (the act or process of introducing) something new and different; an improvement
Innovation (in-ə-VAY-shən)
n: a new word or an old word used in new ways, as disinformation, meaning “a lie”
Neologism (nee-AHL-ə-jiz-əm)
a: related to or affecting an infant, especially during the early months of life
Neonatal (nee-ow-NAYT-əl)
n: a new convert, as to a religion, and thus a beginner or novice
Neophyte (NEE-ə-fiyt)
a: of recent origin, and thus new or modern; n, a modern person, or one willing to accept new ideas and practices, and perhaps without sufficient reflection
Neoteric (nee-ə-TER-ik)
a: new and old at the same time; n, an idea or object that is simultaneously modern yet old or from the past
Novantique (NOWV-an-teek)
n: the quality of newness or freshness; anything that is new and fresh; a clever little article, often cheaply made
Novelty (NAHV-əl-tee)
n: a person new at any task or activity; a beginner or neophyte
Novice (NAHV-is)
v: literally, to please; to calm another’s anger; to appease or
Placate (PLAY-kayt)
v: to make (appear) new and fresh again; to renew or restore
Renovate (REN-ə-vayt)
n: a close relationship or attraction; a natural liking or sympathy; a connection
Affinity (ə-FIN-ə-tee)
a: that sets or settles limits or boundaries in an accurate, reliable, and authoritative way; decisive or conclusive
Definitive (di-FIN-ə-tiv)
n: a grand ending or conclusion, as of a performance
Finale (fi-NAL-ee, fi-NAH-lee)
a: limited or bordered by time or by any measurement
Finite (FIY-niyt)
a: without end, bounds, or limits; endless
Infinite (IN-fə-nit)
a: seeming to have no end; tiresomely long; protracted
Interminable (in-TURM-ə-nə-bəl)
a: at or near the end; ending; near death or causing death; n, a computer station, train station, or airport—all at the end of some type of line
Terminal (TUR-mə-nəl)
v: to bring to an end or conclusion; to end or stop; to kill; to fire
Terminate (TUR-mə-nayt)
n: the vocabulary or terms used in a particular occupation or field of study, which literally define the limits or boundaries of that occupation or field of study
Terminology (tur-mə-NAHL-ə-jee)
a: empty, in the sense of being devoid of meaning, intelligence, or interest; lacking serious content; stupid
Vacuous (VAK-yə-wəs)
a: possessing unlimited power or authority; all powerful
Omnipotent (ahm-NIP-ə-tənt)
a: present in all places at the same time
Omnipresent (ahm-ni-PREZ-ənt)
a: all-knowing; possessing infinite knowledge
Omniscient (ahm-NISH-ənt)
a: eating both animal and vegetable matter; consuming everything available, as with the mind
Omnivorous (ahm-NIV-ər-əs)
n: a (supposed) remedy for all problems; a cure-all
Panacea (pan-ə-SEE-ə)
a: sensitive to all visible colors
Panchromatic (pan-krow-MAT-ik)
a: occurring over a wide geographical area and affecting a large percentage of the population; universal; n, a disease occurring over such a wide area
Pandemic (pan-DEM-ik)
n: a full set of armor, and thus any complete protective covering; any splendid, impressive, or magnificent array
Panoply (PAN-ə-plee)
n: a wide and unbroken view in all directions; a complete or total view
Panorama (pan-ə-RAM-ə, pan-ə-RAH-mə)
n: the curved path of an object hurtling through space, as a missile or comet
Trajectory (trə-JEK-tə-ree)