Vocab 2 Flashcards
A running or flowing together; a large open area, as in building, where crowds gather or pass through; a broad thoroughfare.
Concourse (KAHN-kors).
a: running together, in a sense if occurring at the same time; acting together or cooperating.
Concurrent (ken-KUR-ent).
n: originally, a messenger who ran with an urgent message; any person, agency, or service that carries mail; a tour guide.
Courier (KOOR-ee-er).
a: running over quickly with little attention to detail; hasty or superficial.
Cursory (KUR-se-ree).
a: running or wandering from topic to topic; rambling or digressive.
Discursive (dis-KUR-siv).
v: literally, to run toward, and thus to bring (something bad) upon oneself; to become liable or subject to.
Incure (in-KUR).
n: a running into, and thus a sudden (brief) raid or invasion.
Incursion (in-KUR-zhen).
n: a person or event that runs before; a forerunner, harbinger,
or predecessor.
Precursor (pri-KUR-ser).
a: running back, and thus returning again and again; intermittent.
Recurrent (ri-KUR-ent).
a: relating to or caused by a toxin or poison; poisonous
Toxic (TAHK-sik).
n: a strong and deep feeling of dislike; hatred.
Antipathy (an-TIP-e-thee).
n: a total lack of emotion, interest, feeling, or concern;
Apathy (AP-e-thee).
a: eager to quarrel or fight; hostile or warlike.
Bellicose (Bel-e-kows).
n: cardio (heart) + myo (muscle) + pathy (disease), thus a disease of the heart muscles, usually chronic and progressive.
Cardiomyopathy (kahr-dee-ow-miy-AHP-e-thee).
n: the ability to participate completely in another person’s feelings and emotions; the feeling itself.
Empathy (EM-pe-thee).
a: arousing feelings of pity and sometimes contempt; pitiful
Pathetic (pe-THET-ik).
a: resulting from or caused by disease; compulsive
Pathological (path-e-LAHJ-kel).
n: a physician who specializes in the diagnosis of disease
Pathologist (pe-THAHL-e-jest).
n: the emotional quality, as in a literary work or musical composition, that arouses pity, sorrow, or compassion; the feeling itself
Pathos (PAY-thahs).
n: thought communication (over some distance) between two or more people
Telepath (te-LEP-e-thee).
n: the way something looks when seen from a specific view; a particular appearance, as one of several possible, a phase
Aspect (AS-pekt).
a: looking good, as for the future; promising, fortunate; successful
Auspicious (o-SPISH-es).
a: easily seen; attracting attention because of unusual or remarkable qualities
Conspicuous (ken-SPIK-ye-wes).
v. to come together, as for a general or common purpose; to cause to come together; to assemble
Convene (ken-VEEN).
a: looked down on, as with contempt; deserving to be despised; mean
Despicable (DES-pik-e-bel).
n: a looking into one’s own thoughts and feelings;; self-analysis
Introspection (in-tre-SPEK-shen).
n: a looking back, as to review or examine something that has occurred in the past
Retrospect (RE-tre-spekt).
a: looking reasonable, correct, or logical at first glance, but later proving otherwise, not genuine
Specious (SPEE-Shes).
n: a vision, whether real or imagined; a ghost or terrifying aspect or any object of fear or dread
v: to look at a situation, often in advance, in an effort to figure out what will happen; to ponder or consider
n: a state of having been sent away or down, and thus death
n: a person or group sent on an important, and sometimes,
secret mission
v: to send out; to discharge; to utter
a: sent between intervals, and thus stopping and starting; periodic, recurrent
n: a written message that is sent to somewhere; a letter – often used poetically
n: a basic statement sent before, as one that is later developed or proven; a beginning position; v, to make such a statement
n: a thing that is once again in the flesh or reborn; a coming back into being, although perhaps in a different (bodily) form
a: careless, negligent, or lax in the performance of some duty, task or responsibility
n: a sending back, in the sense of a pardon or forgiveness, as for crimes or sins; a lessening or disappearance of symptoms
n: money sent back, as through the mail; the sending of such money