Vocab Flashcards
poetic techniques
teicnící fileata
native place
áit dhúchais
love of place
grá áite
he visited the island many times and the island was a refuge for him
chuaigh sé ar cuairt ar an oileán go minic agus ba thearmann é an t-oileán dó
he sensed the island from him/he missed
d’airigh sé an t-oileán uaidh
He shows the beautiful landscape of the island in the poem and the way of life of the people of the island
Léiríonn sé tírdhreach álainn an oileáin sa dán agus an sort saoil a bhí ag muintir an oileáin
The poet shows the way they depended on the elements, seasons and nature to achieve a way of life
Léiríonn an file an tslí ar bhraith siad ar na heilimintí, na séasúir agus an nádúr chun slí maireachtála a bhaint amach
the beautiful landscape
an tírdhreach álainn
the elements, the seasons and nature
na heilimintí, na séasúir agus an nádúr
they worked together and existed/lived in each other’s shadow/reflection
d’oibrigh siad le chéile agus mhair siad ar scáth a chéile
way of life
slí maireachtála
He mentions the quiet, traditional, peaceful life they had on the island
Luann sé an saol ciúin, traidisiúnta, suaimhneach a bhí acu ar an oileán
The sounds, colors and images help the poet a lot to illustrate the theme of the poem, that is, his love for his native place and the beauty of rural life
Cabhraíonn na fuaimeanna, dathanna agus íomhánna go mór leis an bhfile le téama an dáin a léiriú, mar atá, a ghrá dá áit dhúchais agus áilleacht shaol na tuaithe
the beauty of rural life
áilleacht shaol na tuaithe
We hear a rasping sound on a hot, humid day in the peaceful silence
Cloisimid fuaim dhioscánach na spáide ar lá te, meirbh sa chiúnas síochánta
clearing earth/digging
ag glanadh cré
planting the crops during the spring
ag cur na mbarraí le linn an earraigh
The image in the first verse is aimed at the eye and the ear
Tá an íomhá sa chéad véarsa dírithe ar an tsúil agus ar an gcluas
The farmer hasn’t a care in the world as he works at his own pace and rhythm
Níl cíos, cás ná cathú ar an bhfeirmeoir agus é ag obair ar a luas agus rithim féin
He has no master but himself
Níl aon mháistir aige ach é féin
The poet uses simple, concise phrases and praising, positive adjectives to show that aspect of island life
Úsáideann an file friotal simplí, gonta agus aidiachtaí moltacha, dearfacha chun an gné sin de shaol an oileáin a léiriú
praising and positive adjectives
aidiachtaí moltacha, dearfacha
simple, concise phrases
friotal simplí, gonta
the aspect of island life
gné sin de shaol an oileáin
rasping sound
fuaim dhioscánach
it represents/shows the sweetness of the sounds associated with the farmer’s work
léiríonn sé binneas na bhfuaimeanna a bhaineann le hobair an fheirmeora
sweetness of sounds
binneas na bhfuaimeanna
He does not mention the anguish and hardship of/associated with hard, physical work outdoors during a period of bad weather.
Ní luann sé an t-anró ná an cruatan a bhain le hobair chrua, fhisiceach faoin aer i rith tréimhse drochaimsire
anguish and hardship
an t-anró agus an cruatan
faoin aer
It creates an image of the men harvesting the seaweed on the island
Cruthaíonn sé íomhá de na fir ag baint na fearmainne ar an oileán
the famers used the seaweed as a fertiliser to/on the land
d’úsáid na feirmeoirí an fheamainn mar leasú ar an talamh
He refers to
tagraíonn sé
stony beach
trá chlochach
seanfhocail ‘no man is an island, we all depend on each other/the people live in each other’s shadow’
ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine
community spirit
spiorad pobail
the poet refers to nature when he mentions /describes the light and the stony beach
déanann an file tagairt don dúlra nuair a luann / cuireann sé síos ar an solas agus ar an trá chlochach
he makes a reference to
déanann sé tagairt don
the light of the sun/sunlight
solas na gréine
stony beach
trá chlochach
The adjectives show the poet’s love for the island, for example ‘niamhrach’ in verse three.
Léiríonn na haidiachtaí grá an fhile don oiléan, mar shampla ‘niamhrach’ i véarsa a trí
verse (2)
They worked hard but they worked together.
D’oibrigh siad go dian ach d’oibrigh siad le chéile.
Together they helped to achieve their work objectives
Chabhraigh siad le chéile lena gcuspóirí oibre a bhaint amach
work objectives
cuspóirí oibre
the senses
na céadfaí
The poet chooses adjectives to emphasize the tranquility and the beauty with the common phrase: ‘A dull, fairy-like scene in the West Spring’
Roghnaíonn an file aidiachtaí chun béim a chur ar an suaimhneas agus ar an áilleacht leis an gcomhfhocal: ‘Támh-radharc síothach san Earrach Thiar’
he chooses
roghnaigh sé
He creates images based/focused in the eye and ear in the last verse that motivates the senses and describes the fishermen going home in their boats full with fish
Cruthaíonn sé íomhánna bunaithe/dírithe ar an tsúil agus ar an gcluas sa véarsa deireanach a spreagann na céadfaí agus a chuireann síos ar na hiascairí ag dul abhaile ina mbád lán le héisc
it motivates
spreagann sé
the fishermen
na hiascairí
boats full with fish
báid lán le héisc
images focused on the eye and ear
dírithe ar an tsúil agus ar an gcluas
He shows the golden color of the sea; ‘on a slow golden sea’ and the peace associated with the sound of the oars
Léiríonn sé dath óir na farraige; ‘ar ór-mhuir mhall’ agus an tsíocháin a bhain le fuiam na maidí rámha
He shows that nature, the elements and the sea had a central place in the lives of the people on the island
Taispeánann sé go raibh áit lárnach ag an dúlra, na heilimintí agus an fharraige i saol na ndaoine ar an oileán
It creates a romantic, positive, ideal image of the simple, traditional life of the people on the island
Cruthaíonn sé íomhá rómánsúil, dhearfach, idéalach de shaol simplí, traidisiúnta na ndaoine ar an oileán
The love of the poet for his native place is clearly visible and the respect he had for the people of the island
Tá grá an fhile dá áit dúchais le feiceáil go soiléir agus an meas a bhí aige ar mhuintir an oileáin
native place
áit dhúchais
That theme is developed with the help of the following techniques: images, simple, concise quotations, conjunctions and positive adjectives
Forbraítear an téama sin le cabhair na dteicnící a leanas: íomhánna, friotal simplí, gonta, comhfhocail agus aidiachtaí dearfacha
‘X’ is developed…
simple, concise quotations
friotall simplí, gonta
The poet uses a quotation based on the common speech of the people
Baineann an file úsáid as friotal iatá bunaithe ar ghnáthchaint na ndaoine
The quotations are also musical in places and there is a bit of rhyme at the end of the lines
Tá na friotal ceolmhar in áiteanna chomh maith agus tá beagán ríme ag deireadh na línte