essay Flashcards
i must admit that the poem ‘…’ inspired nostalgia in me and love for my rural life
Caithfidh mé an adhmáil gur spreag an dán ‘An tEarrach Thiar’ cumha ionam agus grá do shaol na tuaithe
rewarding/satisfying and enjoyable work
obair sásúil agus taitneamhach
The poem inspired peace in my heart as well
spreag an dán síocháín i mo chroí chomh maith
The poet creates a very calm and pleasant image/picture in this poem of the islanders working together on the beach and of the sun shining on the sea in the evening
Cruthaíonn an file íomhá/pictiúr thar a bheith suaimhneach agus taitneamhach sa dán seo de mhuintir an oileáin ag obair le chéile ar an trá agus den ghrian ag taitneamh ar an bhfarraige um thráthnóna
it fills my heart with joy and serenity
líon sé mo chroí le háthas agus suaimhneas
The poem is a wonderful escape from heartache
Is éalú iontach é an dán ó chrá croí
chrá croí
it evoked a sense of calm in me
mhúscail sé mothú an tsuaimhnis ionam
ar an iomlán
it evoked
mhúscail sé
the poet manages to stimulate the senses with his images
éiríonn leis an bhfile na céadfaí a spreagadh lena chuid íomhánna