Vocab 1 (8th Grade) Flashcards
Indentured Servants
Individual that agrees to work 4-6 years to pay for his voyage to the Americas
House of Burgesses
First representative government in North America
France’s first colonial settlement in North America that focused on the fur trade
The Middle Passage
Journey of African Slaves from Africa to North America and the Caribbean that consisted of violent capture and unbearable ship conditions that often ended in death
An economic theory that states a colony exists to benefit the home country. A country that builds its power by gaining more gold and silver
New Amsterdam
Main Dutch coastal settlement located on Manhattan Island. It would later become New York City when the British took over
This country colonized the Americas because of fur and fishing
Colombian Exchange
Global exchange of food, livestock, slaves, and diseases
Mayflower Compact
Pilgrims signed this agreement outside their charter to set up the guidelines and principles of their government
Formal agreement between two countries
Bartolomé de las Casas
16th century Spanish priest who advocated against Native American slaves and for African Slaves
This country colonized North America because of religious persecution and profit from trade and land
Protestant Reformation
Movement started by Martin Luther who wanted to reform the Catholic Church. This movement divided Europeans between Catholics and Protestants
English colony founded by Catholics, led by Lord Baltimore, who were looking for religious freedom
England’s 1st permanent colony in North America which was founded by people searching for gold. They found no gold but did make money off of tobacco
House of Representatives
House of Congress that consists of 435 members and each states representation is based on population
House of Congress that consists of 100 members with each state getting 2 voting members. Approves Presendtial appointments
Speaker of the House
Leader of the House of Representatives,which goes to the majority party, and is 3rd in line to be president
Largest sect of Christianity that follows traditions and a hierarchy that is led by the Pope
English colony founded by the Pilgrims and Puritains, who were searching for religious freedom
This country colonized the Americas to gain worldwide recognition
European country that started the age of exploration and colonization by its innovations in sea exploration
Ancient civilization conquered by Pizzaro. He stole 65million in gold and silver
Town Hall Meetings
Type of government in which all people can voice their opinions and vote on issues involving their town
Ancient civilization that was defeated by Cortes after he attacked them at Tenochtitlan
English colony founded by the Quakers, who were searching for religious freedom
The formal process of accusing a public official of unlawful activity and the removal of that official from office
Legislative Branch
Makes the nation’s laws. This branch has the power to impose taxes and declare war
Due Process
Idea that the government must follow procedures established by law and guaranteed by the Constitution
Loose Interpretation
Government has the power to do anything not specifically forbidden to it in the Constitution
Strict Interpretation
Government only has the powers specifically written out in the Constitution
Bill of Rights
The first ten amendments in the Constitution
Judicial Review
The right of the Supreme Court to determine if a law violates the Constitution
1st Ammendment
Guarantees freedom of religion, press, speech, and assembly
5th Amendment
Assures the right not to be deprived of “life, liberty, and property, without due process of law.”
Separation of Powers
The division of government power between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches
6th Amendment
Guarantees the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury
Popular Sovereinty
Political theory that government is subject to the will of the people
Judicial Branch
Interprets the nation’s laws. This branch can hear cases of maritime law and those involving controversies between the states
Checks and Balances
The system in which each branch of government has certain powers over the other two branches so that no one branch becomes too powerful
Representative Government
People exercise control by electing representatives
The power of the president to reject a bill and prevent it from becoming a law
Executive Branch
Carries out the nation’s laws and policies. This branch has the power to command the military and grant pardons to individuals convicted of a crime
The sharing of power between federal (national) and state governments
Two-House Legislature
Marbury vs. Madison
Supreme Court case which established the precedent of Judicial Review
Secretary of State
Member of the president’s cabinet that handles relations with foreign countries
Secretary of Defense
Member of the president’s cabinet that is concerned with the Armed Forces
Attorney General
Member of the president’s cabinet that handles the government’s legal matters
Electoral College
Group of electors from each state that meets every four years to vote for the President and Vice-Pesident
Secretary of Treasury
Member of the President’s cabinet that deals with financial matters
4th Amendment
Protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures
8th Amendment
Protects against cruel and unusual punishments
2nd Amendment
Guarantees the right to keep and bear arms
10th Amendment
All powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states
3rd Amendment
Says you don’t have to house soldiers in your home during times of peace
7th Amendment
Guarantees the right to a jury trial in civil cases when you are being sued over $20
9th Amendment
Says you have other rights not named in the first 8 amendments
Rhode Island
English Colony that was founded by Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson who wanted to create a government that was separate of religious influence
Religious group settling in America to create a religious utopia to serve as an example or a “city on a hill” to the rest of the world