Vocab 1 Flashcards
a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another without requiring matter to move the entire distance.
a substance through which a wave moves
Mechanical wave
Mechanical wave - A wave such as a sound or seismic wave that transfers kinetic energy through matter
Transverse wave
A wave in which the disturbance moves right at the angles to the direction of the wave
Longitudinal wave
A type of wave in which the disturbance move in the same direction of that the wave travels
Crest - the highest point of a wave
The lowest point of a wave is called a trough.
The maximum distance that a disturbance causes a medium to move from its rest position
The distance from one crest to another
The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given period of time
The bouncing back of a wave after it hits a barrier
The bending of light as it crosses a boundary between two mediums at an angle other than 90 degrees
The spreading out of waves as they pass through an opening or around the edges of an obstacle
The meeting and combining of waves: the adding or subtracting of wave amplitudes that occur as waves overlap
Electromagnetic wave
A type of wave such as light wave or radio wave that does not require a medium to travel through a disturbance that rough a field
Energy that travels across distances in the form of electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic spectrum
The range of all electromagnetic frequencies
Radio waves
The part of a electromagnetic spectrum that consist of waves of the lowest frequencies
Part of the electromagnetic spectrum that consist of waves with higher frequencies than radio waves than radio waves but lower frequencies than infrared waves
Infrared light
Part of the electromagnetic spectrum that consist of waves with a frequencies between those of microwaves and visible light
Ultraviolet light
The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that consist of wave of frequencies higher than those visible light and lower x-rays
The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that consist of waves with high frequencies and high energies;electromagnetic wave with frequencies ranging from 10 to the 16 power to 10 to the 21 power hz (hertz)
Gamma rays
Part of an electromagnetic spectrum that consist of waves with the highest frequencies
The passage of waves through a medium
The disappearance of a wave into a medium. The energy transferred by a wave is converted into another form of energy
The spreading out of light in all directions as particles reflect and absorb light
A way of flittering light so that all of the waves vibrate in the same direction
An optical tool that uses refraction of light to separate the different wave lengths that make up white light
Primary colors
Three colors of light (red, yellow, blue) that can be mixed to produce all possible colors
Primary pigments
Three color of substances (cyan, yellow, magenta) that can be mixed to produce any possible color