Voca2 Flashcards
- objects strewn or scattered about; scattered rubbish.
- a condition of disorder or untidiness: We were appalled at the litter of the room.
- a number of young brought forth by a multiparous animal at one birth: a litter of six kittens.
- a framework of cloth stretched between two parallel bars, for the transportation of a sick or wounded person; stretcher.
- a vehicle carried by people or animals, consisting of a bed or couch, often covered and curtained, suspended between shafts.
- Law.
a. the place of a crime or cause of action.
b. the county or place where the jury is gathered and the cause tried.
c. the designation, in the pleading, of the jurisdiction where a trial will be held.
d. the statement naming the place and person before whom an affidavit was sworn. - the scene or locale of any action or event.
- the position taken by a person engaged in argument or debate; ground.
verb (used with object)
- to scatter here and there or place at intervals among other things: to intersperse flowers among shrubs.
- to diversify with something placed or scattered at intervals: to intersperse a dull speech with interesting anecdotes.
verb (used with object)
1. to wrap, bind, or swaddle with bands of some material; wrap up closely or fully.
2. to bandage.
3. to enfold or envelop, as wrappings do.
4. to wrap (cloth, rope, etc.) around something.
5. a band of linen or the like in which something is wrapped; wrapping; bandage.
verb (used with object)
- to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely.
- to drive or force by, or as if by, pushing or shoving: The crowd jostled him into the subway.
- to exist in close contact or proximity with: The three families jostle each other in the small house.
- to contend with: rival gangs continually jostling each other.
- to unsettle; disturb: The thought jostled her complacency.
verb (used with object)
to make easier to endure; lessen; mitigate: to alleviate sorrow; to alleviate pain.
1. Often, fumes. any smokelike or vaporous exhalation from matter or substances, especially of an odorous or harmful nature: tobacco fumes; noxious fumes of carbon monoxide.
2. an irritable or angry mood: He has been in a fume ever since the contract fell through.
verb (used with object)
3. to emit or exhale, as fumes or vapor: giant stacks fuming their sooty smoke.
4. to treat with or expose to fumes.
5. to show fretful irritation or anger: She always fumes when the mail is late.
the main force or impact, as of an attack or blow: His arm took the brunt of the blow.
- strictly observant of an appointed or regular time; not late; prompt.
- made, occurring, etc., at the scheduled or proper time: punctual payment.
- pertaining to or of the nature of a point.
verb (used with object)
- to make hostile or unfriendly; make an enemy or antagonist of: His speech antagonized many voters.
- to act in opposition to; oppose.
- that part of the mouth or lower course of a river in which the river’s current meets the sea’s tide.
- an arm or inlet of the sea at the lower end of a river.
- a rooflike shelter of canvas or other material extending over a doorway, from the top of a window, over a deck, etc., in order to provide protection, as from the sun.
- a shelter.
verb (used without object)
1. to travel or migrate, especially slowly or with difficulty.
verb (used with object)
- to shove or turn (someone or something) aside or out of the way.
- to sidetrack; get rid of.
- affording remedy; tending to remedy something.
- intended to correct or improve one’s skill in a specified field: remedial math.
- a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.
- the providing or supplying of something, especially of food or other necessities.
- arrangement or preparation beforehand, as for the doing of something, the meeting of needs, the supplying of means, etc.
- something provided; a measure or other means for meeting a need.
- a supply or stock of something provided.
verb (used with object)
1. to stop, slow down, or hinder the growth or development of; dwarf: A harsh climate stunted the trees. Brutal treatment in childhood stunted his personality.
2. a stop or hindrance in growth or development.
3. arrested development.
4. a plant or animal hindered from attaining its proper growth.
verb (used with object)
1. to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence.
2. to mourn for or over.
verb (used without object)
3. to feel, show, or express grief, sorrow, or regret.
4. to mourn deeply.
5. an expression of grief or sorrow.
6. a formal expression of sorrow or mourning, especially in verse or song; an elegy or dirge.
- gross injustice or wickedness.
- a violation of right or duty; wicked act; sin.
1. a blow with something thick and heavy, producing a dull sound; a heavy knock.
2. the sound made by or as if by such a blow.
verb (used with object)
3. to strike or beat with something thick and heavy, so as to produce a dull sound; pound.
4. (of an object) to strike against (something) heavily and noisily.
5. Informal. to thrash severely.
- disturbing to one’s composure or self-possession; upsetting, discomfiting.
- confusing, usually in the face of something totally unexpected; perplexing.
1. a capacious, flat-bottomed vessel, usually intended to be pushed or towed, for transporting freight or passengers; lighter.
verb (used without object)
2. to move clumsily; bump into things; collide: to barge through a crowd.
3. to move in the slow, heavy manner of a barge.
[proh-kyoor, pruh-]
verb (used with object)
1. to obtain or get by care, effort, or the use of special means: to procure evidence.
2. to bring about, especially by unscrupulous and indirect means: to procure secret documents.
3. to obtain (a person) for the purpose of prostitution.
verb (used without object)
4. to act as a procurer or pimp.
[n. rek-loos, ri-kloos; adj. ri-kloos, rek-loos]
1. a person who lives in seclusion or apart from society, often for religious meditation.
2. Also, incluse. a religious voluntary immured in a cave, hut, or the like, or one remaining within a cell for life.
adjective, re·cluse, Also, re·clu·sive.
3. shut off or apart from the world; living in seclusion, often for religious reasons.
4. characterized by seclusion; solitary.
- uttered, or to be uttered, with emphasis; strongly expressive.
- using emphasis in speech or action.
- forceful; insistent: a big, emphatic man; I must be emphatic about this particular.
- very impressive or significant; strongly marked; striking: the emphatic beauty of sunset.
- clearly or boldly outlined: It stands, like a great, stone dagger, emphatic against the sky.
noun, plural ad·ver·si·ties for 2.
- adverse fortune or fate; a condition marked by misfortune, calamity, or distress: A friend will show his or her true colors in times of adversity.
- an adverse or unfortunate event or circumstance: You will meet many adversities in life.
verb (used with object)
1. to assemble (troops, a ship’s crew, etc.), as for battle, display, inspection, orders, or discharge.
2. to gather, summon, rouse (often followed by up ): He mustered all his courage.
verb (used without object)
3. to assemble for inspection, service, etc., as troops or forces.
4. to come together; collect; assemble; gather.
5. an assembling of troops or persons for formal inspection or other purposes.
6. an assemblage or collection.
7. the act of mustering.
8. Also called muster roll. (formerly) a list of the persons enrolled in a military or naval unit.
- a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class: He is the epitome of goodness.
- a condensed account, especially of a literary work; abstract.
verb (used with object)
- to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness, trickery, etc.; evade: to elude capture. Synonyms: shun, dodge.
- to escape the understanding, perception, or appreciation of: The answer eludes me.
adjective, vain·er, vain·est.
- excessively proud of or concerned about one’s own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited: a vain dandy.
- proceeding from or showing pride in or concern about one’s appearance, qualities, etc.; resulting from or displaying vanity: He made some vain remarks about his accomplishments.
- ineffectual or unsuccessful; futile: vain hopes; a vain effort; a vain war.
- without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless: vain pageantry; vain display.
- in vain,
a. without effect or avail; to no purpose: lives lost in vain; to apologize in vain.
b. in an improper or irreverent manner: to take God’s name in vain.
[pil-grim, -gruhm]
- a person who journeys, especially a long distance, to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion: pilgrims to the Holy Land.
- a traveler or wanderer, especially in a foreign place.
- an original settler in a region.
- ( initial capital letter ) one of the band of Puritans who founded the colony of Plymouth, Mass., in 1620.
- a newcomer to a region or place, especially to the western U.S.
- a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
- an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
- the object of such devotion.
- a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
1. Military .
a. an overwhelming all-out attack, especially a swift ground attack using armored units and air support.
b. an intensive aerial bombing.
2. any swift, vigorous attack, barrage, or defeat: a blitz of commercials every few minutes.
verb (used with object)
3. to attack or defeat with or as if with a blitz: The town was blitzed mercilessly by enemy planes. The visitors really blitzed the home team.
4. to destroy; demolish: His last-minute refusal blitzed all our plans.
- of kin; related by blood (usually used predicatively): cousins who were too closely akin for marriage.
- allied by nature; having the same properties: Something akin to vertigo was troubling her.
- having or showing an affinity; kindred: They are emotionally but not intellectually akin.
verb (used without object)
- to soften in feeling, temper, or determination; become more mild, compassionate, or forgiving.
- to become less severe; slacken: The winds relented.
- a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.
- an act of carrying on war; warfare.
of or characterized by solipsism, or the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist: Her treatment philosophy dealt with madness as a complete, self-contained, solipsistic world that sane people are not able to enter.
verb (used with object)
- to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence; destroy utterly: The heavy bombing almost annihilated the city.
- to destroy the collective existence or main body of; wipe out: to annihilate an army.
- to annul; make void: to annihilate a law.
- to cancel the effect of; nullify.
- to defeat completely; vanquish: Our basketball team annihilated the visiting team.
- not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark.
- amusing; humorous.
- lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.
- strange; queer; odd: peculiar happenings.
- uncommon; unusual: the peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats.
- distinctive in nature or character from others.
- belonging characteristically (usually followed by to ): an expression peculiar to Canadians.
- belonging exclusively to some person, group, or thing: the peculiar properties of a drug.
- of, pertaining to, proceeding by, or involving synthesis ( opposed to analytic ).
- noting or pertaining to compounds formed through a chemical process by human agency, as opposed to those of natural origin: synthetic vitamins; synthetic fiber.
- Also, syn·thet·i·cal. Logic. of or pertaining to a noncontradictory proposition in which the predicate is not included in, or entailed by, the subject.
- not real or genuine; artificial; feigned: a synthetic chuckle at a poor joke.
verb (used without object)
- to happen or result as a natural growth, addition, etc.
- to be added as a matter of periodic gain or advantage, as interest on money.
- Law. to become a present and enforceable right or demand.
- tending or apt to intrude; coming without invitation or welcome: intrusive memories of a lost love.
- characterized by or involving intrusion.
- intruding; thrusting in.
verb (used with object)
1. to push forcibly; shove; put or drive with force: He thrust his way through the crowd. She thrust a dagger into his back.
2. to put boldly forth or impose acceptance of: to thrust oneself into a conversation between others; to thrust a dollar into the waiter’s hand.
3. to extend; present: He thrust his fist in front of my face.
verb (used without object)
4. to push against something.
5. to push or force one’s way, as against obstacles or through a crowd.
6. to make a thrust, lunge, or stab at something.
verb (used with object)
1. to thrust (something) forward or upon a person, especially without warrant or invitation: to obtrude one’s opinions upon others.
2. to thrust forth; push out.
verb (used without object)
3. to thrust forward, especially unduly; intrude.
- causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful: pernicious teachings; a pernicious lie.
- deadly; fatal: a pernicious disease.
- obstruction; hindrance; obstacle.
- any physical defect that impedes normal or easy speech; a speech disorder.
a person who practices deception under an assumed character, identity, or name.
verb (used with object)
1.to represent fictitiously; put on an appearance of: to feign sickness.
2.to invent fictitiously or deceptively, as a story or an excuse.
3.to imitate deceptively: to feign another’s voice.
verb (used without object)
4.to make believe; pretend: She’s only feigning, she isn’t really ill.
- stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again: an intermittent pain.
- alternately functioning and not functioning or alternately functioning properly and improperly.
- (of similar things or occurrences) appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional: sporadic renewals of enthusiasm.
- appearing in scattered or isolated instances, as a disease.
- isolated, as a single instance of something; being or occurring apart from others.
- occurring singly or widely apart in locality: the sporadic growth of plants.
- free from living germs or microorganisms; aseptic: sterile surgical instruments.
- incapable of producing offspring; not producing offspring.
noun, plural vi·cin·i·ties.
- the area or region near or about a place; surrounding district; neighborhood: There are no stores in the vicinity of our house.
- state or fact of being near; proximity; propinquity: He was troubled by the vicinity of the nuclear testing area.
noun, plural cri·te·ri·a [krahy-teer-ee-uh] Show IPA , cri·te·ri·ons.
a standard of judgment or criticism; a rule or principle for evaluating or testing something.
- capable of being read or deciphered, especially with ease, as writing or printing; easily readable.
- capable of being discerned or distinguished: Anger was legible in his looks and behavior.
noun Chemistry .
a substance that, because of the reactions it causes, is used in analysis and synthesis.
verb (used with object), cor·rod·ed, cor·rod·ing.
- to eat or wear away gradually as if by gnawing, especially by chemical action.
- to impair; deteriorate: Jealousy corroded his character.
verb (used with object), di·lut·ed, di·lut·ing.
- to make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by the addition of water or the like.
- to make fainter, as a color.
- to reduce the strength, force, or efficiency of by admixture.
noun, plural me·nis·ci [mi-nis-ahy, -nis-kahy, -kee]
- a crescent or a crescent-shaped body.
- the convex or concave upper surface of a column of liquid, the curvature of which is caused by surface tension.
[v. in-vurt; adj., n. in-vurt]
verb (used with object)
- to turn upside down.
- to reverse in position, order, direction, or relationship.
- to turn or change to the opposite or contrary, as in nature, bearing, or effect: to invert a process.
verb (used with object)
- to make known; tell; relate; disclose: to impart a secret.
- to give; bestow; communicate: to impart knowledge.
- to grant a part or share of.
1.the part of the invisible spectrum that is contiguous to the red end of the visible spectrum and that comprises electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths from 800 nm to 1 mm.
verb (used with object), in·un·dat·ed, in·un·dat·ing.
- to flood; cover or overspread with water; deluge.
- to overwhelm: inundated with letters of protest.
- tending to change or alter; exhibiting variety or diversity; varying: variant shades of color.
- not agreeing or conforming; differing, especially from something of the same general kind.
- not definitive, as a version of part of a text; different; alternative: a variant reading.
- not universally accepted.
verb (used with object), in·ferred, in·fer·ring.
- to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence: They inferred his displeasure from his cool tone of voice.
- (of facts, circumstances, statements, etc.) to indicate or involve as a conclusion; lead to.
- to guess; speculate; surmise.
- to hint; imply; suggest.
verb (used without object)
- to go or pass from a higher to a lower place; move or come down: to descend from the mountaintop.
- to pass from higher to lower in any scale or series.
- to go from generals to particulars, as in a discussion.
- to slope, tend, or lead downward: The path descends to the pond.
[dih-surn, -zurn]
verb (used with object)
- to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect; see, recognize, or apprehend: They discerned a sail on the horizon.
- to distinguish mentally; recognize as distinct or different; discriminate: He is incapable of discerning right from wrong.
- an obelisk, column, large statue, etc., formed of a single block of stone.
- a single block or piece of stone of considerable size, especially when used in architecture or sculpture.
- something having a uniform, massive, redoubtable, or inflexible quality or character.
[tam-ber, tim-]
- Acoustics, Phonetics . the characteristic quality of a sound, independent of pitch and loudness, from which its source or manner of production can be inferred. Timbre depends on the relative strengths of the components of different frequencies, which are determined by resonance.
- Music. the characteristic quality of sound produced by a particular instrument or voice; tone color.
[ik-stohl, -stol]
verb (used with object), ex·tolled, ex·tol·ling.
to praise highly; laud; eulogize: to extol the beauty of Naples.
- capable of being extended or shaped by hammering or by pressure from rollers.
- adaptable or tractable: the malleable mind of a child.
noun ( used with a singular verb )
- the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the comic, etc., as applicable to the fine arts, with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art, and the principles underlying or justifying such judgments.
- the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.
verb (used with object)
- to estimate officially the value of (property, income, etc.) as a basis for taxation.
- to fix or determine the amount of (damages, a tax, a fine, etc.): The hurricane damage was assessed at six million dollars.
- to impose a tax or other charge on.
- to estimate or judge the value, character, etc., of; evaluate: to assess one’s efforts.
- widespread; of wide extent or occurrence; in general use or acceptance.
- having the superiority or ascendancy.
spread throughout: The corruption is so pervasive that it is accepted as the way to do business.
At stake
in danger of being lost, as something that has been wagered; critically involved.
noun, plural klez·mo·rim [klez-muh-reem] Show IPA .
1.a Jewish folk musician traditionally performing in a small band.
- any award, honor, or laudatory notice: The play received accolades from the press.
- a light touch on the shoulder with the flat side of the sword or formerly by an embrace, done in the ceremony of conferring knighthood.
- the ceremony itself.
verb (used with object)
- to present as a gift; give; confer (usually followed by on or upon) : The trophy was bestowed upon the winner.
- to put to some use; apply: Time spent in study is time well bestowed.
- a line of police, sentinels, military posts, warships, etc., enclosing or guarding an area.
- a cord or braid worn for ornament or as a fastening.
1.serving as a substitute; synthetic; artificial: an ersatz coffee made from grain.
1.not possessing, untouched by, void, or destitute (usually followed by of ).
adjective, keen·er, keen·est.
- finely sharpened, as an edge; so shaped as to cut or pierce substances readily: a keen razor.
- sharp, piercing, or biting: a keen wind; keen satire.
- taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman; meticulous personal appearance.
- finicky; fussy: meticulous adherence to technicalities.
hard and continuous work; exhausting labor or effort.
verb (used without object)
to engage in hard and continuous work; labor arduously: to toil in the fields.
[v. in-kawr-puh-reyt; adj. in-kawr-per-it, -prit]
verb (used with object), in·cor·po·rat·ed, in·cor·po·rat·ing.
- to form into a legal corporation.
- to put or introduce into a body or mass as an integral part or parts: to incorporate revisions into a text.
- to take in or include as a part or parts, as the body or a mass does: His book incorporates his earlier essay.
verb (used with object), per·me·at·ed, per·me·at·ing.
- to pass into or through every part of: Bright sunshine permeated the room.
- to penetrate through the pores, interstices, etc., of.
- to be diffused through; pervade; saturate: Cynicism permeated his report.
- having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.
- deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign; detestable: an infamous deed.
noun, plural a·fi·cio·na·dos
an ardent devotee; fan, enthusiast.
- vast; huge; very great: an immense territory.
- immeasurable; boundless.
verb (used without object), strag·gled, strag·gling.
- to stray from the road, course, or line of march.
- to wander about in a scattered fashion; ramble.
noun Pathology .
- stroke ( def 6 ) .
- a sudden, usually marked loss of bodily function due to rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel.
- a hemorrhage into an organ cavity or tissue.
[v. kuhn-stroo n. kon-stroo]
verb (used with object), con·strued, con·stru·ing.
- to give the meaning or intention of; explain; interpret.
- to deduce by inference or interpretation; infer: He construed her intentions from her gestures.
- to translate, especially orally.
1.a coming into place, view, or being; arrival: the advent of the holiday season.
- full of tumult or riotousness; marked by disturbance and uproar: a tumultuous celebration.
- raising a great clatter and commotion; disorderly or noisy: a tumultuous crowd of students.
- highly agitated, as the mind or emotions; distraught; turbulent.
1.something risked or staked on an uncertain event; bet: to place a wager on a soccer match.
2.the act of betting.
verb (used with object)
3.to risk (something) on the outcome of a contest or any uncertain event or matter; bet.
- a spring of water; fountain.
- a source or origin: a fount of inspiration to his congregation.
verb (used with object), eked, ek·ing.
1.to increase; enlarge; lengthen.
Verb phrases
2.eke out,
a.to make (a living) or support (existence) laboriously: They managed to eke out a living by farming a small piece of land.
b.to supplement; add to; stretch: to eke out an income with odd jobs.
- dead and putrefying flesh.
- rottenness; anything vile.
characterized by defiance; boldly resistant or challenging: a defiant attitude.
having prescience, or knowledge of things or events before they exist or happen; having foresight: The prescient economist was one of the few to see the financial collapse coming.
warm and affectionate physical and emotional support and care.
- cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: a sanguine disposition; sanguine expectations.
- reddish; ruddy: a sanguine complexion.
- (of language) native or indigenous (opposed to literary or learned ).
- expressed or written in the native language of a place, as literary works: a vernacular poem.
noun Also called sol·ace·ment.
- comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble; alleviation of distress or discomfort.
- something that gives comfort, consolation, or relief: The minister’s visit was the dying man’s only solace.