VN17 Test Flashcards
What makes up the skeletal system
All bones in body, cartilage, tendons, ligaments
What is the function of ossification and what does that mean
- process of laying down new bone material by cells named osteoblasts
- ossification means the formation of bone
How many types of ossification
2 types of ossification
- intramembranous ossification
- endochrondral ossification
Replacement of sheet like connective tissue membranes with bony tissue
Intramembranous ossification
Replacement of hyaline cartilage with bony tissue
Endochondral ossification
What are Lacunae and what do they contain
Tiny cavities located between two lamellae or rings of bone
They contain an osteocyte or bone cell suspended in tissue fluid
Breaking of a bone or associated cartilage
The shaft or central part of long bone
Thin bones found whenever there is a need for extensive muscle attachment or protection for soft or vital parts of the body.
Flat bones
Where is the frontal bone
Forehead , roof of nasal cavity , the orbits , which are the bony sockets that contain the eye
What is the opening in the occipital bone and what is significant about it
Foramen magnum
It functions as a passage of the central nervous system through the skull connecting the brain with the spinal cord
Help form lower sides and base of the cranium
Consists of 4 parts: squamous, petrous, mastoid, and tympanic
Temporal bone
Forms anterior portion of the base of the cranium
- viewed from below looks like a butterfly
Sphenoid bone
What bones form bridge of nose
The nasal bones
What is the strongest bone in the jaw
Mandible bone
What are verterbrae
26 bones that make up the spinal column
What’s another name for sternum
What are true ribs
The upper seven pairs that articulate directly with the sternum
Largest and longest bone of the upper arm
Or thigh, is the largest and heaviest bone of the body
Or kneecap, is the largest of the sesamoid bones
Of the foot are the calcenus or heel, the talus or ankle, the navicular, and the three cuneiforms