Vitreous Flashcards
What does the hyaloid artery do?
When does it disappear?
Nourish the developing lens
Soon after birth
What % of the eye volume is vitreous?
What is the composition of the vitreous?
What is the dot on the back of the lens?
What is the function of the vitreous?
What are these whisps in the anterior chamber?
What is syneresis?
What does it cause?
What can it lead to?
Breads where this is a primary problem?
Vitreous breaks down and becomes more liquid
Strands/ clumps
Retinal detachments
Bichon Frise
Italian greyhound
What is asteroid hyalosis?
Do they move?
No, fixed particles
Old age change
What is synchysis scintillans?
Do they move or are they fixed?
Are there blood vessels in the virteous?
What is the issue with bleeding in the vitreous?
Breakdown products are toxic to the retina
Traction band, retinal detachment
How long does it take for pre retinal bleed to resorb?
What appearance does hyalitis/ vitritis (vitreal inflammation) have?
Haze hazey
How can you diagnose a persistent hyaloid artery?
Doppler U/S
Mircobubble study
What does persistent tunica vasculosa lentis look like?
Affect vision?
What can perisistent hyperplastic tunica vasculosa lentis/ persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous cause?
Which breeds are inherited?