Viticulture Flashcards
What is weeping/bleeding?
Vine leaks watery sap from pruned canes.
In the Northern Hemisphere approx what month does weeping/bleeding start?
Typically, February
What is budbreak?
First small shoots and leaves will break through buds left intact by winter pruning.
In the Northern Hemisphere, when does budbreak usually occur?
Once average air temperature surpasses 50 Fahrenheit.
What is the vine vulnerable to during budbreak?
What are the small green clusters that form on shoots?
Embryo bunches
When does flowering occur in relation to budbreak?
6-13 weeks–depending on climate
How does the grape vine start the process of fertilization?
It self-pollinates!
After embryo bunches bloom into flowers for ten days it begins the process of fertilizatio.
What is the average fruit set?
What is coulure?
Embryo berries falling from the cluster during fruit set.
What is millerandage?
Some grape flowers fail to fertilize and mature at different rates.
What is verasion?
Sugars are moved from leaf system to the fruit.
Grapes soften and change color.
What is vendange?
What is the preferred annual temperature for the vine?
50-68 Fahrenheit
What average summer temperature do red grapes prefer?
70 Fahrenheit