Vitamins and nutrition! Flashcards
Deficiency causes Beriberi (peripheral neuropathy; if wet = cardiomyopathy) and Wernicke-Kosrakoff. Found in whole grains, fortified cereal, nuts
Where is it found?
Vit B1
See Angular cheilosis, stomatitis(inflammed and sore mouth) and glossitis(inflammed tongue) with seborrheic dermatitis. CBC shows normocytic anemia
Found in dairy, eggs, meat and greens
Vit B2
Pellagra (dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia and glossitis)
See small reddish rash on exposed skin. Neurologic can present with insomina, anxiety, disorientation and delusions.
Vit B3
Causes Cheilosis (cracking around the lips), stomatitis, glossitis
Irritability, confusion and depression
Seen in meats, whole grains, legumes, nuts
Vit B6
Lack causes NT defects in fetus and megaloblatic anemia
Found in green leafy veggies, fruit, meats and fortified cereal
Folic acid
Deficiency causes neuro deficits; confusion, paresthesias and ataxia as well as megaloblastic anemia
Found in meat and dairy
Vit B12
Deficiency causes gingitivits, punctate hemorrhage and corkscrew hair
obtained in citris, strawberries, tomatoes and broccli
Vit C
Neuropyschiatritc symptoms and cerebral edema when you have too much of this
Vit A
Lack of this vitamin causes impaired coagulation; easy bruising, mucosal bleeds, melena and hematuria. Rare but more common in neonates
Vit K
What is the age? Has 2 finger pincer grasp and can stand on own. Has even take some steps independently. Able to throw a ball
12 months
what is the age? Baby cruises around and can pull self up to stand. Uses a three finger pincer and can hold her bottle/cup
9 months
What is the age? Baby can sit with trunk support and has started to roll. His hands are mostly open and reaches midline
4 months
Baby sits propped on hands, can transfer toys from hand to hand and has a raking grasp
6 months
Baby lifts head/chest when lying on tummy. Hands are unfisted 50% of the time and can track past midline
2 months
Baby laughs and turns to voice. She enjoys looking around
4 months
Baby says first works and has separation anxiety. Will come when called
12 months
Baby responds to names and babbles. Displays stranger anxiety
6 months
Baby says ‘dada’ and ‘mama’ and waves bye-bye, will play pat-a-cake
9 months
Baby is altered to voice/sound and will coo. She displays a social smile and recognizes parents
2 months