Devo Milestones Flashcards
Raises head slightly in prone position and follows w/ eyes to midline only; hands tightly fisted
Birth–1 mo
Rides a bike and writes a name
6 yo
Raises chest and head off bed in prone position and regards object through 180 arc; briefly retains rattle
2 mo
Skips w/ ALTERNATING feet and draws person with 6 body parts
5 yo
Lifts onto extended elbows in prone position; steady head control w/ no head lag and rolls front to back
4 mo
reaches with one hand, transfers objects hand-to-hand
4 mo
Balances on ONE foot adn copies a CROSS and catches a ball
Sits, but may need support; crawls and pulls to stand.
Reaches with one hand; transfers OBJECTS HAND-TO-HAND
6 months
Pedals TRICYCLE and broad jumps and copies a CIRCLE
3 yo or 36 months
Sits without support and crawls, will PULL TO STAND
9 mo
Uses pincer grasp and can finger feeds
9 months
Walks unassisted up and down stairs, kicks a ball, throws ball overhand, jumps with two feet off the floor
24 mo or 2 yrs
Cruises, stands alone; takes a few independent steps and voluntarily release items
12mo or 1 yr
Builds 4 to 6 block tower; USES FORK and SPOON; copies a STRAIGHT LINE
24 mo or 2 yrs
Walks well independently and builds 2 BLOCK TOWER and trows ball underhand
15 mo
Runs, walks up stairs with hands held.
Build 3 block tower, uses SPOONS and scribbles
18 mo
Alerts/startles to sound and fixes on face (at birth)
Coos and vocalizes reciprocally; SOCIAL SMILE and recognizes parent
2 mo (raises both sides of lips)
Identifies written letters and numbers
Knows right from left; knows all color names
6 yo
Ask what a word means, and can name FOUR colors, plays COOPERATIVE play, understands RULES and abides by them
Orients to voice; laughs and squeals and initiates social interaction
Tells a story, 100% speech is intelligible to stranger
Dresses self, puts on shoes; washes and dries hands; immaginative play
Babbles and recognizes object or person as unfamiliar
6 months
Uses 5-8 word sentences; 75% of speech intelligible to stranger
36 mo or 3 yo
Knows age and gender; engages in group play; shares
3yo or 36 mo
Imitates speech sounds (mama, dada) understands ‘no’
9 mo
Plays gesture games (pat-a-cake); understands own name, object permanence, stranger anxiety
9 mo
Uses 50+ words, two and three word phrases; uses ‘I’ and ‘me’; 50% of speech intelligible to stranger
24 mo or 2 yr
Removes simple clothing; parellel play
24 mo or 2 yr
Uses 10-25 words; points to body parts when asked; uses words to communicate needs or wants
18 mo
Plays near (but not with) other children
18 mo
4-6 words, uses jargon; responds to one-step verbal commands
Beings to use CUP; indicates wants or needs
15 mo
When performance lags significantly vs average attainment in skill area
Devo delay
Substantial difference in rates of devo btwn two skill areas
devo dissociation
inability to understand or acquire vocabulary, grammatical rules or conversation parameters of language
Language disorders
problems with articulation
problems with producing sounds and rhythm of speech
*these are expressive disorders
Interruption in flow of speech; often seen in many preschoolers, resolves by age 4 yrs and not pathologic
*stuttering is true dysfluency
any child with suspected language should receive:
full audiologic hearing assessment
Collection of chronic, nonprogressive disabilities; impairments in social interactions, communication, behavior
Autism Spectrum Disorders
- more in males, dx 18mo–3 yrs
- associated w/ Fragile X, Tuberous sclerosis
Inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness must be present by age 7 and persist for 6 mo and seen in mult environments
How do you medically manage ADHD?
Methylphenidate, Dextroamphetamine, mixed amphetamine salts, lisdexamfetamine (immediate and extended release formulations)
nonprogressive dx of movement and posture resulting from static lesion of developing brain occurring before, during or after birth
Cerebral Palsy
Causes of Cerebral palsy
periventricular leukomalacia, intrapartum asphyxia, cerebral dysgenesis, intracranial hemorrhage and vascular infarction
*postnasal causes: stroke, trauma, kernicterus form hyperbili and CNS infections