Vitamin B1 Thiamine Flashcards
What is the name of vitamin b1
what is the cofactor of thiamine b1
thiamine pyrophosphate TPP
What is the disease caused by deficiency of thiamine b1
beriberi and it effects the peripheral nervous system and =/or or the cardiovascular system system
what are the dietary sources of thiamine b1
1 yeast
2 unpolished rice
3 potatoes
4 meat
5 whole grains
6 nuts
what is the primary function of thiamine
is a coenzyme in energy producing reactions especially in carbohydrate metabolism
how is TPP involved in the oxidative decarboxylation of a keto acids
- pyruvate dehydrogenase
- a-ketoglutrate dehydrogenase
- transketolase in PPP
How is TPP located in the peripheral nervous membranes?
responsible for acytl choline synthesis and phosphorylation of sodium transport channel
what happens when thiamine is diffecient?
pyruvate accumulates and PPP stops
no energy and no NADPH
since TPP is used in neurotransmission symptoms in nervous system occurs
what are the symptoms of thiamine deficiency?
1 loss of apetite
2 constipation
3 nausea
4 depression
5 peripherc neuropathy
6 irritability
7 mental convulaion
8 ataxia
9 opthalmoglegia
10 Wernicke-Korsakoff in chronic alcoholics
this situation