Vital Signs Flashcards
What are the 2 most important times to check vitals
During a good transfusion
After medications
Normal Range for adult temperature
96.8 - 100.4
Oral/tympanic/temporal average temperature
97.6 - 99.6
Normal Rectal Temperature
98.6 - 100.4
Normal Axilla temperature
96.8 - 98.6
Normal BP for an adult
Less than 120/80
Pre-Hypertensive (Stage 1)
Systolic: 120-139
Diastolic: 80-90
Hypertensive (High)
Systolic >140
Diastolic >90
Hypotension (Low)
Systolic <90 and symptomatic
What is Radiation?
Transfer with no contact
What is Conduction?
Transfer with direct contact
What is convection
Transfer by air movement
Transfer of heat with liquid is changed to a gas
Diaphoresis Heat Loss
Visible Perspiration
When is Pyrexia harmful?
When above 102.2
What is pyrexia a result of?
Alteration in the hypothalamus
Can fever cause increase metabolism and oxygen consumption?
What are the 2 most important symptoms of a Heat Stroke
Dry and hot skin
PT presents with a body temp of 104. What is this a sign of?
Heat Stroke
What is considered Hypothermia?
Temperature <86-96.8
Equation to convert F to C
C = (F-32) x 5/9
Equation to convert C to F
F = (9/5 x C) +32
Pt has a oral temp of 98.8. What is their core temperature ?
What is the safest for measuring temperature?
What is the most accurate form of temperature taking compared to core temp?
What two pulse sites do you measure bilaterally?
Radial and Dorsalis Pedis
What are the 3 times you should take an Apical pulse?
Pulse is abnormal
Taking medications that affect the HR
Radial is inaccessible
What should you do if you cannot feel the Dorsalis Pedis pulse?
Get a Doppler
Not enough cells going to tissue
Low oxygen in the tissue
Low oxygen in the arterial
Respiratory Acidosis
Body does not blow off enough carbon dioxide
Movement of gasses in and out of the lungs
Movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide between alveoli and RBC
Distribution of RBCs to and from the pulmonary capillaries
Eupnea definition
Ventilation of normal rate and depth
Period of no breathing (time can vary)
Regular cycle where the rate and depth of breathing increase then decrease until apnea occurs.
Biot’s Respiration
Periods of normal breathing followed by varying period of apnea.
What is the name of the sounds that occurs during a BP?
Korotkoff Sounds
BP Cuff sizing
20% greater than arm diameter or 40% of circumference
How high should yo inflate the cuff
30 mmHg above base line
Whose BP runs higher men or women
What is a major underlying factor for a stroke?
Hypertension usually has symptoms. True or False?
What type of blood pressure should you expect for a Pt presenting with increased HR, clamminess, and decreased urine output
Is Hypertension or Hypotension more common in elderly?
How much can talking with your patient while taking their BP increase your results
10% - 40%
Should the PT’s leg be bent when taking a thigh BP reading
What are the 4 things to do for a low BP
Check oxygen saturation
Provide fluids
Educate PT to call when getting up
Place PT in Trendelenburg
PQRST Mnemonic
Severity and Setting
When do you reassess the patient altering giving meds?
At least 30 minutes afterwards
FUO meaning
Fever of unknown origin