Vital Pulp Therapy Flashcards
What is vital pulp therapy?
treatment aimed at preserving and maintaining pulp tissue that has been compromised by trauma, caries, or restorative procedures in a healthy state
What is an indirect pulp cap?
a procedure in which a material is placed on a thin partition of remaining carious dentin that, if removed, might expose the pulp in immature permanent teeth
___________ __________ __________ is essential to eliminate infected tissues and visualize pulp tissue conditions under magnification when pulpal exposures occur
complete caries removal
_________ caries compromises necessary observations of pulpal inflammation levels and areas of potential necrosis.
What is a carious pulp exposure?
a pulp exposure resulting from the progressive destruction of tooth structure by acids and proteolytic enzymes elaborated through microbial activity
What is the pulp inflammation like for carious pulp exposure?
underlying pulp is inflamed to a varying and unknown extent, due to the progression of dental caries
What is a mechanical pulp exposure?
an accidental exposure of the pulp by hand or engine-driven dental instruments in the absence of dental caries
What is the pulp inflammation like for mechanical pulp exposure?
if aseptic conditions are maintained the underlying pulp is usually not inflamed
What is a traumatic pulp exposure?
a pulp exposure due to a fracture of the tooth
What is a pulp cap?
treatment of an exposed vital pulp by sealing the pulpal wound with a dental material such as calcium hydroxide or mineral trioxide aggregate to facilitate the formation of reparative dentin and maintenance of a vital pulp
What is a direct pulp cap?
a dental material placed directly on a mechanical or traumatic vital pulp exposure
What are the different kinds of pulp caps?
direct pulp cap
indirect pulp cap
If a pulp exposure on a vital pulp occurs at UMKC SOD what protocol do you follow?
- isolate the tooth in question
- remove all the remaining caries
- irrigate with 8.3% NaOCl to achieve homeostasis
- gently place DYCAL in the pulp exposure and a temporary restoration (IRM, PARACORE)
- after you have filled out all of the forms and taken the radiographs needed, contact endo faculty at a later time via email and get the patient referred and/or scheduled in the appropraite clinic
What is a pulpotomy (pulp amputation)?
the removal of the coronal portion of a vital pulp as a means of preserving the vitality of the remaining radicular portion; may be performed as emergency procedure for temporary relief of symptoms or therapeutic measure
What is a partial pulpotomy (shallow pulpotomy)?
the removal of a small portion of the vital coronal pulp as a means of preserving the remaining coronal and radicular pulp tissues
If you have a controlled pulp exposure what do you do?
- direct pulp cap
- CSC Cap
- bonding restoration
If you have an uncontrolled pulp exposure what do you do?
- bleeding controlled pulpotomy
- bleeding not controlled pulpectomy (RCT)
If you have reversible pulpitis with NO pulp exposure what do you do?
cavity restoration with/without base
There is a reversible pulpitis with a pulp exposure. The dentin is sound and bleeding is controlled. What do you do?
Direct pulp cap with bioactive materials
There is a reversible pulpitis with a pulp exposure. Dentin is NOT sound and the bleeding is uncontrollable. What do you do?
There is irreversible pulpitis with a pulp exposure. Bleeding is controlled what do you do?
There is irreversible pulpitis with a pulp exposure. Bleeding is NOT controlled what do you do?
Teeth with deep carious lesions approaching the pulp and with signs of reversible pulpitis can be treated successfully by indirect capping using either…
Biodentine or Fuji IX
Pulp capping should only be performed if the surrounding dentine and pulp is….
dentine is sound and exposed pulp does not show signs of infection
What is the method for direct pulp cap with MTA?
▪ Deliver MTA with amalgam carrier or MTA carrier instrument (Dentsply); do not use plugger!
▪ Blot excess moisture from MTA with dry cotton ball/forcepts; carve MTA 1.0mm past exposure site
▪ Restore
What does the human pulp histology look like at 3 months using calcium hydroxide?
- no dentin bridge
- pulpal inflammation
- zone of necrosis under CaOH
What does the human pulp histology look like at 3 months using mineral trioxide aggregate?
- dentin bridge formation
- minimal pulpal inflammation
What cell types create tertiary dentin?
What is the success rate of partial pulpotomy in cariously exposed posterior permanent teeth?