Visual System Part 1: Eye Structures Flashcards
How is perception different from sensation?
Sensation is sensory information.
Perception is sensory information that is interpreted or given meaning based on memories, emotions, context, prior knowledge.
How is the dorsal stream different from the ventral stream of information processing in the brain?
Dorsal stream = “where” (location, movement, spatial transformations/relationships) occurs in parietal
Ventral stream = “what” (color, texture, pictorial detail, shape, size) occurs in temporal lobe
Describe the feedback loop involved in sensation?
Pigments absorb light
Receptors sample small amts of energy (env. stimuli) and generate AP
Train of nerve impulses via nerve pathway to CNS
CNS feedback regulates pigments and sensory receptors to maintain tolerable level of stimulation
What structure in the eye is homologous to dura?
Arachnoid and pia?
Dura –> Sclera (fibrous)
Arachnoid and pia –> Choroid (vascular)
CNS–> Retina (nervous)
Sclera is what type of tissue? What muscles insert?
Dense, white CT with collagen and blood vessels. Extrinsic muscles of eye insert.
What structure is continuous with the sclera? How is it different from sclera? How is it nourished?
Cornea. Continuous but clear, avascular. Draw nutrients from aqueous humor by diffusion.
What is the uveal tract? What is uveitis?
Vascular coat = choroid, ciliary body/muscle, iris
has “prolific vasculature”
Uveitis = inflammation of uvea caused by ??
___________ controls the refraction of light by the lens.
___________ controls the amount of light entering eye.
Ciliary body/muscle (ciliary body = muscle + process)
Most refraction is done by the _________.
Cornea (corneal stroma) - 2/3 of refractive power of eye
What are the 5 layers of the cornea and their functions?
- Strat. squam. non-keratinizing epithelium
- Bowman’s (basement) membrane - reduces infection
- Stroma fibroblasts - generate orthogonal lamellae of collagen fibers
- Descemet’s (basement) membrane
- Simple squamous endothelium - conveys metab. substances and H2O from aq. humor to cornea
Describe the replenishment/regeneration of the cornea.
Stem cells in the adjacent corneoscleral limbus (in between conjunctiva and cornea) generate Transient Amplifying Cells (TACs), which migrate to replenish corneal epithelium.
How is corneal DNA protected from UV?
How is the lens similar to the cornea?
Clear, avascular, nourished through diffusion.
The lens is connected to the ciliary body/muscle by ___________________.
These are _______ fibers that are contractile/noncontractile?
Zonular fibers of suspensory ligaments
CT fibers
Resting convexivity of the lens is maintained by
Outward pull of suspensory ligaments from ciliary body. Inward pull by intrinsic elastic fibers (collagen IV and glycoprotein) in lens.
Can the lens produce new elastic fibers throughout life? Are germinal lens cells clear?
Yes. Germinal zone.
No. Cells lose nuclei and become transparent after migration from germinal zone.