Visual System Flashcards
rods - peripheral
cones - central
fovea - point of fixation, highest visual acuity
Visual Fields
normal vision - 60% overlap
light from temporal visual on nasal retina (VICE VERSA)
CN 2 fibers from nasal retina cross optic chiasm (carry info about contra side)
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
relay nucleus of thalamus
Optic Radiations (geniculocalcarine tract)
fibers arise from LGN through retro and sublenticular portion of internal capsule Meyer's Loop retinotopically organized (superior fibers represent inferior visual field)
Meyer’s Loop
passes through temp lobe
represent superior visual field
Visual Cortex
terminate in cortex adjacent to calcarine fissue (superior field below fissure - VICE VERSA)
contra visual field represented
B occipital damage can lead to cortical blindness
Visual Cortex Areas
17 - primary visual cortex
18, 19 - visual association cortex
loss of half of visual field
loss of one quadrant of visual field
overlapping visual fields (i.e. R visual field of both eyes)
nonoverlapping field from each eye
Superior Colliculus Pathway
receives direct retinal input from visual, SS, and auditory inpts
projects to reticular formation (generate saccades) and C-spine (orients head via TS tract, decussates in MB)
functions to orient head and eyes to visual (mostly), SS, and auditory stimuli
lesion = inability to orient to contra visual stimuli
Retinohypothalamic Fibers Pathway
directly from retina
influence circadian rhythms
Pupillary Light Reflex Pathway
tests integrity of connection between di and MB
circuit for direct response – retina (sensory) –> optic nerve –> optic tract –> pretectum –> CN III (motor)
for consensual response, fibers cross in pretectum to opposite side CN III
Dorsal Stream
motor control, to post parietal cortex (ambient vision)
action vision, “where” pathway
info from fovea and retinal periphery = guide actions, about object characteristics
can operate in dim light
motor planning