Visual Dictionary of Architecture Flashcards
The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, which a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgements concerning works of art.
The aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives intense pleasure to the sense or deep satisfaction to the mind or spirit, whether arising from harmony or form or color, excellence of craft truthfulness, originality, or other, often unspecific property.
Critical judgement, discernment, or appreciation of what is fitting, harmonious, or beautiful prevailing in a culture or personal to an individual.
A high degree of pleasure or enjoyment
The ordering of the physical environment by means of architecture, engineering, construction, landscape architecture, urban design, and city planning
Environmental Design
The aspect of architecture and city planning that deals with the design of urban structures and spaces
Urban Design
The activity or profession of determining the future physical arrangement and conditions of a community, involving an appraisal of the current conditions, a forecast of the future requirements, a plan for the fulfillment of these requirements, and proposals for legal, financial, and constructional programs to implement the plan
City Planning, Town Planning, Urban Planning
The art, business, or profession of planning the design and supervising the execution of architectural interiors, including their color schemes, furnishings, fittings, finishes, and sometimes architectural features
Interior Design
The aspect of architecture and interior design that deals with the planning, layout, design, and furnishing of spaces within a proposed or existing building.
Space Planning
A branch of knowledge dealing with a body of facts or truths obtained by direct observation, experimental investigation, and methodical study, systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws
The conscience use of skill, craft, and creative imagination in the production of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance
Applied science: the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical methods and materials, and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment
The science of an art or the arts in general
The science or art of shaping, ornamenting, or assembling materials in building construction
The unifying structure or concept of an artistic work
The state or quality of being solidly constructed
The art and science of applying scientific principles to practical ends in the design and construction of structures, machines, and systems.
Any of the sciences, such as sociology and anthropology, that seek to discover general truths from the observation of human behavior in society.
Behavioral Science
The science of human social institutions and relationships, specifically the study of the origin, development, structure, functioning, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings
The science of human beings specifically the study of the origins, physical and cultural development, and environmental and social relations of humankind
The art, business, or profession of designing, arranging, or modifying the features of a landscape for aesthetic or practical reasons
Landscape Architecture
An approach to architecture that strives to counter a lack of identity or sense of place by utilizing the geographical context of a building to guide its design response to topography, climate, light, and tectonic form
A curved structure for spanning an opening, designed to support a vertical load primarily by axial compression
An arch constructed of individual stone or brick voussoirs
Masonry Arch
Any of the wedge-shapes units in a masonry arch or vault, having side cuts converging at one of the arch centers
The first voussoir resting on the impost of an arch
The wedge-shaped, often embellished voussoir at the crown of an arch, serving to lock the other voussoirs in place
The height of an arch from the spring line to the highest point of the intrados
The exterior curve, surface, or boundary of the visible face of an arch
Extrados, Back
A decorative molding or band on the face of an arch following the curve of the intrados
The inner curve or surface of an arch forming the concave underside
The point at which an arch, vault, or dome rises from its support
Spring, Springing
The highest part or point of a convex construction, such as an arch, vault, or roadway
Either side of an arch curving down from the crown to the impost
The uppermost part of an abutment, often in the form of a block, capital, or molding, from which an arch springs.
The triangular-shaped, sometimes ornamented area between the extrados of two adjoining arches, or between the left or right extrados of an arch and the rectangular framework surrounding it
Spandrel, Spandril
An archway having sides or jambs not at right angles with the face of its abutments
Skew Arch
Any of several concentric rings of masonry forming an arch especially when each projects beyond
A crosspiece connecting the ribs in a centering
Lag, Bolster
A temporary framework for supporting a masonry arch or vault during construction until the work can support itself
A board used as centering for a flat arch, slightly crowned to allow for settling of the arch
Camber Piece, Camber Slip
An arch having a horizontal intrados with voussoirs radiating from a center below, often built with a slight camber to allow for settling
Flat Arch, Jack Arch
A flat arch having voussoirs inclined to the same angle on each side of the center
French Arch
A primitive form of arch consisting of two stones laid diagonally to support each other over an opening
Triangular Arch
A false arch constructed by corbels for courses from each side of an opening until they meet at a midpoint where a capstone is laid to complete the work. The stepped reveals may be smoothed, but no arch action is effected
Corbel Arch
An arch having a continuously curved intrados especially a semicircular one
Round Arch
An arch having a semi-circular intrados
Roman Arch
An arch struck from one or more centers below the springing line
Segmental Arch
A stone or course of masonry having a sloping face against which the end of a segmental arch rests
An arch having one impost higher than the other
Rampant Arch
An arch resting on imposts treated as downward continuations of the archivolt
Stilted Arch
A round arch resting on two large corbels with curved faces
Bell Arch
An arch having an intrados that widens above the springing before narrowing to a rounded crown
Horseshoe Arch, Moorish Arch
An arch having a cusped intrados with three round or pointed foils
Trefoil Arch
A three-centered arch having a crown with a radius much greater than that of the outer pair of curves
Basket-Handle Arch, Anse De Panier
An arch having a pointed crown
Pointed Arch
A pointed arch having two centers and radii equal to the span
Equilateral Arch
A pointed arch especially one having two centers and equal radii
Gothic Arch
A pointed arch having two centers and radii greater than the span
Lancet Arch
A pointed arch having two centers and radii less than the span
Drop Arch
A four-centered arch having an inner pair of curves with a radius much greater than that of the outer pair
Tudor Arch
An arch having a rise less than half the span
Surbased Arch
A pointed arch, each haunch of which is a double curve with a concave side uppermost
Ogee Arch
A rigid structural member designed to carry and transfer transverse loads across space to supporting elements
The extent of space between two supports of a structure. Also, the structure so supported
The distance between the inner faces of the supports of a span
Clear Span
The center-to-center distance between the supports of a span
Effective Span
An external moment tending to cause part of a structure to rotate or bend , equal to the algebraic sum of the moments about the neutral axis of the section under consideration
Bending Moment
An internal moment equal and opposite to a bending moment, generated by a force couple to maintain equilibrium of the section being considered
Resisting Moment
A slight convex curvature intentionally built into a beam, girder, or truss to compensate for an anticipated deflection
A shear force at a cross section of a beam or other members subject to bending, equal to the algebraic sum of transverse forces on one side of the section
Transverse Shear
A projecting beam supported at only one fixed end
Cantilever Beam
A beam or other rigid structural member extending beyond a fulcrum and supported by a balancing member or a downward force behind the fulcrum
A simple beam extending beyond one its supports. The overhang reduces the positive moment at mid span whole developing a negative moment at the base of the cantilever over the support
Overhanging Beam
A simple beam extending beyond both of its supports
Double Overhanging Beam
A beam having both ends restrained against translation and rotation. The fixed ends transfer bending stresses, increase the rigidity of the beam, and reduce its maximum deflection
Fixed-End Beam
A simple beam supported by the cantilevers of two adjoining spans with pinned construction joints at points of zero moment
Suspended-Span, Hung-Span
A masonry unit of clay, formed into a rectangular prism while plastic and hardened by drying in the sun or firing in a kiln
Brick made for general building purposes and not specifically treated for color and texture
Common Brick, Building Brick
Brick made of special clays for facing a wall, often treated to produce the desired color and surface texture
Facing Brick, Face Brick
The process of forming brick by molding relatively wet clay having a moisture content of 20% to 30%
Soft-Mud Process
Brick formed in the soft-mud process with a mold lined with sand to prevent sticking, producing a matte-textured surface
Sand-Struck Brick
Brick formed in the soft-mud process with a mold lubricated with water to prevent sticking, producing a smooth, dense surface
Water-Struck Brick
The process of forming brick and structural tile by extruding stiff but plastic clay having a moisture content of 12% to 15% through a die and cutting the extrusion to length with wires before firing
Stiff-Mud Process
The process forming brick by molding relatively dry clay having a moisture content of 5% to 7% under high pressure, resulting in a sharp-edged, smooth-surfaced bricks
Dry-Press Process
A furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying something especially one for firing pottery, baking bricks, or drying timber
Firing brick units alternately with too much or too little air to vary their face color
A brick or timber rejected as being of inferior quality
A brick made of fire clay and used for lining furnaces and fireplaces
A refractory clay used in the making of firebricks, crucibles, and other objects exposed to high temperatures
Fire Clay
A material having the ability to retain its physical shape and chemical identity when subjected to high temperatures
A dense, hard-burned brick used especially for paving
The weight of water absorbed by a clay masonry unit when immersed in either cold or boiling water for a stated length of time, expressed as a percentage of the weight of the dry unit
A white powdery deposit that forms on an exposed masonry or concrete surface, caused by the leaching and crystallization of soluble salts from within the material
A brick dimension larger than the actual dimension to account for the thickness of a mortar joint
Nominal Dimension
A brick having nominal dimension of 4” x 2 2/3” x 8”
Modular Brick
A brick having nominal dimensions of 4” x 2 2/3” x 12”
Norman Brick
Brick having a nominal a dimensions of 6” x 2 2/3” x 12”
SCR Brick (structural clay research)
A brick having nominal dimensions of 4” x 3 1/5” x 8”
Engineered Brick
A brick having nominal dimensions of 4” x 2” x 12”
Roman Brick
A brick having nominal dimensions of 4” x 3 1/5” x 12”
Norwegian Brick
A brick or tile having normal face dimensions but a normal thickness of 2”
A brick but transversely so as to leave one end whole
To chip or rub stones or bricks to a certain size or shape
A brick or other masonry unit laid horizontally in a wall with the longer edge exposed or parallel to the surface
A brick or other masonry unit laid horizontally in a wall with the shorter end exposed or parallel to the surface
A brick laid horizontally on the longer edge with the shorter end exposed
Rowlock, Rollock
A brick laid vertically with the longer face edge exposed
A brick laid vertically with the broad face exposed
A brick laid horizontally on the longer edge with the broad face exposed
Shiner, Bull Stretcher
Brick construction especially the art of bonding bricks effectively
Any of the various arrangements of masonry unit having a regular, recognizable, usually overlapping pattern to increase the strength and enhance the appearance of the construction
A brickwork or masonry bond composed of overlapping stretchers
Running Bond, Stretcher Bond
A brickwork bond having a course of headers between every five or six courses of stretchers
Common Bond, American Bond
A masonry unit specifically formed or cut to finish a course or complete the bond at the corner of a wall
Closure, Closer
A continuous course of headers or bondstones overlapping more than one wythe of masonry
Bond Course
A brickwork or masonry bond having successive courses of stretchers with all head joints aligned vertically
Stack Bond, Stacker Bond
A brickwork bond having alternate courses of headers and stretchers in which the headers are centered on stretchers and the joints between stretchers line up vertically in all courses
English Bond
A brick of half the normal width. Used for completing a course or for spacing regular bricks
Queen Closer, Queen Closure
A brickwork bond having alternating headers and stretchers in each course, each header being centered above and below a stretcher
Flemish Bond
A three quarter brick for finishing a course or spacing regular bricks
King Closer, King Closure
A form of Flemish cross bond in which the courses are offset to form a diamond pattern
Flemish Diagonal Bond
A modified English bond in which the head joints in the stretching courses are offset by half the length of a stretcher
English Cross Bond, Dutch Bond
A modified Flemish bond having courses of alternated headers and stretchers alternating with stretching courses
Flemish Cross Bond
A brick having a darker end exposed as a header in patterned brickwork
Flare Header
A brickwork bond for lightly loaded boundary walls, having a sequence of a header and three stretchers in each course, with each header being centered over a header in alternate courses
Garden-Wall Bond
A relatively permanent enclosed structure constructed over a plot of land for habitat use
The vertical extension of a building or other construction above the foundation
The exterior framework or walls and roof of a building
The underlying structure forming the foundation of a building or other construction
A group of interlacing, interrelated, or interdependent things or parts forming a complex or unified whole especially to serve a common purpose
A building of exceptional height and many stories, supported by a steel or concrete framework from which the walls are suspended
A building especially one of large size, massive structure, or imposing appearance
A complete horizontal division of a building, having a continuous or nearly continuous floor and comprising the space between two adjacent levels
Describing a building having a comparatively large number of storied and equipped with elevators
Describing a building having one, two, or three stories and usually no elevator
Describing a building having a moderately large number of stories, usually 5 to 10, and equipped with elevators
One of the upper floors of a warehouse or factory, typically unpartitioned and sometimes converted or adapted to other uses, such as living quarters, artists’ studios, or exhibition galleries
A building having several floors with large areas of unobstructed space, originally rented out for light industrial purposes and now frequently converted to residential occupancy
Loft Building
A room or space directly under the roof of a building especially a house
A useable living space within a sloping roof, usually having dormer windows for lighting
An area in a building having a clearance less than human height, but accessible by crawling especially such a space below the first floor that is enclosed by the foundation walls
Crawl Space
A room or set of rooms for the storage of food, fuel, or the like, wholly or partly underground and usually beneath a building
A cellar or other underground place for shelter during violent storms, such as cyclones, tornadoes, or hurricanes
Storm Cellar, Cyclone Cellar
A horizontal or inclined door over a stairway giving access to a cellar
A continuous supporting surface extending horizontally throughout a building, having a number of rooms and constituting one level in the structure
A low or partial story between two main stories of a building especially one that projects as a balcony and forms a composition with the story beneath it
The ground floor of a building, it is the floor immediately above the ground floor
First Floor
The floor of a building at or nearest to ground level
Ground Floor
A sunken area affording access, air, and light to a base,met door or window
A story of a building that is wholly or partly below ground level
Any story or floor below the main basement of a building
The front of a building of any of its sides facing a public way or space especially one distinguished by its architectural treatment
A principal facade or a part or feature of a facade often treated as a separate element of the design and highlighted by ornamentation
In French architecture, a term describing the central element of a building as opposed to its subsidiary wings and pavilions
Corps De Logis
A projecting subdivision of a facade, usually accented by more elaborate decoration or greater height and distinction of skyline
A major horizontal architectural division, as and a facade or the wall of a nave
Any of a number of principal compartments or divisions of a wall, roof, or other part of a building marked off by vertical or transverse supports
A major horizontal division of a wall having no exterior windows
Blind Story
Describing a recess in a wall having the appearance of a window (blind window) or door (blind door), inserted to complete a series of windows or to provide symmetry of design
A facade falsifying the size or importance of a building
False Front
The design, proportioning, and disposition of windows and other exterior openings of a building
An elevated platform projecting from the wall or a building and enclosed by a railing or parapet
A raised platform, approached by steps and sometimes having a roof, at the entrance of a house
An exterior appendage to a building, forming a covered approach or vestibule to a doorway
A porch having a roof supported by columns often leading to the entrance of a building
A courtyard before the entrance to a building or a group of buildings
A large, open porch, usually roofed and partly enclosed, as by a railing, offend extending across the front and sides of a house
A veranda especially one used as a living room
A series of regularly spaced columns supporting an entablature and usually one side of a roof structure
A vehicular passageway leading through a building or screen wall into an interior courtyard
Porte Cochere
A private or side entrance, as one for pedestrians next to a Porte Cochere
A porch roof projecting over a driveway at the entrance to a building and sheltering those getting in or out of vehicles
Porte Cochere, Carriage Porch
An open, often paved area connected to a house or building and serving as an outdoor living area
An open, unroofed porch or platform extending from a house or other building
A doorway, gate, or entrance, especially an imposing one emphasized by size and stately architectural treatment
A round, domed building, or a large and high circular space in such a building especially one surmounted by a dome
A building or structure high in proportion to its lateral dimensions, either standing alone or forming part of a larger building
A large building divided into a number of separate apartments, offices, or shops
A colonnaded or arcaded space within the body of a building but open to the air on one side, often at an upper story overlooking an open court
The principal story of a large building, such as a palace or villa, with formal reception and dining rooms, usually one flight above the ground floor
Piano Nobile
A large or principal courtyard of an Italian palazzo
A large, imposing public building or private residence, especially in Italy
A rectangular building having little width with respect to its length and height
Any of a series of columns supporting a building above an open ground level
A wing at right angles to the length of a building
Ell, El
A part of a building projecting from an subordinate to a central or main part
An area open to the sky and mostly or entirely surrounded by walls or buildings
A skylit, central court in a building especially a large interior one having a glass roof and surrounded by several stories of galleries
An open, skylit court around which a house or building is built
A court adjacent to or within a building especially one enclosed on all four sides
A courtyard especially of a house enclosed by low buildings, arcades, or walls
To assert or demand recognition or possession
To face in a specific direction or look out upon
The position of a building on a site in relation to true north to points on the compass, to a specific place or site feature, or to local conditions of sunlight, wind, and drainage
To combine, blend, or unite gradually by stages so as to blur identity or distinctions
To enclose or encompass on all sides
A whimsical or extravagant structure built to serve as a conversation piece, lend interest to a view, or commemorate a person or event, found especially in 18th century England
A small, often ornamental building in a garden
An enclosed garden in Indian architecture
A public square or open space in a city or town
An open square or public place in a city or town, especially in Italy
A square or quadrangular space or court surrounded by a building or buildings, as on a college campus
Quadrangle, Quad
A section of a street typically in the downtown area of a city, from which vehicular traffic is excluded and used as a public walk or promenade
Mall, Pedestrian Mall
An area used for a stroll or wall especially in a public place, as for pleasure or display
In Latin America, a boulevard, park, public garden having a promenade lined with shade trees
A spacious promenade, court, indoor mall, usually having a vaulted roof and lined with commercial establishments
French term for a board walk planted with trees
A shelter of shrubs and branches of latticework intertwined with climbing vines and flowers
A frame supporting open latticework, used as a screen or a support for growing vines or plants
A structure of crossed strips arranged to form a regular pattern of open spaces
A freestanding roofed structure, usually open on the sides, affording shade and rest in a garden or park
A building or architectural feature of a building, designed and situated to look out upon a pleasing scene
Clipped or trimmed into ornamental and fantastic shapes, or the work or art of such clipping
An ornamental arrangement of flower beds of different shapes and sizes
A structure of parallel colonnades supporting an open roof of beams and crossing rafters or trellis work, over which climbing plants are trained to grow
The overhead interior surface or lining of a room, often concealing the underside of the floor or roof above
A concave surface forming part of a ceiling at its edge so as to eliminate the usual interior angle between the wall and ceiling
A ceiling having the form of a truncated pyramid
Camp Ceiling
The underside of a floor showing the supporting beams and finished to form a ceiling
Beam Ceiling
One of a number of recessed, usually square or octagonal panels in a ceiling, soffit, or vault
Coffer, Lacunar
A ceiling, soffit, or vault adorned with a pattern of recessed panels
A flat or vaulted ceiling of decorative character
A secondary ceiling formed to provide space for piping or ductwork, or to alter the proportions of a room
Drop, Dropped Ceiling
Tile made in various sizes and textures from a soft, sound-absorbing materials, such as cork, mineral fiber, or glass fiber
Acoustical Tile
An acoustical tile consisting of a steel or aluminum plan having a perforated face and containing a separate layer of sound-absorbing material
Metal Pan
A secondary member of the grid supporting a suspended ceiling system, usually a sheet metal tee carried by the main runners
Cross Tee
A principal member of the grid supporting a suspended ceiling system, usually a sheet metal channel or tee suspended by hanger wires from the overhead structure
Main Runner
A thin metal strip inserted into the edges of two acoustical tiles to make a butt joint between them
A grove cut into the edges of an acoustical tile to receive a spline or t-shaped member of a supporting grid
A ceiling suspended from an overhead floor or roof structure to provide space for pipes, ductwork, lighting fixtures, or other service equipment
Suspended Ceiling
The space between a suspended ceiling and the floor structure above especially one that serves as a receiving chamber for confined air to be distributed to inhabited spaces or for return air to be converted back to a central plant for processing
A ceiling of acoustical tile or other sound absorbing material
Acoustical Ceiling
A metal grid of inverted tees supporting the acoustical tiles of a suspended ceiling
Exposed Grid
A metal grid for supporting a suspended ceiling of acoustical tiles having rabbeted joints
Recessed Grid
A metal grid supporting the acoustical tiles of a suspended ceiling, hidden within kerfs cut into the edges of the tiles
Concealed Grid
A suspended ceiling system of narrow metal strips, usually incorporating modular lighting and air handling components
Linear Metal Ceiling
A suspended ceiling of translucent panels for diffusing the light from luminaries mounted above it
Luminous Ceiling
A suspended ceiling of multicellular louvers for shielding the light sources mounted above it
Louvered Ceiling
A suspended ceiling system incorporating acoustical, lighting, and air handling components into a unified whole
Integrated Ceiling
A long narrow diffuser designed to disperse air through slots between the panels of an integrated ceiling system
Linear Diffuser, Slot Diffuser
Any of various, hard, brittle, noncorrosive, and nonconductive materials formed by the ionic bonding of metal and a nonmetal, such as brick, concrete, and natural stone
Any of various products made by firing clay or similar materials in a kiln, such as brick, tile, and pottery
Ceramic Ware
Low-fired, opaque, non vitreous ceramic ware
High-fired, opaque, vitrified ceramic ware
A hard, vitreous, translucent ceramic materials consisting essentially of kaolin, feldspar, and Quartz, fired at a very high temperature
A translucent ceramic material, bisque-fired at a high temperature and glaze-fired at a lower temperature
A fine white clay used in the manufacture of porcelain and white portland cement
Kaolin, China Clay
A vitreous, usually opaque, decorative or protective coating applied by fusion to the surface of metal, glass, or pottery
An opaque, glassy coating bonded to metal by fusing at a high temperature
Porcelain Enamel, Vitreous Enamel
The process of hardening or glazing ceramic ware by heating into a kiln to a specified temperature
To make a clay body vitreous by firing at a specified temperature
Fired at a high temperature to near vitrification and having relatively low absorption and high compressive strength
Resembling glass, as in transparency, hardness, brittleness, luster, or having low or no porosity
Fired at a low temperature and having relatively high absorption and low compressive strength
Having a moderate water absorption of slightly under 6%
Semi vitreous
Having a water absorption greater than 7%
Non Vitreous
A thermochemical bond between materials resulting from exposure to temperatures approaching the fusion point of the mixture
Ceramic Bond
The structural portion of a ceramic article or the clay materials or mixture from which it is made
Fired to harden a clay body
Earthenware or porcelain that has been fired once but not glazed
Bisque, Biscuit
Fired to fuse a glaze to a clay body
A vitreous layer or coating fused to a clay body to color, decorate, waterproof, or strengthen its surface
A fused or partially fused material that is ground to introduce a soluble or unstable ingredient into glazes or enamels
Any of various fired clay tiles used for surfacing walls, floors, and countertops
Ceramic Tile
Ceramic tile having a non vitreous body and a bright, matte, or crystalline glass, used for surfacing interior walls and light duty floors
Glazed Wall Tile
Small ceramic tile having a porcelain or natural clay body, glazed for surfacing walls or unglazed for use on both floors and walls, and usually face or back mounted on sheets to facilitate handling and speed installation
Ceramic Mosaic Tile
Unglazed ceramic floor tile having a natural clay body
Quarry Tile, Promenade Tile
Unglazed ceramic floor tile similar in composition to ceramic mosaic tile but thicker and larger in surface area
Paver Tile
A coved tile set at the meeting of a floor and wall to prevent accumulation of dirt and to facilitate cleaning
Sanitary Base
Any of the ceramic or no ceramic articles designed to be affixed to or inserted in tile work, such as tower bars, soap holders, and the like
Tile Accessory
A tile-setting process in which ceramic tile is applied over a Portland cement mortar bed 3/4 to 1 1/2 inch thick, which allows for accurate slopes and planes in the finished work
Thick-Set Process
A field mix of portland cement, sand, water, and sometimes hydrated like, used for leveling or setting ceramic tile in the thick-set process
Portland Cement Mortar
A thin coat of mortar for bonding ceramic tile to a backing
Bond Coat
A tile-setting process in which ceramic tile is bonded to a continuous, stable backing with a thin coat of dry-set mortar, latex-portland cement mortar, epoxy mortar, or an organic adhesive, 1/32 to 1/8 inch thick
Thin-Bed Process
A cementitious or resinous mix for filling joints in ceramic tile work
Tile Grout
A hollow tile of fired clay having parallel cells or cores, used in building walls and partitions
Structural Clay Tile
Ny of various cellular building units of fired clay, concrete, or gypsum, used for building walls, floors, and roofs, or for fireproofing steelwork
Hollow Tile
Structural clay tile having a glazed surface, used for facing walls and partitions, especially in areas subject to heavy wear, moisture, and strict sanitation requirements
Structural Facing Tile
A hard, fired clay, reddish-brown in color when unglazed, used for architectural facings and ornaments, tile units, and pottery
Terra Cotta
Hard-burned, glazed or unglazed terra cotta, hand-molded or machine-extruded to order as a ceramic veneer for walls or for ornamentation
Architectural Terra Cotta
Sun-dried brick made of clay and straw, commonly used in regions with little rainfall
A stiff mixture of clay, sand or other aggregate, and water, composed and dried within forms as a wall construction
Rammed Earth, Pisé, Pisay, Pisé De Terre
The forecourt of an early Christian church, flanked or surrounded by porticoes
The covered walk of an atrium or cloister
A basin for a ritual cleansing with water in the atrium of an early Christian basilica
An early Christian church, characterized by a long, rectangular plan, a high colonnaded nave lot by a clerestory and covered by a timber gable roof, two or four lower side aisles, a semicircular apse at the end, a narthex, and often other features
A building for public Christian worship
A semicircular or polygonal projection of a building, usually vaulted and used especially at the sanctuary or east end of a church
Apse, Apsis
The bishop’s throne, occupying a recess or apse on an early Christian church
A transverse open space separating the nave and the apse of an early Christian church, developing into the transept of later cruciform churches
A sacred or holy place, as that part of a church in which the principal altar is placed
The table in a Christian church upon which the Eucharist, the sacrament celebrating Christ’s last supper, is celebrated
Altar, Communion Table
An ornamental canopy of stone or marble permanently placed over the altar in a church
Baldachino, Baldachin, Baldaquin, Ciborium
The principal or central part of a church, extending from the narthex to the choir or chancel and usually flanked by aisles
Any of the longitudinal divisions of a church, separated from the nave by a row of columns or piers
Either of two raised stands from which the gospels or epistles were read or chanted in an early Christian church
Ambo, Ambon
A part of a f a church or a separate building in which baptism is administered
Baptistery, Baptistry
A sacrament of initiation into Christianity, symbolic of spiritual regeneration, marked by a ceremonial immersion or application of water
A basin usually of stone, holding the water used in baptism
A portico or vestibule before the nave of an early Christian or Byzantine church, occupied by those not yet christened
An inner narthex when two are present
A covered walk or outer narthex situated before an inner narthex
A representation of a sacred Christian personage, such as Christ or a saint or angel, typically painted on a wood surface and itself venerated as being sacred especially in the tradition of the eastern church
A screen or partition on which icons are placed, separating the bema from the nave of an eastern church
Iconostasis, Iconostas
A large apsidal extension of the interior volume of a church
Exedra, Exhedra
A low screen in an early Christian basilica, separating the clergy and sometimes the choir from the congregation
A stone coffin especially one bearing sculpture or inscriptions and displayed as a monument
The sanctuary space surrounding the altar of an eastern church
A sacristy in an early Christian or eastern church, usually on the south side of the bema
A room in a church where the sacred vessels and vestments are kept
Sacristy, Vestry
A chapel in an eastern church where the Eucharistic elements are prepared, usually on the north side of the bema
The monumental western front of a Romanesque church, treated as a tower or towers containing a low entrance hall below and a chapel open to the nave above
West work
A rose window having distinctly radiating millions or bars
Wheel Window, Catherine Wheel, Marigold Window
The space between an arch and the horizontal head of a door or window below, often decorated with sculpture
A column supporting the tympanum of a doorway at its center
A canopied recess for a religious image or icon
The major transverse part of a cruciform church, crossing the main axis at a right angle between the nave and choir
The intersection of the nave and transept in a cruciform church
A tall, acutely tapering pyramidal structure surmounting a steeple or tower
A bell tower, usually one near but not attached to the body of a church
A bulbous, dome like roof terminating in a sharp point, used especially in Russian Orthodox Church architecture to cover a cupola or tower
Onion Dome
A tall ornamental structure, usually ending in a spire and surmounting the tower of a church or other public building
A roofed promenade especially one extending inside or outside along the exterior wall of a building
A gallery or upper level on a church or hall
An indigenous Scandinavian church of the 12th and 13th centuries, having a timber frame, plank walls, a tiered, steeply pitched roof, and few windows
Stave Church
The dwelling of a hermit; more generally, a secluded place of residence or habitation for a religious person or group
An arcade especially a blind one, composed of arches resting on alternated supports and overlapping in series where the cross
Interlacing Arcade, Intersecting Arcade
A series of arches superimposed on a wall for decoration
Blind Arcade, Arcature
A series of arches supported on piers or columns
Curved or arched like a bow; a term used in describing the arched or vaulted structure of a Romanesque church or gothic cathedral, as distinguished from the trabeated architecture of an Egyptian hypostyle hall or Greek Doric temple
Arcuate, Arcuated
A pier or pilaster projecting from a wall as a support for an arch or lintel especially at the termination of an arcade or colonnade
A thickened abacus or supplementary capital set above a column capital to receive the thrust of an arch
Dosseret, Impost Block
A slender spire rising from the ridge of a roof especially one above the crossing of a gothic church
A relatively small, usually foliated ornament terminating the peak of a spire or pinnacle
A projecting ornament, usually in the form of curved foliage, used especially in gothic architecture to decorate the outer angles of pinnacles, spires, and gables
A grotesquely carved figure of a human or animal especially one with an open mouth that serves as a spout and projects from a gutter to throw rainwater clear of a building
The space about the altar of a church for the clergy and choir, often elevated above the nave and separated from it by a railing or screen
A chapel endowed for the saying of masses and prayers for the souls of the founders or of persons named by them
A mazelike pattern inlaid in the pavement of a medieval church
The principal church of a diocese, containing the bishop’s throne
A church or other edifice erected over the tomb of a martyr
A separately dedicated part of a church for private prayer, meditation, or small religious services
A circular window, usually of stained glass and decorated with tracery symmetrical above the center
Rose Window
Glass colored or stained by having pigments backed onto its surface or by having various metallic oxides fused into it while in a molten state
Stained Glass
An arcaded story in a church, between the nave arches and clerestory and corresponding to the space between the vaulting and the roof of an ailse
An underground chamber or vault used as a burial place, especially beneath the main floor of a church
A crucifix symbolizing the cross on which christ was crucified especially a large one set above the entrance to the choir or chancel of a medieval church
A screen often elaborately adorned and properly surmounted by a rood, separating the chancel or choir from the nave of a medieval church
Rood Screen
A small porch used as a chapel for penitents at the west end of some medieval english churches
Galilee, Galilee Porch
A courtyard or quadrangle enclosed by a cloister
Garth, Cloister Garth
A walk or passage, as along a cloister or behind the parapets of a castle
Alure, Allure
A typical Byzantine church plan having nine bays. The center bay is a large square surmounted by a dome; the smaller square corner bays are domed or vaulted; and the rectangular side bays are barrel vaulted
The rounded east end of a Gothic cathedral, including the apse and ambulatory
The part of a church occupied by the singers of a choir, usually a part of the chancel
A separate division behind the choir or high altar of a large church
A chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, usually located behind the high altar of a cathedral at the extremity of the apse
Lady chapel
The main altar of a church
High Altar
The part of a church reserved for the officiating clergy
An enclosed place especially the land surrounding or beside a cathedral
A covered passage, especially one between the transept and chapter house of a cathedral
Slype, Slip
The place where the chapter of a cathedral or monastery meets, usually a building attached to or a hall forming part of the cathedral or monastery
Chapter House
An assembly of the monks in a monastery, or the members of a religious house or order
A monastery under the supervision of an abbot, or a convent under the supervision of an abbess, belonging to the highest rank of such institutions
An atrium or cloister beside a church
A covered walk having an arcade or colonnade on one side opening onto a courtyard
A covered place for walking, as around a cloister
A phenomenon of light and visual perception that may be described in terms of an individual’s perception of hue, saturation, and lightness for objects, and hue, saturation, and brightness for light sources
The distribution of energy emitted by a radiant source, arranged in order of wavelengths, especially the band of colors produced when sunlight is refracted and dispersed by a prism, comprising red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
The perceived color of an object, determined by the wavelengths of the light reflected from its surface after selective absorption of other wavelengths of the incident light
Reflected Color
Designating a color having high lightness and low saturation
Designating a color having high lightness and strong saturation
Designating a color having low lightness and low saturation, and reflecting only a small fraction of incident light
Designating a color having low lightness and strong saturation
A system for specifying colors arranged in three orderly scales of uniform visual steps according to hue, chroma, and value, developed in 1890 by Albert H. Munsell. Hue extends in a rotary direction about a central axis through a spectrum of five major and five secondary hues. Value extends vertically direction from black at the bottom through a series of grays to white at the top. Chroma extends radially from the central axis at which saturation is zero, out to the strongest saturation attainable for each color’s hue and value.
Munsell System
One of the three dimensions of color; the property of light by which the color of an object is classified as being red, yellow, green, or blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors
One of the three dimensions of color; the purity or vividness of a hue
Saturation, Intensity
The degree by which a color differs from a gray of the same lightness or brightness, corresponding to saturation of perceived color
The dimension of color by which an object appears to reflect more or less of the incident light, varying from black to white for surface colors and from black to colorless for transparent volume colors
The degree by which a color appears to reflect more or less the incident light, corresponding to lightness of the perceived color
The dimension of a color that is correlated with luminance and by which visual stimuli are ordered continuously from very dim to very bright. Pure white has the maximum brightness, and pure black the minimum brightness
The merging of juxtaposed dots or strokes of pure colors when seen from a distance to produce a hue often more luminous than that available from a premixed pigment
Optical Mixing
A scale of achromatic colors having several, usually ten, equal gradations ranging from white to black
Gray Scale
The absorption of certain wavelengths of the light incident on a colored surface, the remaining portion being reflected or transmitted
Selective Absorption
A color produced by mixing cyan, yellow, and magenta pigments, each of which absorbs certain wavelengths. A balanced mixture of these colorant or subtractive primaries theoretically yields black since it absorbs all wavelengths of visible light
Subtractive Color
A color produced by combining lights of red, green, and blue wavelengths. These light or additive primaries contain all the wavelengths necessary to produce a colorless or white light
Additive Color
Designating a color inclined toward or dominated by red, orange, or yellow
Designating a color inclined toward or dominated by green. blue, or violet
A warm color that appears to move toward an observer, giving an illusion of space
Advancing Color
A cool color that appears to move away from an observer, giving an illusion of space
Receding Color
An arrangement or pattern of colors conceived of as forming an integrated whole
Color Scheme
A relatively light value of a color, produced by adding white to it
A triangular diagram developed by Faber Birren to describe the relationship between a pure hue, white, and black, which combine to yield secondary tints, tones, shades, and grays. All colors may be subjectively conceived as a mixture of the psychological primaries-red, yellow, green and blue- plus the achromatic pair of white and black
Color Triangle
A relatively dark value of a color, produced by adding black to it
A circular scale of the colors of the spectrum, showing complementary colors opposite each other
Color Wheel, Color Circle
Any of a set of colors, such as red, yellow, and blue, regarded as generating all other colors
Primary Color
A color, such as orange, green, or violet, produced by mixing two primary colors
Secondary Color
A color, such as brown, produced by mixing two secondary colors, or a secondary color with one of its constituent primaries
Tertiary Colors
One of a pair of opposing colors on a color wheel, perceived as completing or enhancing each other
Complementary Color
One of two or three closely related colors on a color wheel
Analogous Color
A combination of three colors forming an equilateral triangle on a color wheel
A combination of one color and the pair of colors adjoining its complementary color on a color wheel
Split Complementary
A combination of two analogous colors and their complementary colors on a color wheel
Double Complementary
Having only one color or exhibiting varying intensities and values of a single hue
Having or exhibiting a variety of colors
An intermediate value of a color between a tint and a shade
An achromatic color between white and black
Having no saturation and therefore no hue, such as white, black, or gray
A rigid, relatively slender structural member designed primarily to support compressive loads applied at the member ends
An upright, relatively slender shaft or structure, usually of brick or stone, used as a building support or standing alone as a monument
A stiff vertical support, especially a wooden column in timber framing
The critical point at which a column, carrying its critical buckling load, may either buckle or remain undeflected. The column is therefore in a state of neutral equilibrium
The critical buckling load for a column divided by the area of its cross section
Critical Buckling Stress
The sudden lateral or torsional instability of a slender structural member induced by the action of a compressive load. It may occur well before the yield stress of the material is reached
The maximum axial load that can theoretically be applied to a column without causing it to buckle. It is inversely proportional to the square of its effective length, and directly proportional to the modulus of elasticity of the material and to the moment of intertia of the cross section
Critical Buckling Load, Euler Buckling Load
A thick column subject to failure by crushing rather than by buckling. Failure occurs when the direct stress from an axial load exceeds the compressive strength of the material available in the cross section. An eccentric load, however, can produce bending and result in an uneven stress distribution in the section
Short Column
A column having a mode of failure between that of a short column and a long column, often partly inelastic by crushing and partly elastic by buckling
Intermediate Column
The ratio of the effective length of a column to its least radius of gyration
Slenderness Ratio
A slender column subject to failure by buckling rather than by crushing
Long Column
The radial distance from any axis to a point at which the mass of could be concentrated without altering the moment of inertia of the body about that axis. For a structural section, the radius of gyration is equal to the square root of the quotient of the moment of inertia and the area
Radius of Gyration
The amount by which an axis deviated from another parallel axis
A circular window, usually of stained glass and decorated with tracery symmetrical above the center
Rose Window
Glass colored or stained by having pigments backed onto its surface or by having various metallic oxides fused into it while in a molten state
Stained Glass
An arcaded story in a church, between the nave arches and clerestory and corresponding to the space between the vaulting and the roof of an ailse
An underground chamber or vault used as a burial place, especially beneath the main floor of a church
A crucifix symbolizing the cross on which christ was crucified especially a large one set above the entrance to the choir or chancel of a medieval church
A screen often elaborately adorned and properly surmounted by a rood, separating the chancel or choir from the nave of a medieval church
Rood Screen
A small porch used as a chapel for penitents at the west end of some medieval english churches
Galilee, Galilee Porch
A courtyard or quadrangle enclosed by a cloister
Garth, Cloister Garth
A walk or passage, as along a cloister or behind the parapets of a castle
Alure, Allure
A typical Byzantine church plan having nine bays. The center bay is a large square surmounted by a dome; the smaller square corner bays are domed or vaulted; and the rectangular side bays are barrel vaulted
The rounded east end of a Gothic cathedral, including the apse and ambulatory
The part of a church occupied by the singers of a choir, usually a part of the chancel
A separate division behind the choir or high altar of a large church
A chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, usually located behind the high altar of a cathedral at the extremity of the apse
Lady chapel
The main altar of a church
High Altar
The part of a church reserved for the officiating clergy
An enclosed place especially the land surrounding or beside a cathedral
A covered passage, especially one between the transept and chapter house of a cathedral
Slype, Slip
The place where the chapter of a cathedral or monastery meets, usually a building attached to or a hall forming part of the cathedral or monastery
Chapter House
An assembly of the monks in a monastery, or the members of a religious house or order
A monastery under the supervision of an abbot, or a convent under the supervision of an abbess, belonging to the highest rank of such institutions
An atrium or cloister beside a church
A covered walk having an arcade or colonnade on one side opening onto a courtyard
A covered place for walking, as around a cloister
A phenomenon of light and visual perception that may be described in terms of an individual’s perception of hue, saturation, and lightness for objects, and hue, saturation, and brightness for light sources
The distribution of energy emitted by a radiant source, arranged in order of wavelengths, especially the band of colors produced when sunlight is refracted and dispersed by a prism, comprising red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
The perceived color of an object, determined by the wavelengths of the light reflected from its surface after selective absorption of other wavelengths of the incident light
Reflected Color
Designating a color having high lightness and low saturation
Designating a color having high lightness and strong saturation
Designating a color having low lightness and low saturation, and reflecting only a small fraction of incident light
Designating a color having low lightness and strong saturation
A system for specifying colors arranged in three orderly scales of uniform visual steps according to hue, chroma, and value, developed in 1890 by Albert H. Munsell. Hue extends in a rotary direction about a central axis through a spectrum of five major and five secondary hues. Value extends vertically direction from black at the bottom through a series of grays to white at the top. Chroma extends radially from the central axis at which saturation is zero, out to the strongest saturation attainable for each color’s hue and value.
Munsell System
One of the three dimensions of color; the property of light by which the color of an object is classified as being red, yellow, green, or blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors
One of the three dimensions of color; the purity or vividness of a hue
Saturation, Intensity
The degree by which a color differs from a gray of the same lightness or brightness, corresponding to saturation of perceived color
The dimension of color by which an object appears to reflect more or less of the incident light, varying from black to white for surface colors and from black to colorless for transparent volume colors
The degree by which a color appears to reflect more or less the incident light, corresponding to lightness of the perceived color
The dimension of a color that is correlated with luminance and by which visual stimuli are ordered continuously from very dim to very bright. Pure white has the maximum brightness, and pure black the minimum brightness
The merging of juxtaposed dots or strokes of pure colors when seen from a distance to produce a hue often more luminous than that available from a premixed pigment
Optical Mixing
A scale of achromatic colors having several, usually ten, equal gradations ranging from white to black
Gray Scale
The absorption of certain wavelengths of the light incident on a colored surface, the remaining portion being reflected or transmitted
Selective Absorption
A color produced by mixing cyan, yellow, and magenta pigments, each of which absorbs certain wavelengths. A balanced mixture of these colorant or subtractive primaries theoretically yields black since it absorbs all wavelengths of visible light
Subtractive Color
A color produced by combining lights of red, green, and blue wavelengths. These light or additive primaries contain all the wavelengths necessary to produce a colorless or white light
Additive Color
Designating a color inclined toward or dominated by red, orange, or yellow
Designating a color inclined toward or dominated by green. blue, or violet
A warm color that appears to move toward an observer, giving an illusion of space
Advancing Color
A cool color that appears to move away from an observer, giving an illusion of space
Receding Color
An arrangement or pattern of colors conceived of as forming an integrated whole
Color Scheme
A relatively light value of a color, produced by adding white to it
A triangular diagram developed by Faber Birren to describe the relationship between a pure hue, white, and black, which combine to yield secondary tints, tones, shades, and grays. All colors may be subjectively conceived as a mixture of the psychological primaries-red, yellow, green and blue- plus the achromatic pair of white and black
Color Triangle
A relatively dark value of a color, produced by adding black to it
A circular scale of the colors of the spectrum, showing complementary colors opposite each other
Color Wheel, Color Circle
Any of a set of colors, such as red, yellow, and blue, regarded as generating all other colors
Primary Color
A color, such as orange, green, or violet, produced by mixing two primary colors
Secondary Color
A color, such as brown, produced by mixing two secondary colors, or a secondary color with one of its constituent primaries
Tertiary Colors
One of a pair of opposing colors on a color wheel, perceived as completing or enhancing each other
Complementary Color
One of two or three closely related colors on a color wheel
Analogous Color
A combination of three colors forming an equilateral triangle on a color wheel
A combination of one color and the pair of colors adjoining its complementary color on a color wheel
Split Complementary
A combination of two analogous colors and their complementary colors on a color wheel
Double Complementary
Having only one color or exhibiting varying intensities and values of a single hue
Having or exhibiting a variety of colors
An intermediate value of a color between a tint and a shade
An achromatic color between white and black
Having no saturation and therefore no hue, such as white, black, or gray
A rigid, relatively slender structural member designed primarily to support compressive loads applied at the member ends
An upright, relatively slender shaft or structure, usually of brick or stone, used as a building support or standing alone as a monument
A stiff vertical support, especially a wooden column in timber framing
The critical point at which a column, carrying its critical buckling load, may either buckle or remain undeflected. The column is therefore in a state of neutral equilibrium
The critical buckling load for a column divided by the area of its cross section
Critical Buckling Stress
The sudden lateral or torsional instability of a slender structural member induced by the action of a compressive load. It may occur well before the yield stress of the material is reached
The maximum axial load that can theoretically be applied to a column without causing it to buckle. It is inversely proportional to the square of its effective length, and directly proportional to the modulus of elasticity of the material and to the moment of intertia of the cross section
Critical Buckling Load, Euler Buckling Load
A thick column subject to failure by crushing rather than by buckling. Failure occurs when the direct stress from an axial load exceeds the compressive strength of the material available in the cross section. An eccentric load, however, can produce bending and result in an uneven stress distribution in the section
Short Column
A column having a mode of failure between that of a short column and a long column, often partly inelastic by crushing and partly elastic by buckling
Intermediate Column
The ratio of the effective length of a column to its least radius of gyration
Slenderness Ratio
A slender column subject to failure by buckling rather than by crushing
Long Column
The radial distance from any axis to a point at which the mass of could be concentrated without altering the moment of inertia of the body about that axis. For a structural section, the radius of gyration is equal to the square root of the quotient of the moment of inertia and the area
Radius of Gyration
The amount by which an axis deviated from another parallel axis
An additional moment developed in a structural member as its longitudinal axis deviates from the line of action of a compressive force, equal to the product of the load and the member deflection at any point
P-delta Effect
The proposition that a compressive load should be located within the middle third of a horizontal section of a column or wall to prevennt tensile stresses from developing in the section
Middle-Third Rule
The distance between inflection points in a column subject to buckling. The effective length of a column determines its critical buckling load. When this portion of a column buckles, the entire column fails
Effective Length
A coefficient for modifying the actual length of a column according to its end conditions in order to determine its effective length. Fixing both ends of a long column reduces its effective length by half and increases its load-carrying capacity a factor of 4
Effective Length Factor
A set of tensile and compressive stresses resulting from the superposition of axial and bending stresses at a cross section of a structural member, acting in the same direction and equal at any point to their algebraic sum
Combined Stresses
The central area of any horizontal section of a column or wall within which the resultant of all compressive loads must pass of only compressive stresses are to be present in the section. A compressive load applied beyond the area will cause tensile stresses to develop in the section
Kern, Kern Area
A point on either side of the the centroidal axis of a a horizontal column or wall section defining the limits of the kern area
Kern Point
The bracing of a column or other compression member to reduce its effective length. It is the most effective when the bracing pattern occurs in more than one plane.
Lateral Bracing
The distance between the points at which a structural member is braced against buckling in a direction normal to its length
Unbraced Length
A digital image that consists of a grid of closely spaced pixels
Raster Image, Bitmap Image
A data structure representing a generally square or rectangular grid of pixels