Visual & Audio Problems Flashcards
Topical beta-blockers (carteolol, levobunolol, timolol) / Prostaglandin (Latanoprost, Travoprost,Bimatopros)
Cromolyn sodium
Glaucoma, Wet age related macular degeneration, allergic conjunctivitis
Topical beta-blockers (carteolol, levobunolol, timolol) / Prostaglandin (Latanoprost, Travoprost,Bimatopros)
Cromolyn sodium
allergic conjunctivitis
Wet age related macular degeneration
Atropine is Contradicted in Glaucoma due to constriction of pupil Reducing flow of aqueous humor & increase intraocular pressure
Macular degeneration affects this field of vision
Macular degeneration = Center
Glaucoma = Side view
Hordeolum in the right upper eyelid. What is the first intervention
- Apply warm compress 4 x daily
- Gently preform hygienic eyelid scrub
- Obtain prescription for antibiotic eyedrops
- Contact ophthalmologist
- Apply warm compress 4 x daily
If problem continues eyelid scrub and antibiotics drops are applied
Review flashcards from NURS class
Curtain like shadows in field of vision is associated with this problem.
Change in color vision is this problem
Retinal detachment.
Side field of vision loss is probably glaucoma?
Change in color vision = Cataracts
Recent blindness. Which tasks are appropriate for UAP? SATA
- Counseling client to express grief
- Assist with ambulation in hallway
- Orientation to surroundings
- Encouraging independence
- Obtain supplies for hygine care
- Storing personal items to reduce clutter
- Assist with ambulation in hallway
- Obtain supplies for hygine care
Only things they taught you in CNA school
After cataract surgery which symptoms requires immediate attention
- Scratchy sensation in operative eye
- Loss of depth perception with patch in place.
- Poor vision 6 - 8 hrs after patch removal
- Pain not relieved by prescribed medication
- Pain not relieved by prescribed medication
Pain maybe Hemorrhage, infection, increased occular pressure.
Scratchy sensation & loss of depth perception are common.
Adequate vision my take 24 hrs to return
Sudden excruciating pain in left eye
Visual change of colored halos around lights and blurred vision.
Which interventions
- Prepare for photodynamic therapy
- Instill mydriatic agent, phenylephrine
- Instill mitotic agent, pilocarpine
- Admin oral hyperosomtic agent, isosorbide
- Apply cool compress to forehead
- Provide darkened, quiet, private space.
Symptoms = Angle-closure glaucoma.
- Instill mitotic agent, Pilocarpine
(Open trabecular network & allow aqueous outflow) - Admin oral hyperosomtic agent, Isosorbide ( Moves fluid from intercellular space to extracellular- Relieving Pressure)
- Apply cool compress to forehead
- Provide darkened, quiet, private space. (5&6 Both appropriate comfort measures)
1. Prepare for photodynamic therapy (For Age Related macular degeneration)
2. Instill mydriatic agent, Phenylephrine ( Restrict pupil & increase pressure)
What does digoxin do?
Which conditions is it used for?
Slows down heart rate to improve filling of ventricules
Congestive heart failure & A Fib
Tinnitus which combination of medication is most likely to cause it?
- Gentamycin & ethacrynic acid
- Furosemide & metoprolol
- Vancomycin & nitroglycerin patch
- Aspirin & calcium
- Gentamycin & ethacrynic acid
(Both Ototoxic)
Furosemide, Vancomycin, & Aspirin = Ototoxic but the meds they are taken with arent
Which is of greatest concern for Vertigo client
- Dizzy with hearing loss
- Episodic Vertigo
- Vertigo without hearing loss
- Merry-go-round Vertigo
- Vertigo without hearing loss
Suggest Cardiovascular or metabolic reasons
What and where is punctal occlusion and what is its purpose?
Pressing just below and outside the inner eye when instilling prescribed eye drops to avoid systemic absorption
Greatest concern
- Ear discomfort preceeded by viral infection, tympanic membrane is erythematous
- Recurrent acute otitis media four times within past 6 months
- Rapid onset pain with pruritus and sensation of fullness that started after cleaning ear canal with finger
- Severe progressive otic pain Purulent discharge & HIV Positive
- Severe progressive otic pain Purulent discharge & HIV Positive = S/S of necrotizing otitis externa, rare but fatal. With HIV can travel to brain.
- = swimmers ear and can be treated with antibiotics/ Antifungal
Stapedectomy surgical procedure for hearing loss caused by otosclerosis, (damages the stapes bone in the middle ear)
How long should you avoid swimming & air travel
How long avoid lifting heavy weight
Swimming/ air travel = 1 week
Heavy weight = 3 weeks
Preparing to irrigate clients ear canal. Which are Contradicted
- Probably perforated eardrum
- Foreign body, Probably a bean.
- Foreign body, Probably an Insect
- Being treated for Otitis media
- Use of ear candles in the past
- Probably perforated eardrum
- Foreign body, Probably a bean.
- Foreign body, Probably an Insect
(Organic matter can swell. Irritating is Contradicted) - Being treated for Otitis media (Possible spread to inner ear)
Allowed for irrigation
4. Hearing loss related to cerumen 6.Use of ear candles in the past
SE & Serious side effects
Class: Antihistamines/ Anticholinergic
Use: Motion Sickness & Vertigo
SE: Drowsiness
Contradictions: Narrow-Angle Glaucoma. Increases Inner occular pressure
Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) which S/S is early sign of POAG
- Loss of central vision
- Seeing halos around lights
- Mild eye ache.
- Loss of peripheral vision
- Mild eye ache.
Loss of central & peripheral vision and seeing halos around lights are late symptoms