Visual and Taste perception Flashcards
Revision for SAC 1 Unit 2
What is sensation?
Sensation is where we process our environment through touch, taste, sight, sound and smell. Then the information is sent to our brain.
What is perception?
The way we interpret sensations and therefore how we make sense of everything around us.
Name the 6 stages of sensation and perception
Reception, Transduction, Transmission, Selection, Organisation, Interpretation.
Reception for vision
Light enters the eye through the cornea, passes through the pupil, lens focuses light on retina which contains rods and cones
Transduction for vision
Light energy is converted to electrochemical nerve impulse and travels along the optic nerve to the brain.
Transmission for vision
Occurs along the optic nerve from the retina to the brain.
Selection for vision
Paying attention to certain stimuli images are broken up by feature detectors.
Organisation for vision
The primary visual cortex analyses incoming messages
Interpretation for vision
The brain recognises the object/person familiar
Reception for taste
Chemicals are dissolved by saliva in the process of chewing
Transduction for taste
The chemical energy is converted by the receptor cells on the taste buds into electrochemical nerve impulses..
Transmission for taste
The nerve impulses travel to the gustatory cortex, where perception continues
The iris controls how much light enters the eye
Lets light enter your inner eye
A tough clear covering that helps protect the eye and bends light as it passes through.
Aqueous humor
A clear fluid that helps the cornea keep it’s shape
Detects images focused by cornea and lens.
Blind spot
The place where the optic nerve leaves the retina, it has no light sensitive cells.
Optic nerve
Carries messages to your brain from the eye
The tough white outer covering of the eyeball.