Attitudes Flashcards
What is person perception?
The process of forming opinions about others.
What are attributions?
Inferences we make about the cause of events, the behaviour of others or our own behaviour. They can be internal or external.
Internal example:
Blaming it on yourself (being late to school because I didn’t get up early enough)
External example:
Blaming it on everyone else around you but yourself (being late to school because traffic was heavy)
What are stereotypes?
Generalised and simplified belief about a group of people. Most common are age, gender, ethnic and occupational.
What is an attitude?
An attitude is a positive or negative evaluation of an attitude object.
What is an explicit attitude?
Where people openly state their attitude and behave in a way that reflects this attitude. EG: exercising is good for me (attitude) visits the gym daily (action)
What is a implicit attitude?
When people are unaware that they hold a particular attitude until their actions reveal it. EG: moths are harmless (attitude) scream on seeing a moth (action)
What is the tricomponent model of attitudes?
Affective: feel
Behaviour: action
Cognitive: know
What is prejudice?
A negative attitude towards a group of people based on incorrect information about the group whom its directed at.
What is discrimination?
The action that expresses the attitude of prejudice.
Examples of prejudice:
Sexism, Racism, Ageism, Homophobic, Disability
Examples of discrimination:
Reluctant to help, Tokenism