Visual and Performing arts Flashcards
Define Dance
Art of movement or Artistic Movement of the body usually involving rhythm and set to music
What are the element of dance?
- SPACE: all the area where the dancer uses
- TIME: moving to the beat; choreography (preplanned moves)
- LEVELS: Does it happen high (En haut); does it happen low (en bas)
- ENERGY/FORCE: kenetic energy (movement) EXAMPLE: bending your knees first to reach a higher leap. you create a potential energy that you release when you extend your legs.
What is Meter in terms of music?
The way in which lines of music are divided into rhythmic unites comprised of both stressed and unstressed beats.
EXAMPLE: beatboxing
What is articulation in terms of music?
The way in which notes are separated or blended together within a rhythm may be described by terms such as staccato or legato (How we move our lips=articulation)
Define Staccato and Legato
Staccato= distinct and separate Legato= flowing into one another (blend)
What are the elements of music?
- PITCH: how high or low a note is (Frequency)
- MELODY: The way sounds are arranged (main part of a song) pleasing to the ear.
- RHYTHM: repetitive timing (beat of music) Tempo; meter; articulation
- TIMBRE: unique sound produced by a specific voice of instrument, rich complexity and quality.
- TEXTURE: Overall sound quality (monophonic, polyphonic, homophonic, heterophonic)
- DYNAMIC: softness or loudness of a sound in term of volume
- STRUCTURE: Overall the way music is organized
Dynamics in music can be described by words such as piano and forte…. Why is this?
Dynamic refers to how soft or loud a sound is played. It indicates the softness or loudness Piano and forte are used for descriptive reasons because
Piano means SOFT
forte means LOUD
What are the 4 different textures in music?
- MONOPHONIC (mono=1): one sound, hearing one sound, one melodic line by itself. (Soloist)
- POLYPHONIC (poly=many): Multiple voices with an independent melody (Ex: pop music__ people back up the singer)
- HOMOPHONIC (homo=same): multiple voices bit only one leading others on the background (EX: western style music like a barber shop quartet, harmonizing together)
- Heterophonic (hetero=different): multiple voices performing different notes at the same time
Define the following tempo terms.
- Lento
- largo
- allegro
- presto
Largo=very slow
Presto=very fast
What is Tempo
The speed/pace of a piece
Can be described with the terms, lento, largo. allegro. or presto
What is Dissonance and how is it caused?
Dissonance means that the sound is a little off an not pleasing to the ear this can be caused when pitches are arranged outside the accepted rules of order
Define music
The art of sound and silence that can be used to express emotions
sound and emotion is the key to music
What are some characteristics of Asia Dance styles?
dance, drama, and opera all developed as part of a singular entertainment form (exact movements) as opposed to developing separately as the west did
Define singular entertainment form
means exact movements
What are the styles of dance and their characteristics ?
- PERFORMANCE DANCES: have choreography; is theatrical and performed for an audience. (EX: ballet, jazz, tap) performance dances may require years of study
- BALLROOM DANCES: social dances, learned system of movements and cues, which a leader may use to communicate with a partner who follows. (EX: Waltz, swing, hustle, salsa, tango, mambo)
- FOLK DANCES: Common folks, traditions of commoners within a culture, historically learned (old folks)
what is a “turnout”
Referring to a common move in ballet, the turnout is the way the legs are moved outward from the center of the body
How else can dance be used culturally?
Dance can teach children about various cultures and to enhance their aesthic appreciation of movement forms. Including how movement may be symbolic and can be used to communicate emotions
EX: moving body outward position= JOY
moving body inward position = FEAR OR SADNESS
What are “called movements”
A form/basic technique for teaching dance. The song will call the movements students must do.
EX: “to the right, to the right, to the left to the left” this song is telling you exactly what to do and which direction to go.
EX: square dancing “spin your partner round and round” telling students what to do.
These are basic techniques that don’t make children memorize complex choreography because the teacher can just call out the movements
Where you jump and spin in the air
Note: some dance moves combine both axial and locomotor movement and Jete en touran and a grand jete is prime examples of the combinations.
What is a locomotor movement?
A movement where locations are being changed, the location is moving
EX: a great jump; leaping from location A to location B
What are Axial movements?
Movements that occur in place
EX: Pirouette
where a ballerina spins in place
What is a grand jete?
great jump
What does En haut mean? Give one example
En haut= high movement
EX: leaping high in the air, grand jete (great jump)
What does En bas mean? give one example
En Bas= low movement
EX: In the play, Cats people are CRAWLING (low movement) on the ground on all fours
what are basic techniques for teaching music?
- repetitive lyrics and melody
- use easy to learn instruments like the xylophone, drum,(percussion instruments) or vocal pieces with easy to remember lyrics and limited range requirements (not to high, not to low)
- good beginning music activities also offer opportunities for children to physicalize elements of music, and to use music as a way to learn about various cultures.
what is music notation ?
Represents elements of music symbolically: Music notes
What are the concepts of music notation?
- how long we hold a note
- The duration of the note
- The pitch of the note (how high or low the note is)
The music notation are key to how to play a melody. It is music language, helping people understand what they need to play
Define time value
duration for which a note or rest is held
what is a Time signature (aka meter signature)
What does the denominator and numerator represent
represented as a fraction
- the bottom of the fraction tells you how many beats the whole note gets*
Example: 3/4 the 4 represents the amount of beats which is 4 beats
Numerator = tells us the number of beats in a measure
denominator = tells us what kind of note receives one beat ( half note vs quarter note)
The lines are called the staff and the lines that go vertically are dividing it into measures and if you count the number of notes the beats that are in each measure youll see that its the same.
How many lines are on a staff?
5 lines
b what does this music note represent ?
what does this music note represent?
What do traditional asian and middle eastern musical styles consist of ?
- They are microtonal which means has lots of notes
- nuanced variations between the pitches
what are the popular instruments from the various regions
- middle east
- india
- mediterranean
- asia
- spain
middle east = oud
india = sitar
mediterranean (and middle east) = bag pipe
Asia = Xylophone
Spain ( with orgins of the middle east) = guitar
What are the elements of theater?
- Acting: actors embody characters.
- Directing: STAGE
- Design: SET
- Scriptwriting: Written
What techniques are used when acting?
internal and external acting
Internal acting = pshylogical acting, person tries to really believe they are the character, act like the character and feel what the character feels. (genuine performance is given)
External acting = mechanical style, outward style, feeling the emotions actually interfere with your ability to give a good performance. dont need to feel it internally
What is directing, what is the job or a director?
- the job of a director is to BLOCK the action, sculpt the performances, decide the staging and oversee the creative design of the production.
what is blocking?
it is a directors job, referring to how you position the actors on the stage and how you map their movements
they divide the stage up into actual squares so youd have to block. front center, front left
what are the elements of design?
It is the Set as a whole. including lights, props, makeup, costumes
what is scriptwriting?
Theatrical pieces are typically written in acts and may or may not follow typical patterns of dramatic structure
What is exposition?
where we learn about the characters and the setting
What is inciting incident?
whatever starts the main conflict of the story , the COMPLICATION
What is the rising action?
the back and forth battle between the antagonist an protagonist
what are the elements of dramatic structure?
- exposition
- inciting incident
- rising action
- climax
- denouement/falling action
what is climax?
when eventually someone wins, the protagonist are victorious
What is denouement or falling action?
not every story has it but it is after everything
what activites teach character development?
- characterization
- creating a situation in which a character must make an important choice
What is character development?
how character changes
What is characterization?
how a character is portrayed like the characters age, where they work, what they dress like, family background
How to teach children basic techniques for drama?
- activites can be scripted or improvisational
-if they are scriptes the vocab and amount of dialouge they have to memorize should be age appropriate
-improvisation: make up the story
Why is the Wizard of Oz a good play for children?
- It has a large cast of characters, many speaking parts and opportunities to involve large groups of children in musical numbers
- its vocab is simple and lines are easy to memorize
- offers creative oppurtunities for costumes and set design and for teaching stage craft
- its appropriate for diverse group of students
What are the styles of theater ?
- Aristotelian: involved constraining stories to fit within the three unities of time, place and action.
- Kabuki: japenese tradition involving ELOBORATE,colorful make up and costumes, MELODRAMATIC plotlines, skillful dance and action. (RIDICOULOUS: costumes and sets are overboard)
- Shakespearean: based on words of william shakespear, most influential playwright off the modern era
what does melodramatic mean?
heigtened drama
What are the types of stages and what do each include?
- Proscenium Staging: Traditional and has a clear separation between audience and actors. (traditional theater room)
- Open staging: there are 3 full sides of audience.
- Theatre in the round: audience is surrounding stages all 4 sides
- Enviornmental staging: not really a stage more of street performance. There is no clear distinction between audience and actors.
Visual Art: BALANCE
balance refers to the fill in space.
- Lets say we have a frame here and in the frame we have a subject. In this case it’s a man the subject is whatever the main point of emphasis is, what we’re meant to look at in the frame. If the frame is balanced there is going to be some subject matter on both sides of the frame. if it is only one side it is imbalanced.
Repeats something and emphasizes it
Visual Art: CONTRAST
different colors opposite of each other. The subject/colors stand out from one another
- You an draw trees in the background for a more balanced frame if they are all covered in snow except for one then one tree pops out at you because of contrast. If the person in the picture was very bright and then everything in the back was a lot darker that would be an example of chiaroscuro. Contrast is also a way to create emphasis. you can contrast shapes if all shapes in the drawing are round except for one that is angular. the angular one kind of pops out to you because of contrast its different in terms of its shape.
Visual Art: EMPHASIS
your eye is drawn to it. it is the focal point to concentrate on a specific thing.
*emphasis is what your eye is drawn to in the image or painting. If one tree is different color than the other trees it stands out. Another way to create emphasis is by having something more prominent in the foreground, having something more centered in the frame.
Visual Art: Unity
common theme/ one theme
- This term means how all the elements in the piece fit together. Is one part real cartoony and the rest realistic? in which case there is a disunity there. But if all the elements fit together then you have unity. There are unity of colors, shapes, subject matter
Visual Art: Line
any type of lines you may see in a piece, curvy lines, straight lines.
- ~~~~~~~ blurry lines like these can mean movement
Visual Art: Color
Primary and Secondary colors. Warm colors and cool colors. ( KNOW EACH ONE OF THESE)
Primary= red, yellow, blue (you can make other colors by using these and mixing them together)
Secondary= green, violet, orange
Warm colors= reds, oranges, yellows
Cool colors= blues, greens, violets
- colors can have emotional connotations but it depends on how they are being applies. Red can symbolize passion or anger. Blue can symbolize calm or sadness.
What are primary colors?
Primary= red, yellow, blue (you can make other colors by using these and mixing them together)
What are secondary colors?
Secondary= green, violet, orange
- you can get these colors by mixing primary colors together
What are warm colors?
reds. oranges, and yellows
What are cool colors?
blues, greens, and violets
Visual Art: VALUE
how specific the color is.
*Color value: means we have different hues of colors you could have a deep, rich red, or you could have a very light pastel pink color. Both of those are the same essential color but a very different color value, very different hue.
Visual Art: SPACE
positive and negative space
- the positive space is the space occupied by the subject of our painting, the focal of the art.
- negative space is everything else.
- You may have seen an optical illusion before that looks its vase of two people looking at each other. This plays with the idea of positive VS negative space if we consider the are inside the vase to be the negative space then the outside of it is positive space in which case you see the 2 people about to kiss but if you consider the inside of the vase tp be the positive space and the outside the negative space then you would think of it as the vase.
Visual Art: TEXTURE
rough or smooth texture
- you can create a rough texture by globbing paint on but there is also ways to create an illusion of a rough texture which is by usinf a lot of different paint colors so a lot of speckling creates the idea of rough texture. Whereas a homogeneous or singuale color creates the illusion of smooth texture.
Visual Art: SHAPE
different shapes used to form things
- the peiece may have a lot of curved shapes, circles, and ovals.
Visual Art: FORM
materials that are used to make the art piece
How is flat effect created in art?
- you can create a flat effect by using a flat surface this naturally exists when artist use canvas.
- keeping the art 2 dimensional so if the artist doesnt use techniques to create the illusion of depth then the painting will look naturally flat
How is the effect of depth created? What are the easiest and most difficult ways of creating the effect of depth?
- Imagine we have a circle and a trianle that is behind it, the circle has been overlapped over the triangle . the easiest way to create this illusion is by OVERLAPPING.
- Next we would use a SCALE. imagine there is a barn in the backgorund and then a person lounging on the ground. the person appears to be closer to use becasue of SCALE
- LINEAR PERSPECTIVE this is when we use a vanishing point and is a typical feature correlated to LINEAR PERSPECTIVE
- ATMOSPHERIC PERSPECTIVE: with atmospheric perspective we play on the idea that as things get further away from us there is less contrat in them, they are more greyed out. That is because there is more atmosphere we aslso should note that things get futher away we start to lose the warm colors and are left with more cool colors. EX if you look at a mountain in the distance the mountain might appear blue or violet but if you looj upclose the mountain is not blue or violet. It is brown and green. the reason to this is because it looks blue in the distance because of the wavelengths of light travle. Shorter wavelengths are things like blues and violets, travel further than longer wavelengths are things like reds and orange and yellows. The deeper you get the more you start to lose the reds and the yellos and then you lose the greens and then you lose the blues and the violets.
How is a static(Still) or dynamic(moving) effect created in art?
Static= still dynammic= moving.
- Things that make a painting look static is if the lines are very well-defined and kind of crisp.
- If people or objects ar standing in a way that they would normally rest with gravity
- everything in a painting is static, so you have to use techniques to make something look dynamic.
- blur lines can infer that somethin gis moving ~~~
- position in a way it normally couldnt sit with gravity unless it was moving.
What are the styles of art?
- Classical: refrencing the work of ancient greeks an the romains, the persians. ( mostly sculptures), anatomical correctness, beautification
- Cubism: cubist, Pablo Pcasso. geometric shapes, angular shapes.
- Abstract: famous abstract painter, Jackson Pollock. there is no specific subject being painted , its shapes, colors, etc.
- Baroque: popular around the 16th and 17th centries in Europe. encouraged by the church. lots of religous themes.
- Impressionism: really realistic. Trying to give a general impression of something.
- Expressionism: Munch an Munch very faous expressionist. focuses on a single moment of profound emotion or the expression of human emotion.
- Realism: trying to depict things in a relaistic way, alot of attention to details and duplicate.
- Surrealism:things you wouldnt ever really see in the real world like melthing clocks, lots of symbols.
- Dadaism: very notion of what is art and that anything can be art.
- photography
What is a simplest technique for creating a feeling of spatial depth on a flat surface?
Overlapping: In a drawing or painting overlapping estabblsuhes a feeling of depth
Creative drama can be used ti help children develop awarness of feeling an personal interactions, through an emphasis on what?
Character development
In regard to visual art, as in other art forms such as music and dance the intentional regualar repetition of a given element most commonly serves to creat a feeling of what?
regular repetition=keeping the same rythm
The american isdian cultures od California developen what art fomr to a high level of technical and aesthic excellence?
When writing a realistic dialouge for a play what guidline is most helpful to follow?
Use minimal number of adjectives
The dance term FORM most commonly refer to what?
The structural organization of a work..
Structural form
what was the traditional shape of folk dance based upon?
Folk dance is a form of cultural dance and the cirle is univeral symbol of aniect sacred cutlural dances from around the world.
What does the dance term choreography commonly refer to?
The steps of a dance that was put together for performance. Compisng dances
where was the Flameco dance orginated?
Gypisies of Spain, the style of dance is characterized by forceful rythms, hand clapping, rapid foot movements.
Maypole dance were orgially associated with what?
Fertility and rebirth.
Rythm is the flow of music in…..
all music moves in time.
What includes the largest number of insturments in a taditional orchesra?
wihtout a strinf section it would be a band not an orceshtra
The vertical lines on a staff are called bar lines. what are the bar lines used for?
mark off the grouping of beats.
Blues musiz is a kind of jazz that evelved from the music of???
African American woek songs and spirtuals
What is no considered an American functional folk instrument?
A functional folk instrument is a familiar HOUSEHOLD item that is used to make music
In 1927 what changed the movie industry dramtically?
The invention of talking films (talkies)
Where were the first known European Theatres, in which country?
theather was first known in acient Greece
What is the axis line in a painting
an imaginary line that controls the path of eye movement through composition
Constructed Response: All cultures incorperate dance as a form of expression, using your knowledge of visual and preforming arts:
- describe the development of ritual dance as practiced by ancient Native American Indian tribes, and
- include in your answe the function of ritual dance and the characteristics of fertility and hunting
- Ancient Native American dance is rich in symbolism and continues to influence traditinal native American culture. All ritual Native American dances are sacred in nature and have a cermonial meaning. Native American continue to honor thier ancestors through dance as a physical manifestation of the sacred mysteries of life. The funstion of traditional ritual dancing among Native Americans is important for celebrating, healing, preparing for events (battle, harvert, rainfall), and honoring the deceased. These wonderfal rhytmic dances are accompanied by chants, costumes, prayer, and cermoney. Often perfprmed at Powwow.
- The cermonial dance for fertility was symbolic of the mystery of the giving of life and a celebration of the joy of lliving. Fertility dances were perfomed by many NA tribes througout the ages. Althoug ritual dances varied by region, these dances represents the most basic human concerns and regognized human dependence on the natural world while honoring natures elements: earth, air, water, and sun. Ritual dance represented the natural rhytm of the seasons (dances were most commmon before the planting and harvet seasons) and was an attept to assure prosperity for present and future gernerations
- Some dances were inteded to create hunting magic.Male dancers, dressed in animal skins and adorned with body paint, would dance and chant to create the proper magic for good hunting. The animal dance was the linkbetween the natural and the supaernatural worlds. Their gods were called upon to protect the hunters and provide game for a successful hunt.
Construted Response: Symphony orchestra instruments are usually categorized into four different musical families, using your knowledge of music
- identify atleast three of the categories
- dicuss uniqueness of each category you identify
- give 2 examples of insturments in each catergory
- The string category is composed of instruments that produce their tones by the vibrations of one or more strings. These vibrations are caused by plucking, scaping, or bowing the strings. Two instuments of the string fmaily include the violion and cello.
- The woodwind catergory got its name because its insturments were originally made of wood. Now some also are made of metal or other materials, Woodwind players produce sounds by blowing through a reed or reeds or over a hole. Two woodwind insturments are clarinet and oboe
- Brasses are another category of insturments. The players places his/her lips against the mouthpiece in such a way that they vibrate when the player blows thus producing sound. Sounds are changed by tension of the way lips, opening or closing a valve. or lsiding a piece of tubing. Two examples of brasses are trumpets and trombone
- Percussion instruments produce sound by being shaken or struck. two examplles are the snare drum and the tambourine. in an orcehstra the paiano is usually included in the percussion section
Constructed Response: Using your knowledge of theathre education answer the auestion that follows.
-how can stage lighting create mood and atmosphere in a modern theathre production? Include specfic examples to support your answer
- Stage lighting dramatically enhances the artistic effect of any dramatic presentation. Modern theathers are generally designed to be light tight. The lighting director or designer can fully illumnate, partially illuminate, or withold light to focus attention on a specfic actor and control the visual focus of the audience.
- Front lights, sidelights, and top lights in back are interconnected in order to provide a coordinate visual and sensory effect for a scence. Front lights illuminate the actors faces. Sidelights give the action dimension and top lights in back pull the actors away from the set. Theathre lighting has the capacity to transform white light into a mood-altering array of colors. The proper use of the mixing of light can manipulate emotions and allow the audience to more fully experience the depth of a charater and the mood of a place.
Constructed Response: Write a response to the following statement
-Other than in musical style, breifly compare and contrast an opera and a musical
- Both operas and musicals are staged stories. Both employ costumes, scenery, soloist, dancers, and chorus. Certainly music is the medium that connects all elements in both. However there are major differences between the two theatrical forms.
- In opera there may be spoken dialouge but usually the music is continous. The emphasis in an operatic stage performance is less upon dialouge, instead the vocal skills of the singers are displayed.
- In comparison a musical is a form in which there is much spoken dialouge highlighted with songs. The focus in a musical is upon the acting and story line, rather than the singer. Since its beginnings musical theather has integrated drama, music, chorus dancing, and soloist.