visions Flashcards
something seen other than by ordinary sight
different types of vision
1) group
2) corporeal
3) individual
4) imaginative
group e.g.
Medjugorge (bosnia) 1981
corporeal e.g.
external but only visible to certain people e.g. angels appear to mary magdeline and mary mother of james and salome after resurrection
Individual e.g.
Bernadette and Akita (japan 1981)
imaginative e.g.
Johns vision of strange creatures in book of Revelation
scientists on visions
believe that visions can be due to a highly active right side of the brain
richard swinburne
a vision is normally a private experience
Franks Davis
examples of visions in the bible
Peter Act 10- white sheet
The Annunciation- angel gabriel and mary
Joseph (matt1 )- gabriel appears and tells him of mary
examples of visions in the 21st century
fatima (1917) portugal
medjugorje (1981) Bosnia
Akita (1973-81) Japan
Form and content of visions
- image with a message- peters vision of white sheet descending (act 10)
- religious figures- Joan of Arc had repeated visions of st Michael
- places-= Guru Nanaks visions of Gods court in which he was escorted into Gods presence and commanded to drink a cup of nectar
- Fantastic creatures- Ezekiel’s visions of four living creatures
- Final judgement= johns vision of the final judgement
revelation in vision
normally a vision will give a message- perhaps it will take some thinking, but it will leave an impression
-leaves a lasting impression
religious figures
joan of arc had many visions of st michael
acts 10- peter white sheet lowered and within it contained every sort of animal. “now peter kill and ear!’. However peter said ‘certainly not, i have never eaten something profound or unclean’.. ‘what god has made clean you have no right to call profane’
Guru Nanak- he was assorted to Gods court and commanded to drink a cup of nectar
fantastic creatures
Ezekiels vision of four creatures; each had the face of a man, and on the right side had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle.
final judgment
johns vision of the final judgement in the book of Revelations- anyones name not found in the book was thrown into a lake of fire