Vision + Proprioception (wk 7) Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of the eye:
-White of the eye -> sclera
-Light passes through lens, then vitreous humour and then through to the retina to form an image
-Centre of the eye of the forvea and next to it is the optic disc, of which there is a blind spot
Describe the lens of the eye:
-Including strength
-The lens is directly attached to the rest of the eye by zonular fibres which is connected to the ciliary muscle, where the lens is able to change shape.
-The lens -> Image formed on the eye is inverted and the brain must flip the image to make sense of it.
-Lens strength: diopteres-> The dioptere is a measure of lens focussing power. It is reciprocal of focal length. Power = 1/f D. 1D means focal point is 1m away. Both curvature and refractive index determine lens strength. Difference is refractive index between medium, combined with lens curvature determines lens strength (as measured in diopteres)
Describe the optics of the eye:
-> Refraction occurs initially at cornea. Refractive index fixed at ~1.34. Further refraction caused by lens. Variable refractive index (mean ~1.41). Cornea and lens have similar refractive indices. However, most refraction occurs at the cornea (48D of total 58D) – provides the interface with the air (low refractive index).
What is the accommodation of the lens?
Focal length is changed entirely by altering the shape of the lens: Accommodation achieved by ciliary muscle. Contraction of ciliary muscle relieves ligament tension on lens. Causes the lens to squash and this increases lens power and shortens focal length for closer objects.
What is myopia?
-Normal sight, nearsightedness, nearsightedness corrected
(caused by eye ball being too long, or powerful cornea)
1. Normal sight -> Faraway object is clear (emmetriopia)
2. Nearsighted -> Eyeball too long (myopia)
3. Nearsightedness corrected
What is hypermetropia?
-Normal sight, farsighted, farsightedness corrected
- Normal sight -> Near object is clear (emmetriopia)
- Farsighted -> Eyeball too short (hypermetriopia)
- Farsightedness corrected
What is presbyopia?
-> Normal range of lens accommodation ~12D. Lens seizes with age – no longer bulges when ciliary muscles contract. Near point moves further away.
Describe the pupil
+ Pupillary muscles, benefits of smaller pupil size and pupil size
-The pupil -> Pupil diameter is first means of adaptation to changing light levels. Varies from ~2 to 8mm. Can alter the amount of light captured by ~16 times. This accounts for a very small portion of the eyes’ total light adaptation abilities.
-The pupillary muscles -> Pupil diameter controlled by 2 muscles – sphincter pupillae and dilator.
-Other benefits of smaller pupil size (besides less light reaching retina) -> Greater depth of field (more things in focus), reduced spherical aberration and reduced glare (scattering of light).
-Pupil size -> Reducing pupil size effectively, infinite depth of field and compensation for myopia.
What is the retina?
-> Cannot simply observe another person’s retina directly; too much light absorbed. Ophthalmoscope: shines light directly onto subject’s retina. Adjustable lens used to being retina into focus. Optician can estimate spectacle strength based upon the ophthalmoscope lens required to being the retina into focus. Optic nerve carries all information from retina. Passes through optic disk ~15 degrees nasal. Results in blind spot.
What are rods, cones, horizontals and bipolars?
-Rods, cones, horizontals and bipolars do not exhibit Action Potentials. Rods/cons modulate membrane potential of bipolars. Ganglion cells (and amacrine) change AP rate, taking signal to the brain.
Describe the structure of the retina:
-> Design flaw? – Photoreceptors on the outside. Light must pass through other cells structures before reaching photoreceptors – scatter. Receptors being adjacent to pigment epithelium may help to minimise reflectance/scatter.
What is the foveal retina?
Structures in front of foveal receptors are pushed to one side. Reduces light scatter/absorption, thereby increasing acuity. Black pigment epithelium minimises reflectance (true for whole eye, not just fovea).
Describe rod and cone density:
-Rod and cone density -> No lens is perfect (including the eye). Acuity can be defined in the point spread function. Point spread function determines minimum separation of 2 points before they are perceived as separate entities. Density of photoreceptors in the human retina precisely tuned to the point spread function of eye optics.
-Rods and cones -> Photopigment contained within disks of outer segment. Disks continuously migrate outwards and are regenerated.
What is photopigment?
Human photopigment is continuously bleached and regenerated. Receptors are saturated when all pigment is bleached – can no longer detect light.
Describe the process of photopigment bleaching:
- Two molecules combine to form photopigment: retail and opsin. Combined molecule (in rod cells) is called rhodopsin (‘unbleached’ state).
- Light photon interacts with rhodopsin causing configurational change
- Retinal and opsin part company (‘bleached’)
Describe cell membrane hyperpolarised (via G protein):
- Released opsin activated enzyme phosphodiesterase (PDE) (via transducing G protein)
- PDE converts cGMP to GMP (cGMP normally opens Na+ channels)
- Closure of Na+ channels causes hyperpolarisation of cell because K+ continues to leak out
Describe the process of how neural output of ganglion cells are modified:
- Rod/cone hyper-polarisation results in less neurotransmitter release (glutamate)
- Modulates membrane potential of bipolar cell
- Changes firing rate of ganglion cell (bipolar can be excitatory or inhibitory)
What is the visual range of luminance?
Human vision functions across ~10 15 units of luminance. The eye can detect single photons and work in bright sunlight.
What is photopic vision?
-Suited for high luminance
-Cones only
-Low sensitivity/ high acuity
-Foveal and peripheral