Visceral Flashcards
SIB-V - Sibson’s Fascia
TP: Anterior TP of T7
TP Alt: sup tubercle of 1st rib
Rx: C-sp rot away, Compress upper lung and 1st rib Sup/post/med
PDA-V - Pleural Done Anterior
TP: Lateral most aspect of 1st rib anterior
Rx: c sp SB away, Trachea/esophagus medial/sup
MP-V - Media stinum - Phreno-pericardial ligaments
TP: Sup 2nd rib 3 cm lateral to sternum
Rx: ipsilateral diaphragm sup and med
CP3-V - Costal Pleura Anterior - rib 3
TP: anterior 3rd rib, 7 cm from SC joint
Rx: roll upper rib cage ant/med
OF-V - Oblique Fissure
TP: superior 5th rib at SC joint
Rx: HL rot away, Ispi arm in ER, Pull contra arm into add
LP-V - Lateral Pleua
TP: Interior 6th rib just medial to coracoid
Rx: Sternum sup/lat
CTF-V Cervicothoracic Fascia
TP: Over sup/post aspect of coracoid
Rx: C-sp rot to, Ipsi shoulder ext and add with elbow on therapist, Hyoid to involved side
PDP-V - Pleural Dome Posterior
TP: 2nd rib tubercle superior
Rx: Csp rot away, upper lung post,sup,lat
CPP4-V - Costal Pleura
TP: 4th rib tubercle sup
Rx; Lung at rib 4 level, post/sup/lat
MED-V - Mediastinum
TP: side of T4 spinous process
Rx: lateral sternum medial/superior
BRI-V - Brochus Inferior Lobar
TP: 5th rib tubercle sup
Rx: Inf lateral lung (rib 7/8) sup/med
BRS-V - Brochus Superior Lobar
TP: 6th rib tubercle sup
Rx: Sup lung (rib1/2) inf/med
ESO-V - Esophagus
TP: angle of louis, slightly to L, inf-sup press
Rx: seated slouched, lift stomach sup/left
GHL-V - Gastrohepatic Ligament
TP: medial aspect of conjointed 6th and 7th ribs - slightly below xiphisternal jxn
Rx: HL rot away, pull opposite ribs 7-9 medial
TL-V (LEFT)- Triangular Ligament of Live
TP: superior 6th rib must medial of coracoid
Rx: ribcage over liver sup/med
TL-V (RIGHT)- Triangular Ligament of Live
TP: superior 6th rib must medial of coracoid
Rx: palm over lower rib cage lift sup/lat
FALC-V - Falciform Ligament
TP: T10 PVM Right
Rx: contact ribs 8-10 - ant/inf/med towards umbilicus
SPL-V - Spleen
TP: medial rib cage on L lateral to superior xiphoid
Rx: Pt SL, Shoulder flexed, hold over spleen rib 9-11, clockwise and posterior glide
DA-V - Duodenum Anterior
TP: 7th rib just medial to coracoid
Rx: HL knees towards, sit opposite and pull ipsi arm across
DP-V - Duodenum Posterior
TP: 10th rib tubercle sup
Rx: Pt seated, hold ispi arm and pull across for rot opposite
CBD-V - Common Bile Duct
TP: R 6th rib, midline, inf aspect
Rx: Lie on L, lower posterior ribs sup/ant
PAN-V - Pancreas
TP: posterior 9th rib lateral to medial scapular border
Rx: Pt forearm across, rot opp, compress forearm post medial
PAND-V (LEFT) - Accessory Pancreatic Duct
TP: posterior left 10th rib lateral to medial scapular border
Rx: contact L posterior thorax at T12/L1 - press L to right with sup glide at end
PAND-V (RIGHT) - Accessory Pancreatic Duct
TP: posterior R 10th rib lateral to medial scapular border
Rx: contact L posterior thorax at T12/L1 - press L to right with inf glide at end
JEJ-V - Jejunum
TP: adjacent to umbilicus
TP Alt: outer rim of iliac crest midway btwn ASIS and PSIS
Rx: Hip flex, add, ER, Traction
ILM-V - Ileum
TP: Reflected head of Rectus Femoris
Rx: Contact below umbilicus in a post/lat/inf direction
TMC-V Transverse Mesocolon
TP: 8th rib on a line medial to coracoid process
Rx: contact slightly sup/lat to umbilicus - sup/lat/post
CECM-V - Cecum Medial
TP: Sup/Med PSIS (R)
TP alt: posterior aspect of right medial femoral condyle
Rx: R hip flex, Add R hip, contact cecum - post/inf/lat
CECL-V -Cecum Lateral
TP: Lateral 1/3 of piriformis - sup to sup greater Troch, add hip to find taut band
Rx: Hip flexed 40, contact cecum - inf/med
SIG-V - Sigmoid
TP: sup/med PSIS(L)
TP alt: posterior left medial condyle
Rx: L hip flex, Add R hip, contact cecum - post/inf/lat
PER-V - Parietal Peritoneum
TP: 9th rib - ant axillary line - lateral to coracoid
Rx: contact inf to umbilicus - press towards TP - if resistant check EPF-V
AC-V, DC-V - Ascending/descending colon (former FOT-V)
TP: Located over superiolateral ischial tuberosity
Rx: stand opp side, trunk rot away, forearm across, compress post/ipsi
KS-V - Kidney Superior
TP: superior 11th rib tubercle
Rx: HL knees away, contact Kidney from ant - post/med/sup
KI-V - Kidney Inferior
TP: superior 12th rib tubercle
Rx: HL knees away, contact Kidney from ant - post/lat/inf
BL-V - Bladder
TP: Posterior pubic bone
Rx: Stand opposite, Add ipsilateral leg, cross contra over, roll ipsi leg towards
URT-V - Ureter
TP: 2cm inf and lateral from inf aspect of PSIS
Rx: trunk rot away, contact kidney and press inf/med
BRD-V - Broad Ligament/vesicoplevic Ligaments
TP: sup AIIS
Rx: bladder lateral/inf
MUL-V - Median Umbilical Ligament
TP: Medial superior pubic bone (just lateral to symphysis
Rx: palm over umbilicus glide inf/lat/post
OM-V - Obturator Membrane
TP: In soft tissue depression btwn pectineus/adductor longus - press post/lat
Rx: supine with leg extended, compress greater troch med, ant/inf
EPF-V - Endopelvic Fascia
TP: over superior medial sacrotuberous ligament
TP alt: sup tubercle of 9th rib
Rx: towel - press perineal body ant/sup/lat
UES-V - Upper Esophageal Sphincter
Rx: HL away, c-sp flex, cricoid cartilage lat/inf/post
GES-V - Gastro Esophaeal Sphincter
TP: Mid 6th rib L (nipple line)
Rx: HL away, contact btwn xiphoid and 6th rib, pull medial and CCW rot
PYL-V - Pylorus
TP: Superior 8th rib tubercle LEFT
Rx: HL away, 5 fingers above umbilicus and slightly L, CCW
ODI-V - Sphincter of Oddi
TP: Superior 8th rib tubercle RIGHT
Rx: HL away, 3 finger diagonally up from umbilicus, CCW
DJ-V - Dudenojenjunal Junction
TP: suprior lateral aspect of L PSIS lat->med
Rx: HL away, 2” 45deg up from umbilicus, CCW
ICV-V - Iliocecal Valve
TP: suprior lateral aspect of R PSIS lat->med
Rx: HL away, 1/3 of the way from ASIS towards umbilicus, CCW
BSPH-V - Bladder External Urethral Sphincter
TP: Anterior inf aspect of pubic symphysis
Rx: towel, CCW of External Uretheral Spinchter
LOT-V - Ligament of Treitz
TP: PVM of T10/T11 L side
Rx: inferior sternum and gastroesophageal sphincter towards duodenojejuunal jxn
ANAL-V - External Anal Sphincter
TP: anterior tip of coccyx, ant/inf to sup/post
Rx: Towel, rotate anal sphincter CCW
PCAR3-V - Pericardial Sac at 3rd Rib
TP: Inf rib 3, 4-5cm lat to SC joint
Rx: Sternum toward TP, rotate CW toward aortic arch - may need some inf translation
PCAR4-V - Pericardial Sac at 4th Rib
TP: Inf rib 4, 4-5cm lat to SC joint
Rx: Sternum toward TP, rotate CW toward aortic arch - may need some inf translation
PCARP-V - Pericardial Sac, Phrenic Attachment
TP: central, superior aspect of xiphisternal jxn
Rx: Sternum CW and inferior