N1 Flashcards
Parasympathetic Cranial nerves
III Oculomotor, VII Facial, IX Glossopharyngeal, X Vagus
Cranial Nerve Scan - Primary
1/2 finger above supraorbital ridge from notch to middle, L-M
“In Row” is lateral - lateral most is posterior, medial most is anterior
“Out Row” is medial - (Lat) V, VII, X (Med)
Cranial Nerve Scan - Out of Row
Lat to Med on zygoma,
V, VII, X (with vagus as largest area and most inf)
Cranial Nerve Scan - Parasymp. Branches
Med to OM suture, above superior nuchal line, Lat to Med (III, VII, IX, X)
Cranial Nerve TP Row
ABD, OM - (suture) - OLF, OPT, GLO, TRO, VEST, - (space) - HYP, SA
If cranial nerve symtpoms but don’t scan CN
look at C1-3, T1-2 causing brain stem edema
ABD-N - Abducens (VI)
TP: 2 fingers ant to coronal suture in cranial nerve row, press A-P
RX - sphenoid posterior medial towards nuclei
OM-N - Oculomotor (III)
TP: 1 fingers ant to coronal suture in cranial nerve row, press A-P
RX - sphenoid posterior medial towards nuclei
OLF-N - Olfactory (I)
TP: 1 fingers post to coronal suture in cranial nerve row, press A-P
RX - rotate and lift lacrimal/ethmoid towards TP side
OPT-N - Optic (II)
TP: 2 fingers post to coronal suture in cranial nerve row, press A-P
RX - sphenoid posterior medial towards OPPOSITE nuclei (thalmus)
GLO-N - Glossopharyngeal (IX)
TP: 3 fingers post to coronal suture in cranial nerve row, press A-P
RX - upper carotid artery sup/sup/lat towards OM suture
TRO-N - Trochlear (IV)
TP: 4 fingers post to coronal suture in cranial nerve row, press A-P
RX - sphenoid post/med while gliding opposite nuclei ant/lat
VEST-N - Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
TP: 5 fingers post to coronal suture in cranial nerve row, press A-P
RX - temporal bone ant to ear post/med/sup towards nuclei
HYPO-N - Hypoglossal (XII)
TP: 3 fingers ant to lambdoidal suture in cranial nerve row, press A-P
RX: hypoglossal N in depression sup to lateral hyoid -glide post/sup/lat
SA-N - Spinal Accessory (XI)
TP: 2 fingers ant to lambdoidal suture in cranial nerve row, press A-P
TP2: lateral upper tapezius post to distal clavicle
RX: Csp SB to, contact anter to upper trap at C3, glide superior to jugular foramen
Trigeminal Nerve Branches
TRIG1,2,3, TENS-N tensor tympani, MYLO-N nerve to mylohyoid/ant digastric, DENI/S-N
Facial Nerve Branches
FAC1,2,3, STAP-N nerve to Stapedius, SPG-N, SMG-N
TRIG1-N - Trigeminal - Opthalmic Division
TP: deep in medial roof of orbit
RX: frontal/ethmoid bone sup and ipislateral ARCING motion
TRIG2-N - Trigeminal - Maxillary Division
TP1: Maxilla adjacent to inferior nasal cavity - press sup to inf
TP2: post/sup fibers of masseter 1 cm below mid zygo
RX: glide opp maxilla medial/inf
TRIG3-N - Trigeminal - Mandibular Division
TP: 1/3 from angle of mandible to mental protuberance in soft tissue depression
RX: CSp flex (chin tuck), SB to, Rot Away, TMJ depression mild to mod
(can tune to pterygoids - esp if clicky disc)
TENS-N - Tensor Tympani
TP: Ant rim of EAM
RX: hold behind ear, roll sup and anterior over top of ear
MYLO-N - Nerve to Mylohyoid/Ant Digrastric
TP: Belly of mylohyoid - Medial to mid mandible
RX: contact mylohyoid - under anterior mandible glide post/lat
FAC1-N - Facial - Temporal Branch
TP: 2 cm above lateral orbit of eye (in front of STL)
Rx: contact upper eyelid/brow - glide lat/inf
FAC2-N - Facial - Zygomatic Branch
TP: lateral surface of post/sup mandible - 1-2 cm inf to zygoma, press A-P
RX: glide Zygo/mandibular brnaches towards FAC2-N TP
FAC3-N - Facial - Mandibular Branch
TP: superior aspect of post digastric (btwn angle of mandible and mastroid) press Lat-Med
RX: glide Zygo/mandibular brnaches towards FAC2-N TP
STAP-N - Nerve to Stapedius
TP: Post/inf aspect of EAM, can press from behind or in ear
RX: glide mastroid ant/sup
STN C1/2/3-UMN2 - Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus
TP: STNC1,2,3-UMN2 line up with TRIG1,2,3-N
RX: Csp Ext, SB to, Glide opposite Thalamus in superior occipital lobe below labdoidal suture in inf direction towards cervical Seg on TP side
3 Parasympathetic Scans
Medial to OM suture pressing L-M above SNL (cranial post gang PS),
pressing L-M below SNL (scaral post gang PS)
pressing M-L below SNL (preganglionic T12/L1
3 Vagus Scans
1) orbital ridge
2) lateral zygoma
3) med to OM suture, sup to SNL, L-M press
Gray/White Rami Scan
LATERAL to OM suture, pressing M-L (sup bias for white, inf for gray)
CIL-N - Ciliary Ganglia (CN III)
TP: posterior zygomatic bone at level of inf orbit (hook onto medial surface)
RX: Glide Orbit Post/Inf
SPG-N - Sphenopalatine Ganglia (CN VII)
TP: medial aspect of zygomatic arch ant to mandibular condyle (hook finger)
RX: Ipsilateral Maxilla post/sup
SMG-N - Submandibular Ganglia (CN VII)
TP: medial aspect of zygomatic arch post to sphenotemporal suture (hook finger)
RX: Glide mandibular N (medial to mandibular angle) sup/post
OTIC-N - Otic Ganglia (CN IX)
TP: Post/inf zygomatic 1/2 way between inferior apex and zygo/temp suture (hook finger)
RX: glide parotid gland sup/post
PS2-N (R) - Parasympathetic N of S2
TP: anterior/lateral aspect of long sacroiliac ligament at S2, approach L-M
RX: glide bladder posterior, inf, right
PS2-N (L) - Parasympathetic N of S2
TP: anterior/lateral aspect of long sacroiliac ligament at S2, approach L-M
RX: glide uterus post/sup/lat
PS3-N (R) - Parasympathetic N of S3
TP: anterior/lateral aspect of long sacroiliac ligament at S3, approach L-M
RX: trunk rotation L, glide distal sigmoid colon inf/med to R 3rd sacral foramen
PS3-N (L) - Parasympathetic N of S3
TP: anterior/lateral aspect of long sacroiliac ligament at S3, approach L-M
RX: first segment of sigmoid colon inf/med
PS4-N - Parasympathetic N of S4
TP: anterior/lateral aspect of long sacroiliac ligament at S4, approach L-M
RX: rectum post/sup/lat
PST12-N, PSTL1-N - Preganglionic Cholinergic Fibers
TP: PST12-N use PS2/3-N TPs
PSL1-N use PS3/4-N TPs
RX: HL, feet towards (SB to), knees away (rot to)
lift ipsilateral pelvic girdle ant/med to inc SB to/Rot to
VMEN-N - Vagal Meningeal Braches
TP: hook under front of SCM at C1
RX: lower occiput/SNL - glide sup/lat toward jugular foramen
VEAR-N - Vagal Auricular Branch
TP: hook under front of SCM at C2
RX: mostoid glide medial and inf
RLAR-N - Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
TP: posterior clavicle btwn heads of SCM
RX: csp flex, SB to, rot away, glide larynx inf and lateral
VPHAR-N - Vagus to Pharynx & Larynx
TP: superior medial tip of clavicle press sup/med to inf/lat
RX: hyoid sup/lat to ispilateral side
VLUN1-N - Vagus to Ant Lung
TP: inf aspect of 1st costosternal jnt, press inf - sup
RX: pleural dome under mid clavicle inf/med
VLUN2-N - Vagus to Post Lung
TP: inf aspect of 2nd costosternal jnt, press inf - sup
RX: posterior thorax at mid-lower scap in a sup/med/ant direction
VLUN3-N - Vagus to Ant/Lat Lung
TP: inf aspect of 3rd costosternal jnt, press inf - sup
RX: lateral lung at rib 6 medial/sup
VHRT-N - Vagal Cardiac Branches
TP: inf aspect of 4th costosternal jnt, press inf - sup
RX: glide lower/mid sternum heart sup/lat with rot (CW R, CCW L)
VPAN-N (L), VDUOD-N (R) - Vagus to Pancreas, or Duodenum
TP: inf aspect of 5th costosternal jnt, press inf - sup
RX: grab organ post at T10/11, glide ant/sup/med
VLIV6-N - Vagus to Liver
TP: inf aspect of RIGHT 6th costosternal jnt, press inf - sup
RX: hold lateral ribs 7-9 glide med and slightly sup
VSTOM-N - Vagus to Stomach
TP: inf aspect of LEFT 6th costosternal jnt, press inf - sup
RX: hook under anterior ribs, glide sup med
VESO-N - Esophageal Plexus
TP: upper xiphoid, L and R, press A-P
TP2: Ant axillary line ribs 8 and 9 - pure lateral
RX: under ribs ispilateral, glide up towards lower esophageal sphincter
VLPAN-N -Vagus to Lateral Pancreas
TP: L 7th rib at inf/med rib margin press inf - sup
RX: glide 8/9 ribs (slightly post contact) on L ant/med/inf
VLIV7-N - Vagus to Liver/Gallbladder
TP: R 7th rib at inf/med rib margin press inf - sup
RX: lower liver sup/med arc
VHF-N - Vagus to Hepatic Flexure
TP: R 8th rib at inf/med rib margin press inf - sup
RX: hepatic flexure (inf to 8th rib) glide med/inf
VSF-N - Vagus to Splenic Flexure
TP: L 8th rib at inf/med rib margin press inf - sup
RX: splenic flexure (inf to 8th rib), glide sup/med
VCEC-N - Vagus to Cecum
TP: R 9th rib at inf/med rib margin press inf - sup
RX: cecum sup/med
VILM-N - Vagus to Ileum
TP: L 9th rib at inf/med rib margin press inf - sup
RX: ileum (inf and L to umbilicus) glide sup/med
VADR-N - Vagus to Adrenal Glands
TP: Inf aspect of distal end of 11th ribs
RX: glide adrenal gland at 11th and 12th tubercles inf/med
VKID-N - Vagus to Kidney
TP: Inf aspect of distal end of 12th ribs
RX: glide kidney at 12th rib tubercle/L1 segment med
Abdominal Collateral Gang Spots
SSCT1-2N - Preganglionic Ascending Sympathetics of T1-2
TP SSCT1-N:taut band 2 fingers lat to med end of clavicle, press sup to inf
TP SSCT2-N:taut band 3 fingers lat to med end of clavicle, press sup to inf
RX: csp flex, SB to, rot away
SCT1-5N - Lateral Preganglionic branches into thoracic ganglia
TP: all press inf-sup
T1 inf aspect of medial clavicle, T2 top of sternum, T3 angle of Louis, T4 xphisternal jxn, T5 tip of xiphoid
RX: shoulder horz abd tuning elevation per TP
Gray/White Rami pre vs post
White Rami’s are pre gang, Gray Rami’s are post gang
CEL-N - Celiac Ganglia
TP: 1 finger adjacent and 2 fingers below xphiod (B)
RX: supine hip and knees flexed, holding patients legs create lumbar flex, knees to
SMES-N - Superior Mesenteric Ganglia
TP: 1 finger adjacent 3-4 fingers below xphoid (R ONLY)
RX: supine hip and knees flexion, holding pt legs create lumbar flex, knees away, feet towards
AREN-N - Aortico-Renal Plexus
TP: 3-4 fingers above lateral umbilicus (B)
RX: HL, feet to, knees away, compress pelvis cephalad
IMES-N - Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion
TP: 1-2 fingers above lateral umbilicus (L ONLY)
RX: supine hip and knees flexed, knees to, feet to
HYPO-N - Sup and Inf Hypogastric Plexuses
TP: 1-2 fingers below lateral umbilicus (B)
RX: Supine hip and knees flexed, knees to, feet to
PELVT12, L1-N - Pelvic Sympathetic Preganglionic Plexus
TP: PELVT12 - sciatic notch at level of S2 (press lat to med)
TP: PELVL1 - sciatic notch at level of S3 (press lat to med)
RX: pt in HL, lift ipsilateral pelvis ant/sup/med (lower target than AREN-N)
WRCT1-T3-N - White Rami Communicantes
TP: superior aspect of corresponding transverse process
RX: Pt seated, shoulder horz abd
WRCT4-T12-N - White Rami Communicantes
TP: superior aspect of corresponding transverse process
RX: Pt SL, drive corresponding rib post/med
WRCL1-L2-N - White Rami Communicantes
TP: Anterior lateral tip of L1/L2 transverse process
RX: HL, feet to, knees away, pelvis glide sup/med
DC2-7 - Cervical Sinuvertebral Nerves
TP: 1-2cm lateral to metopic suture, C2 sup, C7 above frontal notch
RX: Cervical Flex, rot away, glide opp lamina of lower segment sup/med to lift disc to symp ganglia
DT1-T7 - Thoracic Sinuvertebral Nerves
TP T1: anterior medial clavicle
TP T2-7: costosternal jxn pressing A-P
RX: seated flex, SB to, rot away - glide involved rib anterior medial via shoulder protraction or arm traction
DT8-L5 - Thoracic and Lumbar Sinuvertebral Nerves
TP T8-T10: anterior medial rib at rib margin pressing A-P
TP T11-L5: anteriomedial surface of middle 1/2 of femur
RX: Pt HL, trunk rot to (can use knees and pull same side arm to opp hip
PGC1-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics
TP: Posterior Superior ramus of mandible
RX: ipsilateral eye or sphenoid inf/lat
PGC2-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics
TP: anterior aspect of cervical transverse process
RX: csp SB to, rot away, thyroid sup/lat
PGC3-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics (Sup Cerv Gang)
TP: anterior aspect of cervical transverse process
RX: csp SB to, rot away, carotid artery superior
PGC4-6-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics (Mid, Inf Cerv Gang, Cardiac Plex)
TP: anterior aspect of cervical transverse process
RX: csp rot way mild, shoulder elevation, adduction, traction (more SUP/med)
Alt RX: contact manibrium/upper sternum, glide sup/lateral
PGC7-T1-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics (Stellate Gang)
C7 TP: superolateral aspect of coracoid
T1 TP: in aspect of 1st rib tubercle
RX: shoulder protraction and elevation, glide brachial artery prox
PGCT2-T5-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics (esophageal/cardiac plex)
TP: inferior aspect of rib tubercles
RX: shoulder flex/add, traction (more ANT/med)
PGCT6-T9-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics (from Celiac Plex)
TP: inferior aspect of rib tubercles
RX: HL feet towards, shoulder across front, compress inf/med to T/L jxn (celiac plexsus)
PGT10-12-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics
TP: inferior aspect of rib tubercles
RX: lower posterior lateral rib cage inf/med
PGL1-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics
TP: L inf aspect of the tip of L1 transverse process (press inf-sup)
RX: hips and knees flexed, knees and feet to the L (shortening descending colon)
can also just contact descending colong and drag it
PGL2-N - Postganglionic Sypathetics
TP: R inf aspect of the tip of L2 transverse process (press inf-sup)
RX: hips and knees flexed, knees to and feet away (bringing sigmoid to R L2)
can also just contact sigmoid and drag it
PGLS-N - (R) Postganglionic Sypathetics Bladder
TP: 3cm lateral to R PSIS, press A-P
RX: bladder superior and lateral
PGLS-N - (L) Postganglionic Sypathetics Reproductive Organs
TP: 3cm lateral to L PSIS, press A-P
RX: using towel uterus/prostate sup and lateral
IMPAR-N - Impar Ganglion
TP: flattened dorsal surface of sacrum just lateral to midline and superior to sacrococcygeal jxn
RX: prone, using towel on dorsal pelvic floor opposite of TP, post lift & glide towards TP
GRCC1 - Gray Rami - Greater Occipital N
TP1: posterior aspect of transverse process
RX: glide thyroid cartilage sup/lat
GRCC2/3 - Gray Rami - Myodural Bridge & Ansa Cervicalis N
TP1: posterior aspect of transverse process
TPAlt: C2-T6 anteriolateral humerus
RX: arm across chest, glide ansa cervicalis (medial to SCM at C5) sup
GRCC4 - Gray Rami - Phrenic N
TP1: posterior aspect of transverse process
TPAlt: C2-T6 anteriolateral humerus
RX: csp SB to, glide phrenic N up
GRCC5 - Gray Rami - Median N
TP1: posterior aspect of transverse process
TPAlt: C2-T6 anteriolateral humerus
RX: glide Median N sup
GRCC6 - Gray Rami - Radial N
TP1: posterior aspect of transverse process
TPAlt: C2-T6 anteriolateral humerus
RX: glide Radial N prox (ant supracondylar ridge)
GRCC7 - Gray Rami - Ulnar N
TP1: posterior aspect of transverse process
TPAlt: C2-T6 anteriolateral humerus
RX: glide ulnar N prox
GRCT1-T11 - Gray Rami - Intercostal Nerves
TPAlt: T1-T6 anteriolateral humerus, T7-T11 anterior lateral femur
RX: glide intercostal N to spine
GRCT12 - Gray Rami - Iliohypogastric N
TP1: btwn 12th rib and L1 - taut band
TPAlt: Anterior lateral femur
RX: Lsp SB to - glide iliohypogastric sup/lat
GRCL1 - Gray Rami - Ilioinguinal N
TP1: superiorlateral transverse process, press sup-lat to inf-med
TPAlt: lower half ant/lat Femur
RX: Lsp SB to - glide ilioinguinal sup/lat (ant groin)
GRCL2 - Gray Rami - Femoral N
TP1: superiorlateral transverse process, press sup-lat to inf-med
TPAlt: lower half ant/lat Femur
RX: Lsp SB to - glide femoral N sup med
GRCL3 - Gray Rami - Oburator N
TP1: superiorlateral transverse process, press sup-lat to inf-med
TPAlt: lower half ant/lat Femur
RX: Lsp SB to - glide obturator N sup
GRCL4 - Gray Rami - Tibial N
TP1: superiorlateral transverse process, press sup-lat to inf-med
TPAlt: lower half ant/lat Femur
RX: Lsp SB to - glide tibial N (medial to medial HS) sup/lat
GRCL5 - Gray Rami - Common Fibular N
TP1: inf/med aspect of PSIS - press inf-med to sup-lat
TPAlt: lower half ant/lat Femur
RX: Slight hip abd, glide common fibular N (medial to lateral HS) sup/med
GRCS1 - Gray Rami - Sacral Plexus
TP: inf sacral foramen of S1
RX: common fibular N (medial to lateral HS) sup/med
GRCS2 - Gray Rami - Sacral Plexus
TP: inf sacral foramen of S2
RX: tibial N (medial to medial HS) sup/lat
GRCS3 - Gray Rami - Pelvic Floor mm branch
TP: inf sacral foramen of S3
RX: towel - S3 nerve root (ant pelvic floor) post/lat/sup
GRCS4 - Gray Rami - N to Coccygeus
TP: inf sacral foramen of S4
RX: glide along inf sacrotuberous ligament sup/med towards sacro-coccygeal jxn