Viruses lecture 3 Flashcards
B-cells: __________ Immunity T-cells: __________ immunity
1) Humeral 2) cell mediated
Viruses must have a ____________________.
host cell to reproduce
Basic structure of a virus, it consists of a basic protein shell called ____________ surrounding __________________
VIRUS PARTICLE ( structure )
- __________
- __________ (not found in all viruses)
- Central core
- _________________ (Dna or Rna)
- _________________ (not found in all viruses)
2) Envelope
3) Nucleic acid molecule
4) Matrix proteins Enzymes
______________– naked Virus
______________ – membrane from the host cell when released
Both have protein on outer surface for ducking host cell (called spikes)
1) Nucleocapsid
2) Enveloped viruses
__________ = fully formed virus capable of establishing an infection in host cell.
_______________ – Synthesize Dna or Rna
____________- copies of Rna
______________ – synthesizes DNA from RNA (EX. HIV virus)
1) Polymorases
2) Replicases
3) Reverse Transcriptase
DNA virus
- Double- stranded DNA ( __________________)
- Single- stranded DNA ( ___________________ )
1) Smallpox, Genital herpes
2) Erythema infectiosum
RNA virus
- Single- stranded (+) polarity ( ____________ )
- Single- stranded (-) polarity ( ___________ )
- Double- stranded RNA ( _____________ )
- Single- stranded RNA ( _________)
- Reverse Transcriptase
1) Poliomyelitis
2) Influenza
3) Gastroenteritis
4) Aids
Animal Virus life Cycle
- Absorption
- It has to bind to the Host cells (specificity)
- Virsus spikes must __________________
- Penetration and uncoating
- ____________- whole virus engulfed in vacusle enzymes to dissolve the envelope and caspule.
- ___________- envelope merges w/ cell membrane, spelling nucleocapsid into cell.
- __________- make new capsid proteins and new genetic material.
- __________- capsid surrounds genetic material and enzymes if applicable.
- Release
1) match host cell receptors
2) Endocytosis
3) Fusion
4) Synthesis
5) Assemply
Negative stranded RNA serves as the template________________
for positive RNA
We need more ________________ to make viruses,
positive stranded RNA
Ex. We have a negative stranded RNA, but we can’t use it to make a virus so we use it as a template to make Positive stranded RNA that makes the protein and packages it with ( positive, negative or both RNA) which will result in our virus.
_______________ is a positive stranded RNA that goes backwards and becomes (-DNA)
Damage to host cells
- ______________ = Virus induced damage to cell
- ________ = fusion of multiple host cells into (one) single large multinuclear cell
- ____________ IS A Latent virus
- ________- viral DNA that is incorporated into the hosts DNA
1) Cytopathic effect
2) Synctia
3) Persistant infections
4) Provirus
- Virus enters host cell and permanently _______________ , which can lead to cancer
- Virus carriers genes that directly cause cancer
- Virus produces proteins that induce _____________
1) alters it’s genetic material
2) loss of growth regulation
______________ is a virus that infects and replicates within a bacterium