Viruses - DNA - NOT from Herpes Family Flashcards
Polyomavirus; JC and BK
lab tests
Et Tu, BK?
Circular DS DNA
Naked virus (No envelope!)
Polyomavirus; JC and BK
2 main polyomavirus strains
Et Tu, BK?
- JC virus (John Cunningham virus)
- BK virus
JC Virus (a Polyomavirus)
aka John Cunningham Virus
Et Tu, BK?
- JCV causes persistent asymptomatic infection in approximately one-third of the adult population.
- The virus causes disease only when the immune system has been severely weakened. (causes PML!)
- Immunocompromised people, or in AIDS pts with CD4 < 200.
- PML has a mortality rate of 30–50 percent in the first few months.
JC Virus (a Polyomavirus)
signs and symptoms
aka John Cunningham Virus
Et Tu, BK?
- JCV causes progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a demyelination disease (by killing oligodendrocytes that produce myelin for the CNS)
- Multifocal non-enhancing brain lesions in white matter (dds vs Toxoplasmosis w/ ring enhancing lesions)
- buzzwords: AIDS pt. with motor neuropathy
BK Virus (a Polyomavirus)
signs and symptoms
Et Tu, BK?
- Nephropathy & other urinary tract problems
- Hemorrhagic cystitis* (Sudden onset of hematuria w/ bladder pain and irritable bladder syndrome)
- Common in transplant pts* (Kidney nephropathy and bone marrow transplants)
* DDX Adenovirus which also has hemorrhagic cystitis, but is more common in boys and swimming in public pools.
lab tests
Pilloma Bugs
Naked virus (No envelope!)
- Pap smear and cervical cancer screening.
- Koilocytes in squamous* cells (large, dense, wrinkled nucleus that may be binucleated).
* Detecting morphological changes; sampled from the transformation zone (where squamous eipthelium from outer ectocervix comes into contact with columnar epithelium in the inner endocervix).
know the main HPVs strains
Pilloma Bugs
100’s of HPV strains!
- HPV 1 - 4
- HPV 6 & 11**
- HPV 16 & 18**
- HPV 31 & 33
HPV 1 - 4
signs and symptoms
Pilloma Bugs
- Verruca** (wart) **vulgaris (common)
- aka “cutaneous common wart”
- transmission requires direct physical contact
- Children typically get on hands and feet
HPV 6** and **11
signs and symptoms
Pilloma Bugs
- Laryngeal Papillomatosis (Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis): Tumors (papilloma’s) develop in airways. Typically seen in children, and often obtained during vaginal birth (but not considered an STD)
- Anal genital warts (Condyloma acuminata*): seen in sexually active pts.
* ddx from secondary syphilis w/ Condylomata lata
HPV 16**, **18, 31, and 33
signs and symptoms
Sketchy Tip: Remember 16/18. add 15 to each to get 31/33
Pilloma Bugs
- most common STD
- Ano_genital_ carcinoma (Squamous Cell Carcinoma): Cervical, vulvar, vaginal, penile, anal
- Buzzwords = “bleeding after sex” or “cancer”
- In anal or penile cancer a major RF is immunosupression, especially in HIV* pts.
* HPV is an AIDS-defining illness)
HPV 16**, **18, 31, and 33
Sketchy Tip: Remember 16/18. add 15 to each to get 31/33
Pilloma Bugs
- HPV upsets the cells normal cycle.
- Tumor supressor proteins p53 and RB (Retinoblastoma protein) normally stop the cell cycle advancement from G1→S.
- HPV encodes E6** and E7** to promote the proteolysis of p53 (E6) and **RB (E7**) → removal of tumor supressors ↑ risk of cancer!
- AIDS-defining illness. Its thought HIV helps to enhance the E6/7 expression.
HPV Vaccine
Pilloma Bugs
- HPV vaccine is Gardasil
- Its an inactivated quadravalent vaccine
- Used for strains 6, 11, 16, and 18*
* These 4 strains cause ~70% of cervical cancers
Parvovirus b19
lab tests
AKA: 5th disease, Slapped cheek disease, Erythema infectiosum
Bombs Away
* (The only SS DNA on sketchy!!!)
Naked virus (No envelope!)
“parvo” = small (It’s the smallest virus in sketchy)
Parvovirus b19
AKA: 5th disease, Slapped cheek disease, Erythema infectiosum
Bombs Away
- Transmitted by respiratory droplets
- Transferred from mother to fetus (a TORCHeS Infection)
Parvovirus b19
signs and symptoms
AKA: 5th disease, Slapped cheek disease, Erythema infectiosum
Bombs Away
- Low grade fever that lasts a week → as fever breaks slapped cheek rash → Erythema (lacy) rash that begins on the face and goes down the body
- Adults (Teachers!!!) can present with joint pain, arthritis, soreness, and edema
- Transient aplastic anemia in sickle cell pts (due to depletion of bone marrow) looks like cobwebs in bone scans, and can fade out when virus clears.
- Babies in utero exposed to Parvovirus in trimesters 1 or 2 (a TORCHeS Infection)→ hydrops fetalis (massive edema) → fatal
Parvovirus b19
ddx vs. Roseola
AKA: 5th disease, Slapped cheek disease, Erythema infectiosum
Bombs Away
- Parvovirus b19 presents with a low grade fever that lasts a week → as fever breaks slapped cheek rash → Erythema (lacy) rash that begins on the face and goes down the body
- Roseola which presents with a high grade fever for 3-4 days, can include febrile seizures, and is followed by a diffuse lacy rash that spares the face.