Viral Infections of the Skin 1b: VZV and all the others Flashcards
Where in the body does VZV establish latency?
Dorsal root ganglia, especially in T2-4
Term for recurrence of VZV in usually older people; name 3 possible complications.
Shingles; can lead to keratitis/retinitis, Bell’s palsy, and neuralgia
Name the sequelae of VZV that can infect all tissues of the eye, accompanied by long-lasting pain. Damage to what part of the eye will cause blindness?
Herpes Zoster Opthalmicus; retina
For what ages should the zostavax or varivax vaccines be offered?
Varivax: ages 1-60
Zostavax: ages >50
What is the common epithelial presentation of EBV? In what kind of patients does this usually occur?
Oral hairy leukoplakia; in immunocompromised patients
What kind of immune cells does EBV infect?
B cells
When they are symptomatic, EBV and CMV can cause very similar mononucleosis infections. Give 3 ways that CMV infections differ from EBV infections.
CMV presents with a petechial skin rash, jaundice, and no sore throat
What disease, also called exanthem subitum, is caused by HHV6b and HHV7? What disease does HHV6a cause?
Roseola; none
What kind of immune cells do HHV6 and 7 infect?
CD4 T cells
What disease presents as 2-3 days of high fever followed by a faint trunk rash? By age 2, 90% of children have already had the infection twice.
What virus causes the overgrowth of blood vessels under the skin in Kaposi’s sarcoma?
HHV8 / KSHV (Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus)
In what 2 kinds of cells does KSHV establish latency?
B cells and endothelial cells
List 2 cancer-esque diseases that are linked to Kaposi’s sarcoma.
Body cavity-based lymphoma and Castleman’s disease / hyperplastic lymphadenopathy
How do you treat Kaposi’s sarcoma?
Treat the underlying immunodeficiency
What is the naked, ssRNA virus that causes hand, foot, and mouth disease? In what patient population is this painful, blistering disease commonly found?
Coxsackie virus; found in preschool aged kids and their parents
Term for the Coxsackie virus induced throat infection that causes red-ringed blisters and ulcers on the tonsils and soft palate.
Term for the Coxsackie virus induced eye pain, redness, and wetness plusswelling, light sensitivity, and blurred vision.
Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
What is the transmission route of coxsackie virus?
Direct contact, fomites, or secretions (it is highly contagious)
What is the transmission route of HPV?
Direct contact
List the 4 major poxviruses.
Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV), monkeypox virus, variola virus / smallpox, vaccinia virus
Give 3 ways that the skin rash of molluscum contagiosum virus differs from that of HPV.
MCV lesions are umbilicated (have a dimple in the middle), pale and shiny (not red), and usually appear in clusters
How is molluscum contagiosum virus transmitted, and in which 2 populations is it most common?
Direct contact or fomites; common in school-aged children and in HIV(+) patients (it also occurs in sexually active adults)
What poxvirus illness, endemic to West and Central Africa, is transmitted by squirrels and monkeys via direct contact or respiratory droplets?
Describe where on the body smallpox vs. VZV rash is found.
Both can affect the face; VZV is mainly on the trunk while smallpox affects the extremities
List 4 possible complications of vaccinia virus.
Auto-inoculation of the eyes/face, generalized vaccinia, eczema vaccinatum, and progressive vaccinia (necrosis or gangrene)
In what patient population does the potentially fatal progressive vaccinia occur? What 2 treatments are possible?
Immunocompromised patients; can treat with cidofovir or VIG (vaccinia immune globulin)
What virus is the cause of German measles?
Rubella or togavirus