VIQ - Paediatrics - Warm Up Flashcards
@# 3. Paediatric intussusception:
a) Accounts for over 75% of paediatric intestinal obstruction
b) Typically occurs between 4-8 years of age
c) Plain films are typically abnormal
d) A lead point is identified in over 50% of cases
e) Pneumoperitoneum is a contraindication to air reduction
a) True
b) False - highest incidence between 3 months and 4 years of age
c) False - plain films may be normal in up to 50%
d) False - in children, 95% are idiopathic, with no lead point
e) True - as are peritonitis and hypotension
@# 4. Childhood rhabdomyosarcoma:
a) Is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in children
b) Is the most common pelvic malignant neoplasm in children
c) Genitourinary tumours account for 25% of cases
d) Orbital tumours are highly malignant
e) T2 weighted MRI is ideal for assessing tumours of prostatic origin
a) True
b) True
c) True
d) False - non-invasive, with a good prognosis
e) False - tumours are hyperintense on T2 sequences, and may be obscured by adjacent high
signal urine
@# 6. Prune belly syndrome:
a) The bladder is hypoplastic
b) Is associated with abdominal wall deficiency
c) Is accompanied by cryptorchidism in males
d) Ureters are of normal calibre on IVU
e) Pulmonary hypoplasia is a complication
a) False - large, distended bladder
b) True - with cryptorchidism, distended bladder and dilated ureters
c) True
d) False
e) True
@# 7. Medullary calcification of the kidneys occurs in:
a) Hyperparathyroidism
b) Renal tubular acidosis
c) Pseudohyperparathyroidism
d) Medullary sponge kidney
e) Chronic glomerulonephritis
a) True
b) True
c) False
d) True
e) False - cortical nephrocalcinosis
@# 9. Slipped upper femoral epiphysis:
a) Is seen typically between 4-8 years of age
b) is bilateral in one third of cases
c) The Line of Klein should intersect the normal femoral head
d) The epiphysis slips posteromedially
e) Subchondral lucency is an early sign
a) False - typically 8-17 years of age
b) True
c) True
d) True
e) False - an early sign of Perthes’ disease
@# 10. The radiological features of pyknodysostosis include:
a) Limb overgrowth
b) Multiple wormian bones
c) Reduced bone density
d) Resorption of the lateral end of the clavicle
e) Tapered distal phalanges
a) False - short limbs
b) True
c) False - increased bone density
d) True
e) True
@# 11. Regarding normal skeletal variants:
a) Bipartite patella typically involves the upper outer quadrant
b) The medial humeral epicondyle ossification centre appears after the lateral epicondyle
c) A prominent anterior fat pad indicates intra-articular injury
d) The scaphoid bone is the first carpal bone to ossify
e) Os radiale externum is the commonest supernumary bone around the wrist
a) True
b) False - medial at 5 years, lateral at 13 years
c) False - a normal variant in up to 15%
d) False - capitate and hamate ossify in the 1st year; scaphoid in the 6th year
e) True
@# 12. Multiple wormian bones are a feature of:
a) Rickets
b) Osteogenesis imperfecta
c) Down’s syndrome
d) Hypothyroidism
e) Chondrodysplasia punctata
a) True
b) True
c) True
d) True - also in pyknodysostosis, kinky hair syndrome, cleidocranial dysostosis,
e) False
@# 14. Retinoblastoma:
a) Is the most common intra-ocular malignancy in childhood
b) Ultrasound demonstrates a hypoechoic mass in the posterior globe
c) CT shows calcification in 90%
d) Is associated with pineoblastoma
e) Is bilateral in 66%
a) True
b) False - hyperechoic mass within the globe
c) True
d) True - the trilateral retinoblastoma
e) True
@# 17. Regarding pancreatic development:
a) The tail, body and neck of the pancreas develop in the dorsal mesogastrium
b) The ventral pancreatic bud forms the uncinate process
C) The accessory pancreatic duct drains into the duodenum distal to the Ampulla of Vater
D) Annular pancreas is associated with Turner’s syndrome
E) Pancreas divisum predisposes to chronic pancreatitis
a) True
b) True
c) False - proximal to the Ampulla of Vater
d) False - Down’s syndrome, oesophageal atresia, imperforate anus, malrotation
e) True
@# 22. Concerning congenital diaphragmatic hernias:
a) Most congenital hernias are of the Morgagni type
b) Bochdalek hernias are usually left-sided
c) Defective closure of the pleuroperitoneal membranes leads to a Bochdalek hernia
d) Right-sided hernias may have a delayed presentation
e) Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation is a differential diagnosis
a) False - 85-90% are Bochdalek hernias
b) True
c) True
d) True
e) True
@# 25. Regarding normal lung anatomy:
a) The azygous fissure contains 2 layers of pleura
b) The inferior accessory fissure separates the medial and anterior basal segments of a lower
c) The right pulmonary artery passes posterior to the right main bronchus
d) The left superior pulmonary vein lies directly anterior to the left pulmonary artery
e) The anterior junctional line extends above the clavicles
a) False - 4 layers
b) True
c) False - anterior
d) False - the bronchial tree lies in between the two structures
e) False - posterior junctional line
@# 26. In bronchopulmonary sequestration:
a) Intralobar sequestration typically presents in the neonatal period
b) Sequestered segments have delayed contrast enhancement on dynamic CT scanning
c) The condition may be diagnosed antenatally
d) Intralobar sequestered segments are covered by visceral pleura
e) There is usually communication with the bronchial tree
a) False - later presentation is typical, with 50% asymptomatic
b) False - early or normal enhancement
c) True
d) True
e) False - communication may occur following infection
@# 27. Concerning mediastinal masses in childhood:
a) Lymphomatous hilar lymph node enlargement usually occurs without mediastinal
b) Paracardiac lymph nodes are a common site for primary hematological malignancy
c) Bronchogenic cysts are usually solitary
d) Pericardial cysts usually arise from the right cardiophrenic angle
e) Malignant teratomas are more common than benign teratomas
a) False - rare without mediastinal involvement
b) False - an important site of lymph node recurrence
c) True
d) True
e) False - benign cystic teratomas are the commonest mediastinal germ cell tumour
@# 28. The following are features of cystic fibrosis:
a) Meconium ileus is the most common mode of presentation
b) Lung involvement predominates in the lower zones
c) Skull X-ray shows generalised hypoplasia of the paranasal sinuses
d) There is a known association with situs inversus
e) Contrast enemas are often therapeutic with meconium ileus
a) False - only 10-15% of cases present this way
b) False - upper zone predominance
c) False - frontal sinus hypoplasia. The remainder are normal
d) False - situs inversus and bronchiectasis are part of the immotile cilia syndrome
e) True