Violence And Bullying Flashcards
Consequences of bullying
Self harm
In extreme cases- suicide
Bible quotes against violence and bullying
Luke 6:28- “if someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other one also”
Matthew 5:44-“love your enemies”
Types of bullying
Cain and abel- first event
Cain was jealous of his brother abel
Cain and abel- second event
God said to cain “sin is lurking at the door…you must master it”
Cains angry thoughts led him to violence
Cain and abel- third event
“Cain rose up against abel and killed him”
Cain and abel- last event
God said to abel “your brothers blood is crying out to me from the ground”
Meaning of cain and abel for christians
Feelings of anger and jealousy can lead us to act sinfully. Gods reaction to the murder of abelshows us violence is against gods morals and his word.
Bible quotes that support violence
Exodus 15:3- “the lord is a warrior”
Ecclesiastes 3:8- “a time for war and a time for peace”