Just War, Nuclear War, Consequences Of War Flashcards
What did jesus say that backs up just war theory
Jesus said, ‘The one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one’ (Luke 22:36 (NRSV)).
Just war criteria
Just cause
Reasonable chance of winning
Declared by legit authority
Proportional force
Innocent civilians shouldn’t be attacked
Last resort
One view against just war
The just war theory is dangerous as it
could be used to defend the concept of
war. It is outdated and not relevant to
twenty-first century warfare
OPinion that supports jwt
We should only support a war that meets
the just war criteria, as only then can it
be justified
Other views on use of war
The army should only go to war when
there has been a major abuse of power
or there is a serious threat to the security of britain
Catholic views on wmds
No victors, only
victims’ (Pope
Benedict XVI)
Contrasting views on wmds
Some people, including some Catholics,
believe that it is right for Britain to
have nuclear weapons
Christian typical view on wmds
Many Christians and others call for
nuclear disarmament and may support
organisations such as the Campaign
for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Catholic view on civilian casualties of war
The Catechism of the Catholic Church 2313 states that ‘Non-combatants, wounded
soldiers, and prisoners must be respected and treated humanely”
One consequence of war
Catholic view on environmental dmg as a result of war
As stewards of the earth, people have a responsibility to limit any damage done to the environment