Violence Flashcards
“He heaves the package at her. She cries out in protest but manages to catch it then she laughs breathlessly”
-first time we see Stella and Stanley together: sums up their relationship
-the heaving of the package foreshadows Stanley’s violence and Stella’s quickness to laugh shows how accepting she is of his violence
“He hurls the furs to the bed. Then he jerks open a small drawer and pulls up a fistful of costume jewellery”
-verbs: hurls, jerks and fistful show an animalistic and violent side to Stanley
“Stanley stalks fiercely…he crosses to the small white radio and snatched it off the table..he tossed the instrument out of the window”
-the verb stalks connotes an animal stalking its prey
-the aggressive action could connote his desire to destroy blanche(the radio is white-Blanche means white in French)
“(With heaven splitting violence)”
-even Stanley’s lamentful, passionate shout to Stella is described as violent
-force of his voice and character
“On our wedding night…he rushed around smashing the light bulbs”
-wedding night connotes sex, desire and love, contrasted by the smashing of light bulbs
-shows a correlation between desire and violence with in their relationship
“Spears his fork into the remaining meat which he eats with his fingers”
-“spear his fork”- spears connotes violence whilst fork connotes domestic environment which shows his tendency for domestic violence.
-zoomorphism imagery with the meat
“Lurid reflections appear on the wall.The shadows of grotesque and menacing form..the night is filled with inhumane noises like cries in a jungle”
-plastic theatre:foreshadows danger and blanches rape