Violence Flashcards
What is violence?
have their roots in complicated emotional motivations and reactions.
True or false, anger is the only cause of violence? Explain
anger management would reduce violence.
Violence may be related to shame and blame. Explain
Life should treat me fairly. When people have traumatic childhood, feel shame, weakness, vulnerability, etc. When someone makes these feelings come back, act like they wish they had when they were younger.
What is the history of violence in a person?
frequency of violence
recency violent behaviour
severity of past violent behaviour
age at first occurrence.
Why do they put many names to homicide?
Cause different motivations for different homicide.
Name a few biological correlates to violence?
trauma, subjective CNS, acute psychotic disorder
Social and learning correlates of violence?
Family teaches violence as a mode of communication.
peer group endorses violence, especially during adolescence.
Job instability, threatened, job loss.
Lower SES. Weapons interest, possession, facility, and recent use.
Victim availability, victim pool.
Alcohol and stimulant.
Pop culture, influences, such as TV, media, game.
Person characteristics of violence?
male, 15-24, history of childhood abuse and neglect, paranoid ideation. Hallucinations with violent content, below average intelligence, anger, fear problems, psychopathy, poor treatment.
Mitigating factors of violence?
home, health, family, alternatives, career, belief systems, resources, self-esteem, reputation, dignity.
What is a homicide?
Culpable v. non-culpable.
causes death of another human directly or indirectly.
Culpable is when at blame or accountable.
Homicide versus murder 1st degree, 2nd degree, manslaughter.
1-2 culpable with intentions
manslaughter: homicide without intentions of death, intentions to cause harm.
culpable homicide of killing the newborn baby.
Examples of non-culpable?
Justifiable homicide
killing at war
capital punishment
Sentencing 1st degree?
Sentencing 2nd degree?
1- life sentence, no possibility of parole for 25 years.
2- life sentence with no parole for minimum 10 years.
Who can be accused infanticide?
female who gave birth to a child
What are the goals of sentencing in Canada?
denounces unlawful conduct
discourages offenders and others from committing crimes
separate offenders from society
assist in rehabilitation of offenders
provide reparation for harm done to victim and community
promote responsibility for ones actions and acknowledge harms done
Homicide rate in canada…
going up two years in a row after a consistent decrease
Homicide rate in provinces that went up…
quebec, nova scotia, british colombia, alberta, saskatchewan
Homicide rates that went down in Canada///
Manitoba, Ontario, New Bruinswick, PEI, Nwfoundland and Labrador
What is the most common method of homicide in Canada? second and third
Shooting, stabbing, beating
Who commits the most violence?
Men between 18-24
Who is more likely to be the killer between spouse, stranger, acquaintance and other family relationship?
Acquaintance, other family relationship, stranger, spouse.
Gun-related homicides are (increasing/decreasing). Which is the most common firearm in Canada?
Who is the most likely to be victim of a homicide?
18-59 males
Femicide saw an (increase/decrease) in 2020?
What are the causes of stranger on stranger homicides?
substance abuse
unintended outcome of other serious crimes.
Typology two main factors:
context of the homicide
victim homicide
What is a filicide?
killing of children by biological or step-parent
What is the evolutionary theory of homicide?
Psychological adaptations occurs as a consequence of social adaptation problems.
Who is more likely to kill their children when the child is older?
What is a uxoricide?
Killing one’s wife
What is mariticide?
Killing one’s husband
What is a parricide? Common cause
killing parents.
Familicide? Who?
killing parents, siblings, spouses and children
Most often male
3 types of maternal filicide?
Battering mothers
mental illness
Neonaticide maternal filicide:
Kill children within 24h of life.
Not suicidal or history of mental illness.
Hid pregnancy
Battering mothers maternal filicde?
Does not abuse, but doesnt stop the abuse.
Mental Illness maternal filicide?
More likely to have killed older children and multiple children. May be diagnosed with psychosis or mental illness.
What is in altruistic filicide?
mothers who kill out of love.
What is postpartum blues?
mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping.
Postpartum depression:
7-19% of women
sadness, low energy, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, no sex, crying, anxiety, irritability. Clinical depression.
Postpartum psychosis
1-2/1000 birth
irritable, extreme mood swings and hallucinations, homicidal thoughts, possible need for psychiatric hospitalization
Learning theory of homicide:
fail to inhibit and approve behaviour. (violence is good to deal with interpersonal conflict, parents use aggression as punishment, culture of honor = toxic masculinity)
Social cognitive theory of homicide:
How we perceive the world around us. Distortion of moral thinking, etc.
Polaschek, Collie and Walkey see 4 main themes to justify violence in violent offenders:
Normalization of violence
Beat or be beaten
I am the law
I get out of control
What is the pre-emtive homicide theory:
Fear of being killed drives homicide to go up. Social groups with higher victimization are more likely to commit murder (African amerixan)
What is the personality theory of offending?
Risky behaviours, hostile and agressive.
Impulsiveness, negative emotionality (no self-control) increase chances.
Empathy decrease.
Name 3 biological factors associated with homicide:
intelligence, impulsiveness, and temerament
Why is temperament associated with homicide? 3 factors
Because its the basis of personality so it makes some people more easy to socialize.
Individuals who react negatively to new things, reject warmth from people, poor attachment quality
Irritable temperament, likelihood of being treated badly: seek acceptance from similar people
Why have treatments for homicide not been researched as much as treatments from sexual assault
Less likely to go back to the outside world
What are the things that are often included in treatments for homicide?
anger management self-control problem solving interpersonal skills social attitutes
Do homicide treatments work? What are the things that help
longer treatments, more specifc treatments, correctional staff instead of rehabilitation pro.