VIII. Remedies Flashcards
Non-Monetary Remedies
- Specific Performance
- Under ARticle 2 for Buyer
- Cancellation
- Replevy identified goods
- specific perofrmance
- Seller’s under article 2
- withhold goods
- recover goods
- force goods on buyer
- demand assurances
Non Monetary REmedies Generally
Available only if remedieas at law not adequate
Defenses to Non-Monetary Remedies
- Unclean hands
- IMpossibility and hardship
- Laches (delay in bringing action has increased cost of performance or made it difficult)
Specific Performance
- available for land and rare or unique goods
- never for services
- Will grant injunction not to work somewhere such as covnenant not to compete as long as services are unique and covenant is rasonable (legitimate interset public, reasonable scope and duration, not harm pulbic)
Equitable Recission
Performance duty is excused b/c of impossibility impractiablity or frustration of purpose.
Also used where K is void or voidable on mutal mistake
where agreement is improperly recorded
Cnacellation (art 2)
rejects goods b/c do not confrom to K
Reasonable grounds for insecurity adquate assurance of performance (art 2)
either party
in writing demand assurance of performance and may suspend performance untl receives writing. NOt received in 30 days, treated as repudiation
Buyer’s Right to Replevy Identified Goods (Art. 2)
- if made prepayment and selller has become insolvent after payment or were purhcased for personal purposes
- Or if unable to secure adequate substitute
Buyer’s right to specific perofrmance (art 2)
even where goods have not been identified and when goods are unique or in other proper circumstances
SEller’s Right to withold goods (art 2)
Payment not made or finds that buyer is insolvent
Sellter’s Right to Recover Goods
Allowed to do if
it is a credit sale
buyer is insolvent when it receives goods
demand for return is made w/in 10 days of the receipt of goods or withn a reasonable time if buyer made false represenations of solvency
Seller’s ability to force goods on buyer
limited to an action for price when seller is unable to resll goodes to others at reasonable price
Monetary Damages
- compensatory
- punitive
- nominal
- liquidated
Compensatory Damages
- put non-breaching party where she would have been had the promise been performed
- Standard measure: what woudl it take to substitute
- Reliance Damages: damages that assess what damages the palintiff had for relying on K. Put them in position had K never existed
- Consequential Damages: damages that any reasonable person would have foreseen. ONly a buyer may do this in sale of goods
- Incidental Damages–Sale of Goods: reaonbly incurred to assess the goods
- Certainty: losses must be certain not speculative