IV. Requirement that No Defenses Exist Flashcards
even if valid, may be invalid because of a defense to formation, defect in capacity or because a defense to enforcement of certain terms exists
Defense to Formation
- Absence of Mutal Assent
- Mutual Mistake as to Existing Facts
- Unilateral Mistake
- Mistake by the Intermediary (transmission)
- Ambigous Contract Language
- Misrepresenation
- Absence of Consideration
- Public Policy Defenses to Contract Formation//Illegality
Mutual Mistake as to Existing Facts
If both parties are mistaken about existing facts, contract may be voidable by adversely affected party IF:
- mistake concerns a basic assumption on which contract is made
- mistake has a material effect
- seeking avoidance did not assume risk
- e.g. party in better postion to know risk or knew and ignored
- mistake in vlaue generally not a defense
Unilateral Mistake
If only one party is mistaken, mistake will not prevent formation of a cotnract
If the nonmistaken party had reason to know of the mistake, contract voidable
Transmission/Mistake by INtermediary
Mistake in the transsmission of offer or acceptance, message as transmitted is operative unless other party kneow or should have nknown of mistake
Ambiguous K Language
Depends on awareness
- Neither aware–> no k unless same meaning intended
- Both aware–no k unless both intended same meaning
- One aware–binding based on what ignorant party reasonable believed to be the meaning of words
subjective intent taken into accoutn
- Fraudulent Misreprentation–Voidable
- induces another by usuing misrepresntation, voidable if innocent party justifiably relied on inducment
- Fraud is in the inducement
- nondisclosure of fact must be material and fraudulent
- need not be written or spoken–can be in condcut
- Nonfraudulent misrepresenation–voidable if material
- if justifabily relied
- material if 1) info would induce a reasonable person to agree or 2) maker of mis rep knew the info would cause a person to agree
Innocent Party May Rescind Agreement and Recover Damages. Does not need to breach and be sued,
- *
Absence of Consdieration
e.g. one is illusory–always voidable
Public Policy Defenses/Illegality
If any party illegal than void EXCEPT
- p unaware of illegality while d knows of it
- parties are not equally culpable
- OR illegality is failure to obain license which is for revenue raising purposes rather than protection the public
If only purpose of K is illiegal, contract is voidable by a party who was 1) unaware of purpose or 2) aware but did not facilitiate purpose and purpose does not involve serious moral trupitude
Defenses based on lack of capacity
- Legal Incapcity to K
- Infants
- Mental Incapcity
- Intoxication
- Duress and Undue Influence
Legal Incapacity to Contract
- Minors: under age 18 unless married which can be 16 or legally emancipated or for student loans
- may choose to disaffirm K anytime before reaching majority–must return anyting that still remains at time of disaffirmance
- no obligation to return consdieration not aforund
- failling to disaffirm within reaonable time after reach majority considered affirmance
- may choose to disaffirm K anytime before reaching majority–must return anyting that still remains at time of disaffirmance
- Mental Incapcity–> incapable of understand nature and signifiacne of contract may disaffirm through rep or when lucid.
- may affirm when lucid or upon recovery
- E.g. contract voidable
- liable for necessities furnished to them in quasi-K
- Intoxicated Persons: understand nature and signifacnce can be voidableif other party had reason to know of intox. May affirm upon recovery
- quasi-k damages available
Duress and Undue Influence
- May be voided and rescinded as long as not affirmed
- IMproper threat
- taking advantage of needs not duress unless witholding someonthing someone wnats or needs if 1) the party threatenes to commit a wrongful act that would harm property or finances and 2) there ar no other adequate means to prevent lsos
- ELements of undue inrleunce
- 1) undue susceptability to prssure
- 2) excessive pressure
Defense to Enforcement
- Statute of Frauds
- Unconciousnability
Statute of Frauds Generally
certain agreements, by stattue, muste be in writing and signed signed by parties sought to be bound
SOF: Writing Requriement
- requires only that there be one or more writing signed by prson sought to be bound that reflect material terms–does not need to be full contract
- electronic record satisfies
- does not need to be full-fledged–can be pieced together