Vietnam War Analysis Flashcards
How many US troops were in Vietnam by 1968?
550 000
When was South Vietnam almost overthrown?
When was the Domino Theory presented?
1954 by Dwight Eisenhower
Who was the US President at the time?
Lyndon Johnson
Australian Prime Minister at the time?
Robert Menzies
South Vietnam Leader
Ngo Dinh Diem
North Vietnam Leader
Ho Chi Minh
Why did the US become involved in the War?
- 1954 Domino Theory.
- Containment
- Signatory to 1954 SEATO
- Asked by South Vietnam
Why did Aus become involved in the war?
- Wanted to remain allies with US
When was Aus battalion accepted?
13 April 1965
How many months training did Aus soldiers have?
12 months plus jungle training
Training for US Soldiers?
10 weeks
What percentage of AUS soldiers were in combat?
Percentage of US soldiers in combat?
80% are in supply jobs (500 tonnes each day)
What is rolling thunder?
US bombing initiative of NV to cut off supplies along Ho Chi Minh trail.
Stopped every 1 in 100 NVA for every 100 tonnes used.
Search and destroy missions and effectiveness?
Search out Vietcong and destroy villages.
Widespread mistrust of soldiers.
Half a million refugees.
Reasons for unpopularity
Constant media coverage
Tet offensive
My lai massacre
When was the tet offensive?
Jan-June 1968
How many US Soldiers killed in offensive?
When was My Lai Massacre?
March 1968
How many victims dead from My Lai?
347-505 innocent civilians
How many avoided conscription?
approx 250,000
Outcome of Vietnam war?
1973- peace agreement signed
VC defeats south and becomes communist
2 million Vietnamese dead.
1976- Vietnam unites, suffering economy
Mark Baker about increasing inhumanity
“…You give a guy a gun and strange things happen.”
Dr Jim Cairns 1970
“Many people in Australia are convinced the war is an atrocity.”
Student John Lacey
“…we had no right to be there…there were many veterans who hated the war.”
David Millar
“I believe the napalming of villages is an immoral act…”
burns draft card