Vietnam during USA involvement Flashcards
Who was Eisenhower and what were his feelings towards the conflict?
- President of the USA 1953-1960
- Convinced that China and USSR were trying to spread Communism throughout Asia through Domino Theory
What was the Domino theory?
- The idea that as a country became Communist would set off a chain reaction of more countries becoming Communist (especially in Asia)
How did Eisenhower try to stop Domino theory?
- Sent $1.6 billion to South Vietnamese government
How did Kennedy increase US commitment in Vietnam?
- 11,000 military advisors were sent to Vietnam to provide training
- Began the Strategic Hamlet plan
What was the Strategic Hamlet Plan?
- Whole villages were moved out of VC controlled areas
- This was to try and stop the VC from gaining support
- It was done by providing new materials and improving areas
What were the problems with the Strategic Hamlet plan?
- Increased VC support as many peasants didn’t want to move and didn’t feel threatened by the VC
- Corrupt officials took the money meant for the vilagers for themselves
What was the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
- North Vietnamese boats were said to have fired at a US ship USS Maddox
- The men on board saw this as an aggravated attack and the Maddox fired back
- Johnson used this to persuade congress to support him in taking action
What did the Gulf of Tonkin resolution allow Johnson to do?
- To take all necessary measures to protect US interests in Vietnam
- War could now take place
What was operation rolling thunder?
- A massive bombing campaign predominantly in North Vietnam (But also in Cambodia and Laos) meant to destroy infrastructure and the Hoi Chi Minh trail
- Done by bombing the rainforest blindly and usually resulted badly
When did direct US military involvement begin in Vietnam?
-March 1965 when 3500 US marines landed at Da Nang
What was Guerilla Warfare?
- Ambushing and booby traps instead of head on fighting
How big was the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army?
- Consisted of 170,000 but were supplied by the USSR and China
- The US were far better equipped
Why were the Viet Congs tactics so successful?
- They were hard to find as they did not wear a uniform
- Ambushes and booby traps sapped US morale as they were hard to fight back against
- They had peasant support
- They were supported by North Vietnam
What were search and destroy missions?
- Missions that involved launching raids on Viet Cong villages by helicopter to destroy hideouts and discover weapon stores
- Were effective in locating VC villages but killed a lot of civillians
What was the My Lai Massacre?
- Happened in 1968
- A search and destroy mission meant to discover VC hideouts
- Alleged warnings were sent for civilians to be out of the village but many ignored them
- The men were away so it was predominantly the elderly,women and children
- 400 civilians were killed and maybe one VC
- It was covered up for a year saying that there were minor civilian casualties and 100 VC killed
- All came out when opposition to the war in USA increased due to a soldier involved sending a letter to the press
What was the financial cost?
- Huge.
- Estimated $400,000 to kill one VC fighter
What other problems did the USA face?
- VC camped out in neighbouring countries
- Low Morale
- Losing support back home
- Tensions amongst ranks
What was the Tet offensive?
- A major attack against US forces in 100 cities and military areas
- Took place on New Year which meant that many troops were off duty as no one expected an attack on a sacred day
- The government building in Saigon etc were attacked
Was the Tet offensive successful?
-Not in usual terms
-Hoped South Vietnamese would join the fight
- 10,000 VC were killed
-Areas were quickly recaptured
-Spread doubt in the USA’s chances of winning
-Some began to see the war as unwinnable
What were Nixon’s policies to try and end the war?
- ‘Peace with honour’
- That the USA would keep fighting until it no longer was surrendering
- Named it Vietnamisation which involved reducing US troops and give the South Vietnamese forces more responsibility
Why was Vietnamisation expected to fail?
- The South Vietnamese army was weak and poorly lead
- The NVA and Viet Cong still had strong support from USSR and China
When did troops withdraw?
-25,000 troops withdrew in June 1969 and 35,000 in September
How did Nixon increase US involvement and why?
- Increased involvement as ti not look weak or the North to win too quickly
- Ordered troops to invade Cambodia and attack VC bases to try and force the NVA to attend peace talks
- Also invaded Laos which ended incredibly badly
- Bombing increased again in 1972 to put pressure on the North to make Peace
What was Operation Linebacker?
- An operation done in April 1972 to increase pressure on the North
- Involved bombing roads,factories and supply lines
What did Operation Linebacker lead to?
-More protests in the USA and across the world