Vietnam Flashcards
How did the USA become involved in Vietnam under Truman?
- -Economic benefit of being involved in Indochina
- -After WW2 Truman supported French Empire
- -Believed the Vietminh were backed by Stalin and the USSR
- -Looked at his support for the French in Cold War terms
How did the USA become involved in Vietnam under Eisenhower?
- -Increased US involvement
- -Domino Theory
- -Sent in the first military advisers
- -After French defeat Geneva agreement set up four countries: Laos, Cambodia, NV and SV
- -US wouldn’t hold elections in the South because they feared Communist victory
- -Backed unpopular leader Ngo Dinh Diem instead
- -Popular support went to Vietcong
- -Failed to see Vietnam as a national uprising instead of a Cold War conflict
How did the USA become involved in Vietnam under Kennedy?
- -Believed he had to take a strong stand
- -Domino Theory
- -Containment
- -Advisers equally strong: Rusk, McNamara
- -Refused to send troops
- -Increased financial aid
- -16,000 military advisers in SE Asia by 1963
- -Sent US Special Forces to train the AVRN in counter-insurgency tactics
- -These tactic lost popular support
Why did Johnson get involved in Vietnam?
- -Did not want to be the first President to lose a war
- -Believed US credibility was at stake
- -Inherited Kennedy’s advisers
- -Domino Theory
- -“Raggedy-ass little fourth rate country.”” – US arrogance
- -1964 election: didn’t want to show weakness
- -Anti-communism
What was the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
- -August 1964: USS Maddox fired on in the Gulf of Tonkin by NV boats
- -Two days later Maddox and Turner Joy fired on again, potentially.
- -Johnson uses this to escalate US involvement in the war
- -Congress passed the Tonkin Resolution after a deliberately misleading account of the incident
- -Allowed the President to take ‘all necessary measures, including the use of military force’ to protect US interested in SE Asia
- -Allowed US to attack NV; Johnson claimed they were supplying the Vietcong
What was the situation in Vietnam at the time of the Tonkin incident?
- -Ho Chi Minh: Communist revolutionary, nationalist struggled
- -Supported by Vietcong (SV) and Vietminh (NV)
- -Divided by 17th parallel
How did the war escalate?
- -Operation Rolling Thunder: massive air assaults on NV to stop them helping the Vietcong
- -$1 billion aid programme for the South
- -Huge build-up of ground forces
- -March 1965: US Marines land in Da Nang
- -By the end of 1965: 1/2 million US soldiers in Vietnam
- -Cost $30 billion/year
- -NV Four Points: rejected
- -US Fourteen Points: rejected
What were the Vietnamese Four Points?
- Withdrawal of US military from SV
- Neutrality of NV and SV pending reunification
- Organisation of SV based on programme of Vietcong
- Peaceful reunification of Vietnam without foreign intervention
What were the US tactics during the war?
- -Search-and-destroy missions in which villages suspected of helping the guerrillas were destroyed
- -My Lai massacre: killed 300, covered it up
- -Success based on body counts or kill ratios
- -Napalm (jellied explosives)
- -Chemical weaponry e.g Agent Orange (defoliant)
- -10% of Vietnamese surface area sprayed with chemicals
- -Greater tonnage of bombs over NV and SV between July 1965 and December 1968 than the Allies over all of Europe throughout WW2
- -Passification: destruction of towns suspected of helping the Vietcong
What were the causes of the Vietnam War?
- -US industrial interests in Vietnam
- -Russian expansionism
- -SE Asia growing more Communist e.g China 1949
- -McCarthyism
- -Containment
- -Domino Theory
- -16,000 military advisers in SE Asia
- -Tonkin incident
What were the aims of Operation Rolling Thunder?
- -Damage Vietnamese economy
- -Attack Ho Chi Minh trail
- -Force peaceful negotations
- -Destruction of towns
- -Destruction of Vietcong cover: jungles
What were the Vietcong tactics during the war?
- -Fought at night
- -Guerrilla warfare
- -Built tunnels under the jungle
- -Ho Chi Minh trail
- -Incredibly morale; US bombing intensified will to fight
- -Captured 5/6 of SV
What was the Quagmire Theory?
- -The deeper you go the harder it is to get out
- -More forces Johnson put in – more interest he had there – harder to get out of Vietnam
What was the progress of the war?
- -Johnson claimed the bombs were aimed at military targets
- -Claimed the US was winning the war
- -Strategic bombing failed to cripple a mostly agricultural country
- -Artillery and search-and-destroy missions failed in a guerrilla war
What were the opinions of the American public and how did they change?
- -Johnson: 85% approval rate fell to 26%
- -1965: anti-war movement
- -Media war
- -Walter Cronkite: ‘I thought we were winnig the war’
- -Credibility gap opening up
What was the Tet Offensive?
- -NV troops launched a surprise attack on major SV cities
- -Assault on US embassy in Saigon
- -Only defeated after savage fighting
- -4000 US soldiers dead
- -15000 civilians dead
- -2000 ARVN dead
What were the consequences of the Tet Offensive?
- -Undermined Johnson’s claim to be winning the war
- -US army commanders wanted more soldiers
- -Increased US opposition to the war
What were the consequences of the Vietnam war?
- -Johnson didn’t stand for reelection
- -Weakened Great Society Programme
- -Societal divide between those who opposed it and those who supported it
- -50,000 US soldiers dead
- -First war America lost
- -Demonstrated limits of American military technology in the face of well-organised guerrilla campaign
- -Distracted US and Johnson from foreign problems elsewhere
- -Caused budgetary deficits and inflation
- -Caused a shift in working-class vote from Democrat to Republican
- -Highlighted growing power of US presidency
- -Weakened morale of US troops
- -Americans began to distrust government
What was the anti-war movement?
- -Mostly middle-class white college students
- -Draft dodgers; Clinton, Muhammad Ali
- -Teach-ins: students and professors protested on campus grounds
- -Queried morality of the war
- -Credibility gap
- -My Lai massacre
How did Johnson change policy in Vietnam?
- -Advisers go to other jobs
- -Called a partial halt to bombing
- -March 1968: withdrew from election race
- -Proposal for peace talks accepted by NV
- -May 1968: talks begin in Paris, deadlocked
- -1968: complete halt to bombing
What was fragging?
- -Mutiny against US officers in Vietnam
- -Attacked with fragmented grenades
- -600 murdered by own men
What were the dates of the Vietnam War?