Boom 1945-1968 Flashcards
How did the US economy grow after WW2?
- -More than doubled in size between 1945 and 1960
- -Unemployment remained low
- -Inflation averaged 2.5% a year
- -“The greatest prosperity the world has ever known”
- -World’s dominant economic power
- -Late 1940s: 7% world population, 50% of world manufacturing output, 40% of world income
- -Most Americans by 1960s: homeowners, high consumers and well-educated
What was the influence of WW2 on US economy?
- -Expansion of war industries eliminated unemployment
- -Brought women into the workforce
- -Family earnings increased
- -Savings: nowhere to spend money
- -1945: $140 billion in private savings
- -Used savings to boost consumer spending after war
- -Increased government revenue: more people brought into tax net
- -1940: $7 billion in tax, 1945: $51 billion
- -Company profits increased
- -Rise of corporations: 100 companies responsible for 3/4 of war manufacturing
- -US mainland was undamaged: no money spent on reconstruction
- -Exports: Marshall Aid created ready-made markets where consumers bough American goods
What was the influence of public investment on US economy?
- -Govt spending increased from $10 billion in 1940 to $580 billion in 1980
- -Gave a huge boost to the economy: mild recessions in 1953-4 and 1957-8 were caused by cutbacks in govt spending
- -Keynesian Economics: government spending had a large influence on economic growth and employment
- -Employment Act: govt should try to achieve maximum employment, production and purchasing power
- -1945-70: 60% of all spending went on defense (Cold War)
- -Korea, Vietnam
- -Weapons R&D: military aircraft, missiles, ships, submarines, space exploration
- -Exported weapons to other countries
- -GI Bill of Rights: aid to veterans for houses, starting businesses, educating themselves
- -1956: 8 million vets benefited from further education
- -Provision of increased skills, boost to construction industry
- -Highway Act 1956: $43 billion in roads crossing the continent
- -Boost to construction and employment
- -Indirect boost to car industry and interstate trade and commerce
- -New Deal, Great Society: reduced poverty
What other factors influenced the US economy?
- -Cheap energy (oil)
- -Advances in R&D increased productivity and real per capita income: output per worker rose 35% each decade
- -Technological expansion in electronic and electrical companies, tobacco, soft drinks, chemicals, plastics an pharmaceutical industries
- -Transistors invented at the end of 1940s
How did the US industrial structure develop?
- -1945: 300 recorded mergers
- -1955: 30% of manufacturing sales was controlled by 50 of 300,000 manufacturing companies
- -Exxon, Standard Oil, Ford, General Motors
- -Bought new materials from a variety of companies and sold products worldwide
- -US became world’s largest foreign investor
- -1950: foreign investment was $19 billion, $160 billion
- -Economic imperialism
- -By 1980s US main industry was more service-oriented
What were the causes of multinational expansion?
- -Many businesses were successful in the home market and tended to invest abroad
- -Greater tech, higher productivity, better management skills compared to competitors
- -Growth of world markets: easier to control widespread operations because of tech improvements
- -Huge investment in R&D, making new products
- -High cost of exporting meant factories in or near the foreign market were cheaper
- -Federal tax laws encourage foreign investment: liable for tax in the host country but not in the US unless earnings were brought back there
- -Lower corporation tax in other countries
- -Govt insured companies against losses in politically unstable areas e.g South America
- -US dollar became world’s main currency
- -Growth of European economy in 50s and 60s, especially EEC, provided another prosperous market
What factors influenced the pattern of US foreign investment?
- -Foreign investment in Western European and Canada
- -Europe: manufacturing
- -Less developed countries: raw materials
- -Spread of Communism in Eastern Europe and Russia excluded those areas
- -Growing independence movements in Africa and Asia created unstable political climates which put off investors
- -Often decolonisation was followed by nationalisation
- -Japan deliberately kept out foreign investment
What were the concerns about multinationals?
- -Concern over ability of US and foreign govts to control their operations
- -Corporations could take advantage of host country economic policies designed to build up their own economies
- -Transfer pricing: avoided making profits in high-tax countries
- -US government was concerned about corporations because they wanted to maintain competition
- -Bribes to politicians
What was globalisation?
- -Closer integration of world economies and growing interdependence between different places
- -Fortunes of US economy affected other parts of the world
- -US MNCs spread new ideas and cultural values
- -World based on American consumer goods e.g Coca-Cola and Levi’s
- -Americanisation: pop music, films
- –Critics: undermined local cultures
- -Anti-American feeling in some countries
What was the global trade system?
- -International agreements creating conditions for free trade
- -IMF, 1946: promote international co-operation in finance, encourage stability in exchange rates ==> $ became cornerstone of currency market
- -World Bank provided loads for development programmes
- -GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), 1947: reduced tariffs on goods, agreed in rounds e.g Kennedy Round in 1960s
What were arguments in favour of globalisation?
- -Increased world trade reduced world poverty
- -Boosted economic growth and so helped poorer countries catch up to richer countries
- -Less developed countries increased their share of world trade
- -Industry set up foreign countries: increased the skills of the local workforce
What were arguments against globalisation?
- -Larger US corporations invested in poorer countries because they made greater profits from lower wages
- -Freer trade only opened markets for the benefits of MNCs
- -Argued against Americanisation
- -Regarded as form of imperialism
What were the effects of globalisation?
- -Increased the wealth of better-off states at the expense of the less developed world
- Added to the growing rift between the richer and poorer countries