videos series 7 Flashcards
performance compensation
generally not allowed unless
it is qualified client( 1 million under management or 2.1 million net worth not including house)
or executive officer or IAR
nasa requires disclosure of
- incentive for taking greater risk
- compensation may be on unrealized gains
- why index was chosen
no rebating commissions on mutual funds
cash referral soliciters under investment advisors act 1940 must have what
- must have written agreement
- description activies and compensation
- agreement to provide advisors brochure and soliciters diclosure doc(disclose if higher cost will result)
- IA recieves acknoledgement that both docs have been received
what are soft dollars and what are allowable payments
and what is not
What form
getting something other than money for compensation
- research reports
- software
- services for benefits of clients
- seminar registration fees
- reimbursement for travel expenses and seminars
- furnature, equipment and non customer related expenses
- Rent
what is Custody
What doesn’t need nw requirements
holding customer cash and securites
authority to dispurse funds without clients consent
automatic fee payments(don’t need to meet NW requrements if this is the case)
custody rules
and what form
USA requires notification to admin unless state law prohibits custody
segregated and marked to identify ownership
location services and notification of changes
complete and accurate records of account activity/deposits
quarterly statements
if no qualifed custodian(bank or bd not aff)
a. surprise annual audit
b. ADV E(used when you have custody and outside audit)
prudent investor rule
fiduciaries must use skill and caution
splitting commissions
Written consent or client authroization?
must be with someone registered
same firm or affiliated
unless exception by administrator
NASAA’s Statement of Policy on Unethical or Dishonest Business Practices of Broker-Dealers and Agents permits commission sharing as long as the agents are properly registered with the same broker-dealer or one under common control. There is no requirement for the arrangement to be in writing, and the customer has no say so in this matter.
sharing customer profits and losses
written consent of client and BD
only applies to agents
never BDS, IA’s IARs
borrowing/ lending customers
can’t do unless customer in lending business or affiliate of the firm
banks ok, bank officers not, broker dealers can
mortage banks ok, mortage brokers not
we borrow from the bank…we DON’T LEND TO THEM
larger than ordinary commissions
just need disclosure
3rd party reports need to disclose when
the advisor provides clients with reports or recommendations prepared by 3rd party. KEy is its their recommendation.
soliciting sales of unregistered non exempt securities
not ok unless exempt transaction
can’t disclose confidential client info unless
client consent
court order
account for joint spouse
insider trading
300% of profit or loss avoided as penalty
could go to jail for 20 years
Form 13f
Discretion of 100 million or more of 13f securities
must file withinin 45 days of each calander quarter
pay to play rules
can’t receive compensation for advisory services from a government entity for a period of 2 years after making a contribution to a politician from that state
there is diminimus
$350 if you can vote for person
$150 if you can’t
regulation S-P
firms must adopt policies and procedures to address protection of nonpublic information
customer vs consumer
customers have ongoing relationship
consumers have initial contact and no more after
this is part of regulation S-p
must send initial and annual notice to customers
must have easy way of op out. writing letter is not easy
cash referral registration
3rd party soliciters not required to be registered as IAR(employees employed by advisor are)
soliciters for state registered advisors who are associated must register as IAR
if no custody nassa requires that funds sent inadvertainly be returned
within 3 business days. same with 3rd party check
who can use oral authorization for discretion
10 days after initial discretionary trade(bds can’t)
3rd party soliciters
registration and can they receive compensation based on sales
does not need to be registered as IAR
can’t receive compensation based on sales
can’t be subject to a statutory disqualification
3rd party reports exception
if advisor uses third party reports as a basis for its own recommendation or as support to its own recommendation to its client, it does not have to disclose this info
compliance rules of investment advisors act of 1940 require
appointed CCO
annual compliance review
written compliance policies and procedures
. You enter an order to purchase 1,000 shares and receive two 500-share confirmations, but they are not at the same price. Which of the following is the proper procedure for you to follow?
average of the two prices
who is considered supervised person
All individuals working for an investment adviser who provide investment advice or management are considered supervised persons