unit 18 Flashcards
opening account for natural person
name, legal age, employment
(CIP) USA patriot act- anti terrorism, dob, physical address and ein. CIP needs date of birth and legal age
financial info and objectives
tenants by entirety
limited to spouses
permission of spouse needs to make a gift or sale
generally used for real estate
check must be made in name of all owners
sole propreetorship
unlim libability
simplist form to form or disolve
income and losses flow through
partnership not taxable entity
pretty easy to form and disolve
all partners considerd for suitability
taxed like partnership has members relativlty easy to form or disolve suitabilty same as partnership flow through income and loss
s corp
limited liability taxed like partnership
max 100 shareholders
no non resident alien shareholdrs
flow through income and loss
c corp
corp is taxable entity shareholder risk limited to investment double taxation best for raising capital suitability is for entity, not shareholder
can grantor be trustee
simple vs complex trust
simple must distribute dni each year
simple trust cannot dsistribute principal
complex can
what is DNI
dividends, interest, etf besides reinvestment capital gains
testementary trust
grantor retains control until death.
trust irrevocable
does not reduce income or tax liability
durable poa
allows for making desicions for those unable to make decisions
expires when person dies
living will
end of life medical care requests
TOD and probate and taxes
avoids probate but not estate taxes
Totten trust
allowed for the transfer of ownership of a bank account beneficiary after owners death
revocable trust
gantor can also be trustee or bene income can go to grantors terms can be changed grantor responsible for tax assets remain in grantors taxable estate Among the benefits of a revocable trust is that the grantor (settlor) retains all control over the assets
irrevocable trust
trustee and bene cannot be the grantor
grantor can avoid income tax if distributed to benes(otherwise trust)
no longer considered in estate
Irrevocable life insurance trust. policy owned by someone other than inssured. when insured dies, proceeds to go owner of the policy. not apart of the estate
per stirpes
assets pass to decendents of deceased benes
means without a will. Administrator is assigned
A form of business organization that offers flow-through of income and loss while providing the owner(s) with limited liability is
S corp
JTWROS can’t
write checks in just one owners name