Videofluroscopic Assessment Flashcards
Exam 2
What is barium?
Barium sulfate is a radio-opaque compound that shows up during x-ray .
Describe, simply, a videofluoroscopic assessment.
Patients are positioned in an upright posture and drink and eat specific amounts of barium of different consistencies.
What are the two views that we conduct a videofluoroscopic exam at?
What are the two main purposes of conducting a videofluoroscopic exam?
Assess (impairments in) swallowing physiology
Evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic strategies
What does VFSS stand for?
Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study
Using barium sulfate, what kinds of different consistencies and volumes are used in the VFSS?
Thin liquids – 3cc., 5cc., 10cc., continuous sips (3 Oz)
Nectar thick/Honey thick liquids
If a patient cannot tolerate a thin liquid, what is the next step? Why?
Try a compensatory strategy. To keep the diet recommendation as least restrictive as possible.
Describe the penny’s purpose in this exam.
A penny is usually placed on the mastoid to measure hyoid movement.
If you have a patient who cannot tolerate ANY liquid consistencies (Thin, nectar, honey), what could you potentially do after that?
Nothing by mouth. Our bodies need both hydration and nutrition. They might require additional support.
What do you look for during a VFSS?
Oral preparation and oral transit time Initiation of swallowing – is it delayed or normal? Closure of velopharynx Closure of the epiglottis Retraction of the tongue base Elevation of the hyoid The opening of the UES Pharyngeal transit durations
What are the three most important compensatory strategies we will use?
Chin tuck
Head tilt
Head rotation
What postural change can help prolonged oral transit?
Head back
What postural change can help Delayed swallow initiation?
Chin tuck
What postural change can help Impaired tongue base retraction?
Chin tuck
What postural change can help Unilateral laryngeal dysfunction?
Head rotation to impaired side
What postural change can help Unilateral pharyngeal/pyriform sinus residue?
Head roation to impaired side
What postural cahnge can help Unilateral oral and pharyngeal weakness?
Head tilt to the unimpaired side.
What is the head tilt/head rotation rule?
A head tilt is always towards the stronger side.
A head rotation is always towards the weaker side.
When can you use a head tilt?
Vallecular reside and pyriform sinus reside
When can you use a head turn/rotation?
Pyriform sinus reside.
List two additional strategies for residue clearance.
Liquid wash
Repeat swallows
What three points were made about VFSS reports?
Report physiological abnormality and bolus flow correlates.
Better to start writing your report from the oral phase till the opening of the UES.
Quantify everything possible. E.g. Mildly delayed swallow initiation, moderate pyriform sinus residue.
What is NPO?
“Nil Per Os”
Latin for “Nothing by mouth”